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About raltd9245

  • Birthday 09/30/1939

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    Phoenix, AZ
  • Interests
    My wife of 57 years
    My Work
    My Family
    especially our 5 Grand Children
    VERSION X13 moving to X14 soon
    laptop Overclocked RYZEN & nvidia GEFORCE RTX

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  1. Go to Help and type in ""build a flat roof" and chief gives U How to draw a cross section/Elevation Views.
  2. Go to Help and type in ""build a flat roof" and chief gives U How to draw a cross section/Elevation Views.
  3. like this where is the flat roof example!!!!
  4. How Come chiefs roof styles does not include a "FLAT ROOF"
  5. raltd9245


    I've looked all over for a Chaise Lounge for a out door deck can't find on anybody have suggestions Thank you Regards Ron Ravenscrof.t
  6. I am attempting to join two windows to corner windows with two hoppers below. I can join the fixed units without hoppers but when I add hoppers corner windows separarte. HELP!!!!
  7. I'm old school I do it by hand and draw rectangles.
  9. Now that there are so many of us that use Chief for commercial work cant CHIEF include this as a Door Frame Option. Its Long over Due. Does anyone else agree?? Hollow Metal Door Frame.pdf
  10. For some reason baring very bad marketing Chief will not recognize the fact that so of us use the software for COMMERCIAL WORK
  11. Morning, It is obvious to me that Chief is used for more than Residential work for many of us. One of my wishes is for Chief to incorporate Metal door Frames as a part of the program
  12. Yoda can you give me insight as how to use hollow metal door frames and show same on the plan.

    Thanks Ron Ravenscroft

  13. A BIG THANKS SOMETIMES AN 84 yo brain skips a beat