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I'm not liking this at all.  It's similar to the transition that I've just made to Windows 8;  a completely unsatisfying, arbitrary change for no apparent reason .


I'm adjusting to windows 8; which is just plain user hostile.  I'm adjusting to a new version of the program; which I like, but has a learning curve.  And now I have to adjust to a new forum software which seems less capable, AND will eventually eliminate a very useful archive.


I'm feeling that change is inevitable, but not necessarily good.


I'm not seeing any upside to this change from a user standpoint. 

I agree, Just changed laptops and am stuck with Win 8. It seems to me that programmers can't help themselves. I fully understand the archive thing but was there an easier way for us the customers. I assume this was easier for the people at Chief. Maybe with more explanation we will ge the hang of it. At my age change is always a little difficult.   

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I'm not usually one who is resistant to change, but I'm finding lots of little things that seem less productive than the previous forum's tools. My latest gripe concerns the attached thumbnails and how they are navigated. Specifically I hate the new "flyout" tabs that take you to the previous and next images. "Prev" flies out in the upper left portion of the screen and "Next" flies out clear on the other side of the screen. Add to this that the close tab remains in the lower right hand corner and you have to wheel all over the screen. I've got a 30" monitor. That takes 24" to cross the screen and another 12" to 30" to get down to the close tab depending upon which side of the screen you start from. Do I qualify for frequent flier miles for my mouse travel? 




Well I guess one way to boost your post count is to reply to your own posts.


Live and learn. You can now scroll thru multiple thumbnails by using the left and right arrow keys. Something that was not available in previous forums. However I still think the mouse navigation is ill conceived.

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Is the helmet a metaphor for protection of us all hammering on you about the changes. It also seems that it take quite a bit longer for a post to get uploaded.


Ron Ravenscroft


No it was what I had on my facebook page. I'm not the one getting hammered on though. For the most part this is a marketing driven change so I can't take credit for the good or bad on the design of this forum.


Please keep giving feedback as that will help to make it better.

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Anybody know why my warning posts count is showing?  Zero is good, I guess.


Are they like speeding tickets?  Like, go away after a while, in your record?  Can a state trooper get my warning post count by scanning my license plate?


I had better just take cabs.

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what setting do i change to only get an email on the first new post, and not every single post...that is how the legacy forum inbox is under attack from this thread...I know I can stop following it, but something that I need to figure out for all forums...thanks.

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Oh fabulous another new Chief Forum.  (I vaguely recall the last time they did this, but that was a long long time ago)  Think what I'm going to miss more than a post count, because I'm more of a lurker than a participant, is my 20th century "born on" date 09-04-1999.  Now we all appear so new and green.

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By Gene

Anybody know why my warning posts count is showing?  Zero is good, I guess.


Are they like speeding tickets?  Like, go away after a while, in your record?  Can a state trooper get my warning post count by scanning my license plate?


I had better just take cabs.


I couldn't quote, as his post didn't have that option - why? No idea 

My questions - what are wraning post and if you have zero - why is it listed at all

Doesn't make sense to me

Tried to find the help section for this forum - but am at a loss where that can found

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Testing my new handle


How do you post an image in the signature file? Can't seem to find an icon to do so.


I see the old forum had an 'insert signature picture' button. No such thing that I can see on the new forum.


It's annoying to me that there is no advanced option on that editor.


I'll try to put together a good way to do this.



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