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  1. Im sorry it is not easy to exsplain. Here is what im refering to. How do you open your notes?
  2. Joe, I think it has something to do with the way I have the section layers setup becasue the callout size in the section should match the callout size in the schedule. That is the way it is in the other plan I have.
  3. When I make the column size bigger this is what happens This is from another plan that I did and so I know it can be done.
  4. I cant figure out how to make these calout labels in the schedule bigger so I can read them. When I did make them bigger it change the callout size for them on the section view and I dont want that. Any help would be appreciated
  5. We haven’t been able to do the demo yet. I have been busy, and it is hard to get with them.
  6. Im still on the search. I will look into all of the last three idea's that came through on Wednesday. Thank's guy's!!!
  7. Im doing a demo with the "ArcSite" software today. Its seems to be the closet to what Im looking for so I will check it out and let you all know where I land. Thanks for the input
  8. I don’t remember having this issue in the past. When I move the upper wall cabinet to the ceiling, the crown molding goes through the drywall. I know I can set the height of the cabinet but is there a way the crown can just snap to the drywall surface when I move it up?
  9. This is a nice program and you can set wall thicknesses. But I need to learn more about it and it can be exspensive but it is what Im looking for. I only want to do a floor plan and put wondows and doors in it and be able to make notes. I want something I can draw on my "Ipad pro 11" and then transfer the line drawing to Chief. Even if I can transfer it that would be ok. I just dont want to take my computer out to the site and I dont care about blutooth measuring devises. https://www.arcsite.com/
  10. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could download Chief to IPad
  11. Those are all good ways to do it. I also found that adding 10% to the square footage gives me an appropriate number for waste.
  12. I don’t care so much about 3D. I just want something to do asbuilt floor plans in the field. I like clean lines and easy to read.