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Everything posted by glennw

  1. In the Materials List panel of the materials dbx change the Materials List Calculation to Area.
  2. Have a play with the Size settings and see if it helps. Are Auto Height and Auto Width checked in the defaults and the text dbx?
  3. Post the plan for further help.
  4. Preferences>Architectural>Roofs>Automatically Place Roof Intersection Points
  5. If you create your notes before creating the schedule, the notes will be sorted alpha numerically according to the label. If you have already created the schedule before creating the notes, they will be added to the bottom of the schedule in the order you create them. So if you already have your notes and a schedule created, delete the schedule and create a new one - it will be sorted alphanumerically.
  6. On the left hand side you need to increase the pitch of the 2 roofs So that the ridge is the same height as the main roof. On the right hand side you need to move the wall break and the pitch of the roofs (if you want these roofs to be the same height as the main roof. Once to start mixing different roof pitches you will also need to decide if you want the same eave overhang or the same eave height. In this case it would be better to post the plan because a small error in any of the settings could mean that the roof will not work as you want it to.
  7. You firstly have to ask the right question.
  8. Easily doable with a couple of clicks. Have a look in the help file for Structural Member Reporting. You can choose between Cut List, Buy List, Linear Length and Mixed Reporting.
  9. Are you initially seeing only the outside of the perimeter of the building hi-lighted, or are you seeing the whole floor plan hi-lighted?
  10. Larry, I am not sure I follow your logic. And at the risk of confusing us all, why wouldn't you include a level 0 with a mono slab in your default template? That is how I have mine set up. It's free, so why not let Chief supply the mono slab foundation?
  11. Are you looking for a hotkey, toolbar button, arrow keys, mouse drag, scroll bars..? Have you looked in the help file under Panning The Display?
  12. Perhaps "virtual" is the wrong word to use, but that is what we called them way back when.... This behaviour doesn't only apply to mono slabs:
  13. Larry, A "real" mono slab is what it says - a proper mono slab built on the foundation floor and usually supplying the floor for the floor above: A "virtual" mono slab is one automatically supplied by Chief when there is no foundation floor level to supply the floor for the floor above. All I did was delete the level 0 (Foundation floor level) and Chief auto builds these slabs. These are "virtual" mono slabs:
  14. Larry, I can see that you get frustrated with Chief's methodology of rooms and I know that you express that view on a regular basis. And you probably don't appreciate me telling you that you are overthinking it and making it harder than it really is. All I can do is explain how I do it and hope that you get it. I would be happy to do a zoom session if you think it would help. In the mean time, forget about the level zero and slabs and slab rooms, etc. You don't need to do anything on level zero - that will all get sorted once you turn on auto mono slabs. The floor and ceiling heights are set on level 1. When you enter the Floor height in Absolute Elevations, try changing the Stem Wall Top to the same height as the Floor height and take note of what is set to default to better see what is happening. The big mistake I saw you make was that you were setting the ceiling height in the Relative Heights section. If you go back and read my post, you will notice I say to set the Absolute Ceiling Height - not the Relative ceiling height. From your video: You don't have a "room within a conrete slab" - you have a room with a concrete floor. You don't even need a foundation to step the floor - you can delete the foundation all together and Chief will build a "virtual" slab so that you have floor to the rooms.
  15. Divide the building into bays (where you want the steps) with Room Divider walls. Set the floor level of each bay as needed. Define the Absolute Ceiling Height the same for each bay - I am assuming you want the same height ceiling for the whole building Auto rebuild roofs. This will give you a floor that steps at each bay, a level ceiling throughout the whole building and eave and roof heights the same for the whole building.
  16. You can use the settings to size and locate the jamb on the Jamb panel. For the door, you may be able to use Recessed Into Wall>Recessed>To Main Layer. But it will depend on your wall definition and how it effects other things. You can create a wall with a main layer and a sheathing layer - make the joint line between the wall layers, the invisible line type so that the wall just looks like a full single layered wall. Then use the Recessed option - you can control the recess distance by the thickness of the sheathing/main layer thicknesses.
  17. An easy way to do this is by using Reset To Defaults...
  18. Hi Cherel, I am in Sydney - northern beaches. I can probably help you. I will send you a private message with my phone number.
  19. One way quick way to track down the difference between multiple objects is to group select the objects and open the dbx. Any settings that are the same will have a tick in the button. Any settings that are different will have a horizontal bar in the button. So, in this case, copy the wall from the old plan and paste into the new plan. Select the old wall along with a new wall and open the dbx.
  20. What is so different about an ICF brick ledge?
  21. Auto Exterior Dimensions will dimension to opening centres.
  22. As a default try: Default Settings>3D View Defaults>3D Views>Auto Rebuild Walls/Floors/ceilings Or as a one off try: Build>Floor>Auto Rebuild Walls/Floors/ceilings
  23. Try Default Settings>Walls>Room Divider>Structure>Platform Intersections>Invisible Walls and Railings: Generate Between Platforms
  24. Guess 1: Have a look for Wall Coverings in the wall dbx. Guess 2: Go to the Materials panel of the wall dbx, select the appropriate wall surface, Select Material, select Use Default Material.