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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Also try Preferences>Reset Options>Reset Side Windows
  2. Place a plain text box and then place the address in the Link panel. But obviously that is not going to work in the con doc - it will only work in the Chief plan file when you click on Follow Hyperlink on the Edit toolbar.
  3. I did this one using a 3D Solid. Filleted the appropriate corners, exploded, applied copies of the tile material to each face and then adjusted each faces material Offset to get the grout lines to line up and create the bullnose tiles. Select All, Make Architectural block or Symbol.
  4. You can also draw the terrain on level zero. That way, only your foundation walls influence the terrain cut out - changes to your level 1 walls will not affect the terrain cut out. ie, you can leave Auto Build Terrain toggled on.
  5. Open Cad Block Management and scroll through the entries to see if any of them contain SP - it looks like it belongs to an electrical item.
  6. I had a play with your plan and could not get the layers to reverse. The only thing I could think of that would cause that behaviour is the Auto Reverse Wall Layers setting, but even changing that setting did not cause the wall layers to reverse.
  7. My advice is to use auto roofs for a simple roof like that - maybe you are already using auto? There should be no need to use roof groups. Post the plan - it will be something simple.
  8. Yes, I get this as well. The setting "Hide Chief Architect While Capturing" minimises the Chief window, but then just "sees through" any other open apps to capture the desktop. I now mostly use the built in mac screen capture Shift+Command+4 to capture a portion of the screen. There are other key combinations to capture windows, menus, etc.
  9. I hate to contradict tech support, but I don't think that is correct. Try going here and turning on the Floor Surfaces layer, Walls,Normal.........etc. In the preview pane, make sure Back Clip Preview is toggled off. I also noticed that you are using real world heights in the Absolute Elevations section. Although this seems to work OK, i always try and avoid that method and I think it may come back to bite you on the bum at a later date. I think it is better to use the Absolute Heights in relation to floor level 0 and then control the terrain height by the Subfloor Height Above Terrain setting. Anyway...see how you go, all may be OK and if you find things going wonky, you may know where to look. Keep your eye open for walls that want to build all the way down to zero height.
  10. I had a bit of a play and had trouble also. And yes, the cad blocks are also troublesome. For a start, you will not get any elevation data without a terrain. So, the first thing to do is to create a terrain by either by importing the lot extents (the problem is that I don't think the lot extents are a closed polyline) or drawing the terrain in your plan before importing any terrain data. I think it would be best just importing the contour lines and then tracing over them with Elevation Lines/Splines - you could have had it done by now. That is the way I do it in almost every case like this.
  11. You could probably do that by specifying Inserts Into Wall. This gives you the option of making any shaped hole you want. You can also specify the depth of the hole into the wall.
  12. Preferences>Appearance>Minimum Display Size>....try zero
  13. Use a Place Point (a pink X) not a Point Marker (a black +) to rotate about. And make sure it is the current point.
  14. You should do some research and find out what the baseline height is.
  15. If you are raising roof planes wouldn't you need the top plate and walls to raise as well, otherwise, what is the roof going to bear on? If you increase the Baseline height, Chief will raise the roof and auto build attic walls on top of the standard top plates/ceiling heights. If you want to avoid manually editing the roof planes or build auto roof (which I suggest you use) you can change the default roof height in the roof defaults at Raise/Lower From Ceiling Height setting.
  16. In the Plan defaults you can specify if you want the Living Area label to be measured to Main Layer or Surface. If there is any doubt, the manual or auto adjustable polyline is the way to go.
  17. I would suggest that you use the auto roof tools.
  18. Yes Larry, it can be done auto. Have a look at the attached plan. There are quite a few settings including making the small room Roof Group 1 and deleting your gable lines, breaking the long wall at the small room, etc...... Let me know if you can't find all the settings and I will run through them all. This is all auto: GLENN 1183495242_GABLEWALLLIONE.plan
  19. Interior Trim is for an internal stair. Decks-Walks for an external stair. Make sure you have stringers specified for the stair. You may have to specify Custom Stringers
  20. HD has Transform Replicate that you can use to rotate and then Point to Point Move.
  21. The Inserts Into Wall option can be very helpful.
  22. There are at least 2 ways to do that type of opening that I can think of off the top of my head. You can use the Inserts Into Wall option for a symbol. Just hide the symbol. There is a tool on the Edit toolbar for editing the size and shape of the opening. This isn't strictly true. You can have 2 walls occupying the same space as long as one of them is designated as No Room Definition.
  23. Or, another way.... you can convert a circle to a Molding Polyline and apply a custom molding that you have drawn.
  24. You could also turn on "Display Angle" for the polyline.