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  1. Past hour
  2. Don't think so, but if you take that elevation and create a CAD Detail from View, you an select/block/copy a CAD version of a thing back into the Elevation (copy/Paste Hold Position should still work in elevations for this), then even if something is obscured you can show the CAD outline of the thing. CAD Detail from View will just take whatever's on the screen, too, so if you just want the electrical components, switch to the All Off layer set, turn on just electrical, CAD Detail from View, copy everything in the detail, go back to the elevation and set it back to your normal section layerset, turn off electrical, and paste/hold position. Probably You'd want to open them and set them to a new Layer probably, too. Obviously this means they're no longer synced to the actual plan/model so you'll have to manually move these details should the plan change, but that'll get the style you're looking for.
  3. Yesterday
  4. I'm trying o make an elevation view that shows where outlets will be on the wall in relation to cabinetry or furniture and am trying to see if there is a way to show just the outline of a layer and not eh fill or materials, in vector view. I like vector view as the electrical components are highlighted in red. Glass house could work as well but then the electrical components are as grey as everything else. Even line drawing does not show what's behind the furnishing. Is there any way to make an object or layer display just it's outlines with no fills or materials? Or to make that layer translucent? See image: I can change the outline of the objects to be bright green, but cannot get rid of the fill, and replacing it with glass or air gap just makes it white.
  5. Typically tools are only inactive if they don't apply to the current view you're in. Look at the top of your view window, does it have the Floor Plan icon and say you're in some sort of "plan view"?
  6. I’m a new user, and I have created a floor plan with doors, windows, foundation, slab, and a roof. However, when I click on Create Orthographic View and the menu opens nothing is accessible or active. Is there a step I am not doing? Or does something need to be changed in the Default Settings? I appreciate any help.
  7. just gonna point out the reason for the confusion is Humble was using the Line Style "Show Length", which doesn't create an editable label. However it uses the CAD Formatting so it's easier to change its format. To that point, @HumbleChief, to change the format change it to %visible_length.to_s("'-\"")%
  8. Can you send a sample of your Mep work?
  9. I have reported this and will be happy when it's fixed. I was excited for this feature for sections but then disappointed that it's not working as expected.
  10. Nevermind..... long day. Just realized I was in the layout folders, and not the plan folders for this job.
  11. Did they change how notes are handled? According to all the online videos, the best practice is to put the Notes Schedules in a CAD Detail folder. When I try to do that, the schedules dropdown is greyed out and doesn't allow me to place a schedule in the folder. It works fine if I'm in floor plan view (or others), but that makes my drawings crowded with all the different schedules. Am I missing something? Using X15 version on this one
  12. I feel like this is a really dumb question but I am stumped. I am simply trying report the window elevation (or height) in a window schedule in inches only but no matter what I try, it won't do it. I have attached a screenshot of the window schedule. The last 3 columns are about the elevation (I want to end up with one). The third from the right is the bottom elevation as I used to use it. This column shows the measurement in the right format but it measures the elevation from the floor that the window is on. I'm trying to make a column that shows the distance from the 0 mark. So I created two additional columns and I can get the right elevation showing but no matter what I try, I can't get it to show it in inches only, like the format of the Bottom Elevation column. Any suggestions? Thanks in advance!
  13. Happy Friday... I have a random roof line on a lower level and can't figure out how to remove it. I also need to pull back the upper level floor at the stairwell; it doesn't follow the u-shape stairs as the program drew it. Attached are screen shots of my challenges. Thanks for all the help! Lisa
  14. i drop the second sink on the floor and drag it on the counter. keep sink top height as required. see att. file 656591496_DOUBLESINKVANITY.plan
  15. I was able to the the wall lengths to line up by drawing a room divider between them on the second floor and turning off the auto generate attic walls. Not sure if there is a better way though. BTW, using room dividers or invisible walls to align walls with others on the opposite side of a room can be a really good way to keep things lined up.
  16. Hello there, go to my profile and find my website, select contact us or leave a message on the number listed, I'll be happy to chat with you and see if I can be of help with your MEP's. Thank you,
  17. Not sure what you mean by "move function"? Are you not getting the move handle when you select the wall in a plan view? I was getting it and I can't think of a reason you might not. Or, are you asking about the "align wall" tool? You will only get the wall align tool when your walls are not aligned with one on the floor above/below and in your case they are so this tool won't show up.
  18. Try placing the sinks into the floor plan by themselves and then dragging them on top of the cabinet. You could also use two cabinets but personally I prefer the separate sinks. See if using cabinet "feet" work better than using a toekick.
  19. nevermind. it's been a while since I used this feature. It measures from the end of the line. or at least what I would consider the end relative to the temporary point I placed to initiate the command. I'll leave this up since I think it's an often overlooked feature. I saw Alaskan son using it once.
  20. Gene, Place Roof Plane Intersection Point. Click main roof plane, then click edge of roof plane you want to meet the main roof plane. It should place a temporary CAD point. Jim
  21. I used to be able to move a temporary point along a line a set distance or as a percentage of that line length. Now in X16 it just moves the point some random length.
  22. I don't do it often enough to remember. You're manually building and editing roofs, and you need that point where one roof edge intersects an adjacent plane.
  23. Maybe try?... Or import the dwg into Chief and make a terrain out of it. I opened your plan and it's not hard to do in Chief, at all. For vegetation export to TwinMotion? That's what I would do.
  24. Good morning, I'm trying to model this double sink vanity as one base cabinet: I've gotten this far, but am struggling a bit with the 2 sinks and toe kick: Have a couple of questions: 1) How do I place 2 sinks in the countertop? Seems to default to one smack in the middle. 2) How to do an open cabinet base (no kick panel) so that you can see the tile wall base beyond? Thanks again, Jim DOUBLE SINK VANITY.plan
  25. sir, i offer MEP drafting service and interested for the job you have published. work sample available and would love to share for further discussion. also please share sample of work type you needed if available. Thank You
  26. I have run into this several times and the offset tool does not work as well as in ACAD. Or, to be more blunt, it is borderline useless for complex shapes. There are some free versions of ACAD emulators where you could try it as an export since it is an easy polyline to export/import. But, if just for this shape it might not be worth the time.
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