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Everything posted by BenPalmer

  1. If I'm understanding your explanation and thinking through the geometry in my mind, it should be possible by doing steeper pitches on the long side (or shallower pitches on the short side). For better answers, posting a plan is always recommended.
  2. There is no room defined there. The very left (gable) wall is currently defined as a 'no definition' 'attic wall'. Change that to a standard wall (uncheck attic wall, no room definition and no locate) and it will create the room definition that you can manipulate further. Hope that helps.
  3. And, to add to Gary's comments, you could do the entire roof automatically if you set your ceiling's correctly in the main building, and turn on "roof over this room" in the separate mechanical room.
  4. John's suggestion is the best solution for now...may have to tweak manually...or drawing it manually would be pretty fast...can quickly modify any of the initial auto roofs pretty quickly.
  5. The left patio (railing) wall needs to align with Bed 3 wall..moving that patio wall to align with the framing layer of bed 3 fixes it.
  6. Welcome to Chief Architect. I'm 'guessing' you are referring to Chief Architect's 'Home Designer' software since you reference 'Pro 2024'? If so, there is a separate forum for that software series found here: And various training vids for Pro 2024 found here that you can explore and find what you need: However, if you are referring to to Chief Architect Premier, then you are in the right place in which I would still recommend watching Chief's excellent training videos. For layer management, including making and renaming layers these videos are a good start: Beyond that, you can explore more advanced videos in the library. Hope that helps.
  7. Depending on the exact look you are can either add grids/lites to the window through the window dialogue, or create individual windows and mull/block them together.
  8. This will typically use more computer resources, so I try to avoid it, but certainly an option.
  9. The desktops are nice and I use them (Windows 11), albeit a little differently than you. I've created keyboard macro shortcuts for the multiple keys you mentioned to cycle through the desktops quickly. (I wish they cycled in a loop, and also wish they displayed on the taskbar which desktop you are in...there are 3rd party apps that get close). For reference, I have 4 monitors. To accomplish what you want, pull the tabbed project out of chief into a new window, then move that new window into the desired desktop(s)....this is accomplished by pulling up the desktop view of all desktops (click on the desktop icon) then right click on the window you want to move and chose which desktop you want it moved to, or put it on multiple desktops. I just tested it and works well without any errors since it is basically one instance of chief open with multiple tabs and those tabs are put in whatever desktop(s) you desire. I organize my desktops by business needs. Desktop for "Design" where I have Chief and other design resources open Desktop for "Office": emails, browsers, finance software, etc Desktop for "Presentation" where I have a clean setup for both in person meetings and virtual meetings sometimes I'll delete this one and recreate it just for the meeting so i don't have to cycle through it It works nice to be able to get rid of the 'office' stuff while designing....eliminates distraction. Let me know if that answered your question or if I didn't explain it well and if it works for you.
  10. This is how it opens for me...looks like you fixed it.
  11. Your supplied Chief file is empty. This is typically a result of zipping the file while the file/plan is open. Close the plan, then zip and upload.
  12. Simply import the necessary information into the plans. Go to File>Import to see the options and experiment. I typically import: Default Sets, Layer Sets, Default Settings, Saved Plan Views. You can also import Wall Definitions if needed. Anything you need beyond that can typically be copied or modified within the plan. Hope that helps. I have plans all the way back to version 8 (.pl1, .ca1)...and while plans that old can take a little more work, it is still better/faster to import than to start over. Your plans, coming from X12 and newer, should be pretty straight forward.
  13. I think it has something to do with Soffits...if you turn those off I think it gets rid of it, but depending on other settings such as Boxed Eaves, turning soffits off will change the look of your Eaves in Camera, so be aware of what is happening there before you fully commit to it. Might need to do some experimenting with it. I'm going off memory, haven't looked it hopefully I'm steering you in the right direction.
  14. Look at the "Roof, Overhang Area" layer and see if that gets you what you want.
  15. Best guess?...something to do with the referencing...either from another floor or another plan.?
  16. For the boxed eaves, unchecking 'flush eave' should fix it. As far as your random walls, I can't speak to that without seeing your process. The only walls Chief creates automatically are attic walls (and island rooms). Since those aren't attic walls, they were likely drawn by you, or changed from attic walls to normal walls at some point....or possibly some as-built walls since it looks like there used to be a room there...?? all guesses of course.
  17. Per the plan I attached and notated above, it's the wall you have extended past the rooms that is causing the problem...delete it beyond the rooms and it will work cause the attic wall to act properly. As mentioned, in follow up post, just some clean up of the model will make thinks work as expected. I haven't had an offending attic wall like that before, but I keep my models pretty clean by not having extra walls and keeping all roofs connected without overlap, etc. Hope that helps.
  18. Yes, good point...several things to clean up, which are contributing...
  19. Attached plan with notes on how to
  20. Separate plan files....I few reasons come to mind off the top of my head: revisions for each building and the design process with the customer municipalities typically require separate submittals, so easier to create those with separate files roof creation: might need slightly different styles or roofs for each structure...and auto vs manual roofs, etc site plan: can move them easier on the site independently if want to experiment with locations terrain ...other reasons i'm not thinking of
  21. Same here...maybe an extension causing the issue??
  22. Number Style...bottom left hand corner of the screen shot you sent.
  23. Not 'way off' zero...I always start centered on it, but naturally during the design process, it will get offset from it some what. So, if centered on zero, then reverse plan works great, but I'm never perfectly centered on it, but typically within 5-20'. As far as terrain, my properties are flat and rectangular, so no issues with adjustments there, but reverse plan makes it off centered as it doesn't rotate with reverse plan, but adjusts perfectly with 'edit area'. Thanks for exploring the options with me, I wanted to see if I missed a change with an upgrade....seems to be working the same it always has. Perhaps a feature upgrade would be to have 'reverse plan' prompt how to reverse it...on zero or on models center. Thanks again for the feedback.
  24. @rgardner thanks for the feedback...I just tried the 'reverse plan' tool in X15 in the .plan file and it still mirrors offset and doesn't reverse terrain, camera offsets, etc. When using 'edit area' and setting the reflect point at dead center of the project, none of those issues come up. ...let me know what I'm missing. I'm all for using the best tool available.