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Everything posted by DavidJPotter

  1. Try your Yellow Pages for where the home is to be constructed for a state licensed structural Engineer and share with them using AutoCAD exported views of the plan and elevation views. DJP
  2. I can help you but I charge by the hour...let me know. DJP
  3. In an elevation camera view it and every other camera view and plan view each has their own "Display Options" dialog where in the plan view or camera view named layers can individually be checked ON or OFF. Your Wall Layer Names layer is obviously ON in the Display Options dialog for that view you are sharing. DJP
  4. I agree with "DB" in that temporary dimensions are programmed to do what they do and I know of no way to reprogram them. So what you can do is to study the Dimension Defaults you DO have and work with those as intended (programmed) . What is there gives you lots of elbow room for customization within its basic programming: it is up to you to learn that programming, controlling and custom use. DJP
  5. You can uninstall - reinstall your print drivers making sure you have the latest ones and see if that helps. Your driver should offer the various print sizes via a dropdown menu in its dialog. DJP
  6. Of course not, until you successfully create something one travels from unknowingness to then knowingness or competence. Every one has to do this, to walk this hill. You have lots of free resources (Chief, YouTube, and other sites with helpful videos). Take it a piece at a time: first go to the Chief website and "search" using the term "curved roof" to start. Sudy the results and then create a useful product then on to the next needed items till you obtain your desired effects. DJP
  7. Unless you have set up "Auto Rebuild Framing" you thereafter must manually reorder framing to be rebuilt after making 3D changes like adding wall penetrations like windows and doors. DJP
  8. In an elevation camera you can draw temporary CAD lines that you can precisely dimension and use to locate the column's centers as you wish. DJP
  9. Practice altering the indicated fields in the active camera's dialog box. DJP
  10. Older versions of Chief export to whatever was up to date when that version was released in terms of AutoCAD. I know NOTHING about REVIT. I have been doing this job for over thirty years. I commonly just export the .dwg as a "R 14" .dwg and never had any complaints from others. DJP
  11. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/search/?default_tab=all&q=print+to+scale&page=1 check these help articles and videos. DJP
  12. Have you started this plan in Chief Architect yet? Why not post a copy of that too? I can and will help but there is no reason to abandon your work to date. DJP
  13. Your .plan file appears to have been created in old X 12 which not many are still actively using. Part of my business model is supporting older software (I have Chief 7-X16) on my PC. It is not clear to me exactly what your question is, can you add more detail? DJP
  14. Check the "view" menu - "Toolbars" as a starting point. DJP
  15. A coupla of causes: you did not make the carport a "room" and thus have no Room specification dialog controls OR you can go up to the "A" level of the carport and manually draw in the missing attic walls in the gable ends. There are several other causes posible but those are the most likely. DJP
  16. I commonly align the markers, North Marker and other strictly topo related objects to the plan view and its native North-South orientation on you screen. That is how they programmed Chief to work will end up giving you a more accurate site plan and allow you a path to within a reasonable time deliver a quality product. DJP
  17. I have a friend that owns a pool company. He asked me to check out Pool Draw for his company. I have been using Chief Architect since 1994. Pool Draw is specialized for drawing 3D pools and is not that great when doing straight Houses and Buildings. It does a great job on Pools in 2D and 3D. Doing the same work in Pool Draw that one does in Chief is NO PICNIC in terms of 3D swimming pools. It does a good job on surface place pools and fountains but accurate, 3D pools is VERY time consuming, even for someone like me. If I drew pools for a living, I would choose Pool Draw. DJP
  18. Whether layers are visible or invisible is controlled in "Display Layers/Objects", while in an active camera view you open its Layer Display Options Dialog and uncheck all name layers that you do not with to see and check on all layers you do wish to see. I also use a "Framing Plan view" to streamline that effort. It is always to be found in Dialog boxes. With the wall covering create an elevation camera and face the wall covering, open the wall and remove the covering in that wall's wall covering tab. If it is still there after that open that wall's dialog box- Materials tab and change the apparent "wall covering" by altering the material surface setting of therouge wall surface. If all else fails, delete the wall and draw another one to replace the offending one. DJP
  19. Post a copy of your plan and an example image of what look you are going for. DJP