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Everything posted by glennw

  1. More like this? You may not have the tools in Home Designer. I don't think you can edit trusses. Why not draw then with poly solids for the truss members and then block them to make a truss. On a simple shed design like that it shouldn't take long.
  2. I haven't been following this thread in detail but do you know you can Shift select a stair flight and set it's parameters independently of the joined flights?
  3. You really need to change your floor pan to build that roof correctly without the little roof. The roof is built correctly according to your plan and ceiling heights constraints. I did this with auto roofs, but I had to make the 2 front rooms smaller to achieve it.
  4. You cannot sell your V12 if it was upgraded to X13. You should check this out with Chief Architect before proceeding.
  5. Christina, I am not sure that that face has anything to do with the symbols I posted. They do have faces that are consistent with the style of the figures though - especially with shadows toggled on. The textures are from way back and I can longer retrieve them. I find they work great with just a single color applied to each material - I don't even assign textures to them. Here is a .plan file containing the figures incase it helps and some closeups of the faces. 3D people.plan
  6. What I do in that situation (in fact I do it in all my plans) is to draw the Terrain larger than the lot(s) and then draw the lots using a thin Terrain feature - which will follow the contour of the terrain. This allows me to then easily place things like roads outside of the lots.
  7. Joey, It looks like you are using both sequential and simultaneous shortcuts. L, is sequential (even though it is a single key). SHIFT+L is simultaneous W,E and W,I are sequential That is all quite normal and expected behaviour. Try assigning the single key W to a shortcut and see what happens. Try assigning L,I to a shortcut (say, DRAW LINE, and see what happens). Just as a heads up... You can use a combination of both sequential and simultaneous key presses for shortcuts - but that would mean that the shortcuts are pretty hard to remember and execute and I can't see this being practical. But then, I can't see the benefit of using any Simultaneous shortcuts. eg: L,⇧I,2
  8. Kyle, The mac shouldn't make a difference. What do you mean by "all key". How are you entering the sequential shortcuts - what happens?
  9. Chief, please don't do this, or at least make it an option. I really don't want to hit the spacebar to get a shortcut to work.
  10. Renee, When you say "combination keys only", do you mean simultaneous or sequential?
  11. Alan, You must be really special - I can't get that to work. It shouldn't work - what is the secret?
  12. This is the way sequential hot keys have always worked and it is the only way thaey can work when you think about it.
  13. More likely to be View>Arc Centers and Ends or same thing at Default Settings>CAD>General Cad>Options. Note that these work on a floor by floor basis.
  14. I find these 3D people work better than a silhouette. 3D people.calibz
  15. You can also get to that setting through Build>Roof>Edit All Roof Planes>Pitch In Degrees
  16. Kitchen cupboards are one thing I don't have.
  17. I have some Ikea libraries. Is there any particular items you are after?
  18. So I guess in the real world, you wouldn't use cables as they won't follow the curve. You would need to use solid round rod which would have to be curved to match the stair.
  19. Eric, Exactly what I was going to suggest - pushing out the walls under the gables to give them a reason to be there and have better junctions between the gables and the hip roofs. I would probably increase the pitch of the roofs over the front porch to make it more of a feature.
  20. I am guessing that you have changed the pitch of the various roofs to make their ridges the same height. I would commonly not work like that - although there is nothing to stop you designing a roof system using different roof pitches as you have done. In this case I would normally build all the roofs the same pitch (say, 8), and then steepen up the roof that joins the front and back porches to, say 12. It is a good idea to approach the whole design holistically (floor plan and roofs together) instead of designing the floor plan and then trying to force a roof on top. If you can do it, you can control the ridge heights by the width of the building at various locations. Similarly for the rear porch/dining room area, I would try and avoid that nearly flat roof. Similar philosophy if you are wanting cathedral ceilings - you then need to consider them at an early stage. The gable on the front right looks really awkward to me - too steep and doesn't relate to the windows. I will play around a bit more.
  21. I am happy to help with your auto roof. Can you post a floor plan and also post a roof plan indicating roof pitches and where gables occur - this can be a simple cad drawing or hand drawn sketch. Are all areas the same ceiling height?
  22. I would let auto roofs do their work on what is really a simple roof. Learn how to set the roof directives in the walls. A lot easier doing this and you won't have to go around and fix these sorts of problems.