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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Invisible walls to enclose the bottom of the stair along with the Winders option may do it. You can then hide the invisible walls
  2. Mick, To be more accurate I think that should read the Snap distance is also the Arrow Keys "move" distance. (I am a bit of a pedant) Tip: This is true even if Use Snap Grid/Units is toggled off. Also, if an existing off grid object is dragged/moved or drag/copied, it will NOT snap to the grid. Instead, it will be moved or be copied according to the snap grid setting and remain off the grid. Newly placed objects will snap to the grid.
  3. I didn't spend too much time going through posts and videos in great detail - they are just too long, but a few things did stand out. The reason you had so much trouble locating dimensions and lines in the first video was that you didn't have any snaps turned on. You need snaps so that objects can locate accurately. If you are working to a tolerance of 1/8", I would leave grid snaps on and set to that value. By all means get rid of the reference grid. The dashed lines you could not select in the second video are Ceiling Break Lines that indicate where a ceiling changes from flat to sloping - a good indication that your model is not correct because shouldn't have those lines there. I am intrigued as to why you think it is necessary to have copies of all your dbx settings in OneNote? I suggest that you get some one on one training to help you get familiar with the program and speed up your work flow. That house from start to finish should take about half an hour to complete (or 45 minutes if I was being generous). How much time do you think you have spent on it already?
  4. Open the dbx for the Deck room>Structure panel>Floor>Planks, Joists>Edit>select layer 2 - Redwood Framing>Structure. Check Framing.
  5. Have a look at Preferences>Appearance>Minimum Display Size>Dimensions
  6. Yes, you can import room types from another plan. The imported room types will be added to the existing plans room types. Try File>Import Default Settings>select a plan file>check Room Types.
  7. One really bad thing about the new panoramic background controls is there is no preview of the changes made in the dbx. You can adjust the background settings in the dbx but you then have to exit the dbx to see the results. If things aren't as you want, you have to open the dbx again, adjust the controls, exit the dbx to see the results.... We really need to see a graphical dynamic preview as the settings are changed. I really hope this is included in the final release of X14.
  8. Are you using Backup Entire Plan with the zip option?
  9. I am not sure that tech support would help as it is not a program problem - more a training thing.
  10. To confirm that both roof planes are identical, select them both at the same time and open the dbx. Any different settings will have either No Change or a horizontal bar in the selection box (or whatever it is called).
  11. It looks like the dashed line types are in Preview, not Chief. They look like solid lines in Chief. Is that correct?
  12. You need to move your top Custom Plasterboard wall layer up to separate it from the main layer.
  13. David, You got the hinged door OK, but not the garage door. All done with a standard Chief door. This will get you going on the garage door. If you don't check All Glass, only one panel has glass (third panel up from the bottom). The size of the lights in the garage door is completely configurable:
  14. Diane, You can do those in X12 using the standard Chief door tool - same as X14.
  15. See my reply in your other duplicate post
  16. You can get pretty close using the door dbx.
  17. That looks like it is from a Chief library. First off, it is not a symbol, it is an architectural block. Create a Terrain and place the basketball court on the terrain. You wont get the lines or court to display without a terrain because the lines are Road Markings and need the terrain to work. Select the basketball court architectural block and explode it using Explode Architectural Block tool on the Edit toolbar. You can then edit the various Road Markings and court size. The baskets and posts are 3D symbols that are contained in the architectural block so you can select them and use the normal symbol editing tools on them. I have only done part way in this pic to give you an idea.
  18. Chopsaw, It has been a while since I edited trusses and you may be correct with respect to new framing members. I am pretty sure that copying existing framing members that make up the truss works OK.
  19. In a Truss Detail Window you can edit the existing framing members, copy, etc. These members are General framing members, so if you need a new member you can use a General Framing member. Editing the end shape of a member is a bit cumbersome but can be done by using framing members or a cad line to shape the end of another - use the Trim and Extend commands to do this. If you want to get 2 or more profiles for the end shaping, you need to use 2 framing members to trim to. Whatever changes you make in the truss detail should still only report as a whole truss in the ML.
  20. Some users may want that functionality - to align objects to the grid for instance. You can adjust the Maximum Bump Distance in Preferences (this will affect all objects) so that you don't have to drag as far to overcome the bumping. Or you can use the Ctrl key to temporarily overcome bumping. Or you can toggle bumping/pushing on/off with a hotkey or tool bar icon.
  21. This setting only applies to images and pictures Have you tried: 1. View>Color 2. Cross Section/Elevation camera>General>Show Color 3. Do you have colors assigned to the appropriate layers for the cross section.
  22. It works OK for me. Maybe check your dimension defaults, especially the Locate settings.
  23. A single Running Dimension might do it. You can have any arrow type you want.
  24. Larry, In the Save As Plan Template dbx that you are aprehensive of checking anything, this may help: Think of the wording to say "Do Not Include" instead of "Delete All" or "Delete Unused" which sound a bit scary. This is telling Chief not to include any checked items in the new template plan - Chief is only deleting those items from the new template plan. It will not make any changes to your existing template plan.
  25. Larry, You are half way there. Configure the Material List Polyline/Area with the fill and other defaults you want. Use the Material List Polyline tool to draw your filled polyline. Note that this doesn't create a ML until you select the polyline and click Build ML... on the Edit toolbar. So you can either leave it at that or convert the ML Polyline to a plain polyline. You can also go the other way and draw a plain polyline and then convert it to a Materials List polyline which will display as per your ML polyline defaults.