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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. True, this is the 2nd report of this from Tiger57 , so it might be a Wall definition issue in their template , or maybe it a new issue in X16? doing your Forum Signature will help Us Tiger57 as different versions may have different answers to issues.
  2. thanks Jim , that should start the ball rolling , If I find it I will report it myself too M.
  3. this has been an Issue for years , we need a checkbox in the Wall DBX ( or maybe Roof plane DBX? ) to allow the Walls to build to the bottom of the Sheathing/Soffit Layer, though a checkbox to pick the layer would be ideal. M.
  4. Still haven't played a lot in X16 as far as bringing Projects forward, but this would be an Issue for me too, did you send it into TS , you may or may not get an answer Here from Chief. M.
  5. That is expected, It is hard to diagnose problems like this without a Plan to look at, if you don't want to post a Client's plan, do a small Test plan with your usual Templates showing the same issues. Then people can look and dig and get you some answers. M.
  6. Perhaps check your roof planes are joined correctly, when they aren't chief will sometimes shoot out spurious fascia and shadow boards anywhere from 5-50ft long ( note the green dashed lines in plan view ) M.
  7. In the Shower Michael , not the bathroom , personally I have a Room type made for Showers that does not have BBs by default. M.
  8. Yes in that case it should work, it is the other RD that is causing it to always snap back. M.
  9. These are your Temporary Dimensions and can be disabled , in newer versions Chief shows them even if you have a Dimension in place already. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00089/enabling-temporary-dimensions.html The Auto Exterior Dimensions should be able to do all that for you quite easily.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5426/creating-automatic-exterior-dimensions.html?playlist=92 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/5488/dimensioning-basics.html?playlist=92 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00941/changing-what-dimensions-locate.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00658/specifying-which-wall-layer-exterior-dimensions-locate.html M.
  10. This KB article , should be able to guide you , you need to edit the Sink hole ..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01203/creating-a-custom-sink-hole-or-cutout.html * would be a good idea to report this to the Chief Content team too as there are a few Kohler sinks that it's not right on. M.
  11. I would ask them before buying, as I thought at one point they supported Chief directly, but that is likely quite a while ago now but I'd have thought .obj or .3ds should work other wise, but they may not support Chief new 3D Engine anymore? M.
  12. A short room divider can sometimes help with this, seen in orange below M.
  13. Might be worth Checking your HotKeys if its not working, has someone changed the Default ? M.
  14. Many will be happy if you are correct, please update the thread if something changes. M.
  15. This might help in the future............ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00199/modifying-the-scale-of-an-imported-dwg-dxf.html and here is a PDF of mine for working out Scale Factors PDF: How to ReScale in Chief - CAD, Images or PDFs.pdf M.
  16. Mark is likely right, and my guess would be you are using "Active Defaults", hence it using the Plan view Layerset in Elevation, rather than the K+B Default Set for the Selected Defaults for the Camera View. *** that I have renamed some of the Layers etc in My Template so your's may not look exactly as below you might want to check you Defaults for the Camera View, to make sure it is also not saying "Active Defaults" too
  17. It sounds like the known Text Issue when different Systems use different resolution Monitors, you can group select all the Text, Open the DBX ( don't do anything) and just close it again. Mick.
  18. I don't think Chief had update the Details in years, partially due to the fact that Chief doesn't guarantee anything is "To Code" and doesn't do structural calcs at all. Many Eng. provide Details for structural conditions though , if not for "typical" conditions, so ask. As Joey mentioned you may need to make you own with a Back Clipped Camera thru the Wall of the Project. there are also Wall assemblies online from different manufacturers, and some jurisdictions provide "sample" Details as well M.
  19. Likely the best bet ...... if going new , research your Mobo. and see if you can use faster RAM eg 3000,3200 or 3600. 1TB ( or 2TB) NVME SSDs aren't that expensive now , and it's fairly easy to clone the main Drive to the new one ( Macrium for eg.) , and then use the old one in an enclosure as an external. and yes it mighty hot here too , but supposed to subside by tomorrow finally. M.
  20. It actually may not be the Memory that is the Issue but the size of your OS SSD as it appears it is only 512gb , is it full? being an older machine you might want to consider a new machine before spending too much on that one, but you could try another 2 sticks of 8gb Ram, however make sure you can return it as it's best for all 4 sticks to be identical if possible, so get the number model off the ones you have and see if you can find them still. I believe Hyper X Memory was rebranded Fury by Kingston but you might still find some of the Older sticks. M.
  21. Put the Schedule in a new CAD Detail , it should work the same and allow separate sending and how I normally do it the example I provided above was just to show the concept and how it works. M.
  22. You could try as Brett suggested to make the Room 2 Levels , just make the 2nd story Room "Open Below" so it has no Floor, so the windows don't show on the 1st Floor Floor Plan, though that may effect the 2nd Story plan I guess? I am not sure putting the Upper windows on there own layer and turning it off will work as the Wall fills will still show the holes I think. M.
  23. See your other post........... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/42734-inserting-appliances-into-a-tower-cabinet/?do=findComment&comment=314885 M.
  24. Theirs may not be done in Chief? ie it maybe Twin Motion or Lumion , but there are several People here with Good Tips, and Steve H. is happy to share his files , this is one of His Posts" https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/37566-twinmotion-better-grass-and-rendering-made-easy/ I suggest you do you Forum Signature as advice can be Version specific too..... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 M.
  25. The KB ( KnowledgeBase) is a good place to look for quick Tips like this......... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00059/inserting-multiple-appliances-into-a-single-cabinet.html M.