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    Orford, Quebec
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    Interior designer residential, small commercial

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  1. Thank you very much for your time Ben. Like you said, I can still watch the videos with an other browser or on Youtube.
  2. Hello Ben, I set Multiprocess and cleared the Browser Console as you suggested. Here is what I got after a few minutes on the video page after that. I am not used with the browser console so I don't understand what all that means. You are surely better than me in understanding all that. I will show this print screen to the Firefox support, but until now, you have been more helpful than them. Thank you
  3. Sorry for the confusion. I mean it works well with Chrome and Edge, but not with Firefox.
  4. Ben I have the same plugins installed and nothing else. The last updates are from July 30, but the issue came from long ago. Thanks again!
  5. Kbird the link works well with Edge and Chrome, but not with Firefox. Thanks for the help!
  6. Hi Ben, I am sorry for the delay, I was on vacation. When I go to the network tab, I get the first row indicating a blocked request. Then a series of repeating requests that never seems to end. The video seems to start loading ans then stops for an unknown reason. In 10 minutes, I got something like 1700 requests. Thanks again for the help
  7. Yes, there is something! But it's in French. I can translate for you`: -"La mise en page a été forcée avant le chargement complet de la page. Si les feuilles de style ne sont pas encore chargées, cela peut provoquer un flash de contenu non stylisé." -"The layout was forced before the page fully loaded. If the style sheets are not loaded yet, it can cause a flash of unstylized content." -"Certains cookies utilisent incorrectement l’attribut recommandé « SameSite »" -"Some cookies incorrectly use the recommended attribute "SameSite" -"InstallTrigger est obsolète et sera supprimé prochainement." -"InstallTrigger is deprecated and will be removed soon And when I unfold the second point, thI get this: -"Le cookie « _ga » n’a pas de valeur d’attribut « SameSite » appropriée. Bientôt, les cookies dont l’attribut « SameSite » est manquant ou défini avec une valeur invalide seront traités comme « Lax ». Cela signifie que le cookie ne sera plus envoyé dans des contextes tiers. Si votre application dépend de la disponibilité de ce cookie dans de tels contextes, veuillez lui ajouter l’attribut « SameSite=None ». Pour en savoir plus sur l’attribut « SameSite », consultez https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite" -"The cookie '_ga' does not have an appropriate 'SameSite' attribute value. Soon, cookies with the "SameSite" attribute missing or set with an invalid value will be treated as "Lax". This means that the cookie will no longer be sent to third-party contexts. If your application depends on the availability of this cookie in such contexts, please add the "SameSite=None" attribute to it. To learn more about the "SameSite" attribute, see https://developer.mozilla.org/docs/Web/HTTP/Headers/Set-Cookie/SameSite" I hope this will help! Thank you!
  8. Jim, Yes, I have the latest version, 128.0.3 I also tested the videos with Firefox for Android and Chrome and it works fine. This is really strange. Thanks for the reply.
  9. Hi, Firefox won't play the tutorial videos directly from CA's site. But the same video on Youtube plays well. Ex: "Preparing a plan for the 3D Viewer" Has anyone already had this problem? I am also looking to fix that with the Mozilla forum, but didn't find the solution yet. I have already cleared the cache, even uninstalled and reinstalled Firefox, and deleted all the extensions. So if possible, any suggestion from here will be very appreciated. Thanks in advance!
  10. Thank you Greg. I forgot about disconnecting the molding section. It didn't ended with what I was expecting. So I ended by filling the molding end ant the hole in the ceiling with a 3D solids. Thank a lot for your answer! It will be useful for the next time.
  11. Thanks for your answer Michael. I realize I didn't send the right image. I want the crown molding to stop at the corner, not going into the shower. The shower floor is actually a step up due to the1st floor staircase under it. So it is limited with invisible walls. When I move the invisible wall to align it with the shower wall, I get a king of floor step around the corner. And when I move the wall inward to eliminate that corner step, I get a hole in the ceiling and a cut molding. I would like molding to end at the corner and the shower floor to be flush with the wall. Also, the backdrop intensity was causing that light under the cabinet even if the "Use backdrop image when available" was not checked on. I set that intensity from 2000 to 200 and there is no more light. I attached an image of the plan that might help and the corrected 3Ds Thanks a lot!
  12. Hi! In this bathroom renovation I have this hole in the ceiling and the crown molding peering into the raised floor shower. I can set back the invisible wall in the cabinet direction to shorten the molding and fill the hole in the ceiling. But when I do that, I get the shower floor wrapping around the corner. What am I doing wrong? Thanks in advance P.S. It would also be great if I could turn off the lighting under the cabinet's corner.I tried turning the pendant light off with no success. (roof and foundation are built)
  13. Can anyone tell me where I can find the email address for the tech support please. I've been looking for it but coudn't find anything. Or else, is ther any way I could tag the tech support on this post? Thanks in advance!
  14. SHCanada2, I will do that. Thank you!