Why Are Parts Of The Frieze Board On A Gable Roof Missing?


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Hello Everybody! I have a gable roof with a 4" frieze board. Part of the frieze board is missing and I'm not sure what is causing this. I have re-drawn the roof planes and it still happens. Any suggestions on how to fix this? I have attached an image to show everybody the area of concern. Thanks for all help!!


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Please excuse my ignorance.....but who is Brian?

Who is Brian?  Are you kidding?   You do not know the Great Brian Beck....  one of the programmers of this program,  the overseer of all things messed up,  the guru of all gurus.........  he is a guy who sits in a little cubicle fixing things that are messed up......  darn,  I am not sure what email you should use,  if interested in reporting issues,  please call CA and they will probably give you the email to report issues to.

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This is a long shot, picked this up from "jon"...There may be what's called z-fighting going on between the molding and the siding. It just means that the images are competing to be the top "visual" layer.

Try this, it may work...In the "Cad" drop down, select "Edit Active Camera", and then in dbx see attached...


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  • 1 month later...

I constantly have disappearing Frieze boards.  It is SOOO frustrating!  It almost always happens when there is a porch roof below.  I have tried almost every trick in the book, but obviously there is a trick I am still missing. :(

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  • 3 weeks later...

Make sure all your roof plane lines are straight, if they are just a little off, things just get messed up. Also re-join all the roof planes to one another. Might help.


I have had success with Perry's method for the frieze on a horizontal eave, but not the gable. It comes and goes randomly as I work on the model. So to fix it before your done is a waste of time. But it would be nice to have it be consistent.


Picture: The center gable had the foundation wall extend to the roof at one time and has not been right since I corrected it. The small gable to the left was fine until I edited the window size and head height. But I have several more of these in the model.


I would gladly send this plan in to TS - Brian if I could get an email.


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