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  1. rlackore's post in Foundation plan view - phantom walls_doors not showing was marked as the answer   
    Perhaps using the Reference Display and a custom Reference Layer Set will work for this situation. Refer to the Reference Manual and search for "Referencing a Floor Plan."
  2. rlackore's post in Columns in Walls? was marked as the answer   
    You will have to modify the Symbol's 2D CAD Block using the Edit CAD Block tool to give the bounding geometry a solid Fill Style.
  3. rlackore's post in Marker Defaults? was marked as the answer   
    Adjust the size in your Active Defaults or directly within the Default Sets:

  4. rlackore's post in Exporting to Autocad - fixing dimensions was marked as the answer   
    When you export, uncheck Create Associative Dimensions:

  5. rlackore's post in Here's one for you ... was marked as the answer   
    it's the chair beneath the deck.

  6. rlackore's post in Ray Trace was marked as the answer   
    Check the Material Definition. Some materials, such as Predefined Metal, appear dark (or black) when rendered using the Standard technique, and will appear as they should (like a metal) in a Raytrace.

  7. rlackore's post in Commercial office acoustic ceilings was marked as the answer   
    1. The troffers won't display because your 3D View Layerset doesn't have the Fixtures, Interior layer turned on.
    2. The lines don't display because CAD linework doesn't display in 3D Views.
    3. To align the ceiling in 3D view with your linework in plan, you will need to adjust the ceiling's Material Definition Offset and Angle. You may need to create several separate Materials, with different Offset and Angle settings, to get each Room to display the ceiling properly.
  8. rlackore's post in Orthographic Overviews was marked as the answer   
    I need them for setting up isometric cartoons of structural and special assemblies. Sometimes I use CAD, but other conditions need to be modeled for 3D purposes, so I use the model to build the isometric:
  9. rlackore's post in Cant Get Object To Display In Front of CAD Lines was marked as the answer   
    If you're using the Chief core content, the solid fill is turned on for the Tube Lighting>Recessed symbols, but not the Tube Lighting>Surface Mounted symbols.

  10. rlackore's post in Stairs and object visibility on different floor plans was marked as the answer   
    Solution to question 1: Open the Stair Specification dialog box. Under the General tab, uncheck Automatic Heights, check Top Tread, Lock Bottom, and paste the deck room floor height value into the upper stair section's Top Height box.

  11. rlackore's post in Sill Plate Gap in X14 was marked as the answer   
    Open the Wall Type Definitions for the framed walls, select the Main Layer, and check the Material layer>Framing box.

  12. rlackore's post in Ledger board on inside of 2nd story exterior wall was marked as the answer   
    If I understand your intent, maybe these settings (ceiling platform) will get you close:

  13. rlackore's post in Multiple size foundation wall and step floor truss was marked as the answer   
    You can get close using a Pony Wall for the foundation wall and checking Wall Specification>Structure>Platform Intersections>Ceiling Platform>Hang Floor Platform Above on Wall. Draw a Floor Truss, modify it, lock it, then copy it across. You will still need some CAD work to clean up the sections, or you can not worry about modeling the condition and simply reference the nice detail you have.

  14. rlackore's post in wall corners was marked as the answer   
    Select the pony wall, change the Display in Plan View setting to show the bottom wall, then use the Edit Wall Layer Intersection tool to correct the issue. Should work, but it can be tricky.
  15. rlackore's post in Reference Display Set Wall Fill Settings was marked as the answer   
    See if turning off the "Walls, Layers" layer in the Reference Display Layer Set helps.
  16. rlackore's post in What the HECK is this? was marked as the answer   
    Try unchecking this in Preferences>Edit>Snap Properties:

  17. rlackore's post in Truss no one. was marked as the answer   
    Before I let Chief run wild with roof framing, I always print a roof plan, lay down some bumwad, and hand-draw a conceptual framing plan. This forces me to critically think about the framing and helps me identify and address any unusual conditions. Then, when I draw the truss in Chief, I can use the result as a check against my concept, and vice-versa. I modify each truss, or alter the underlying plan conditions, as necessary. This is a systematic method, and it takes time, but I've found it has great benefit, especially when reviewing the truss shop drawings. It may be a step too far for some folks, but I develop framing plans and schedules for every project, so I consider it part-and-parcel of the job.
  18. rlackore's post in importing .pat files into CA was marked as the answer   
    Preferences. Drop your .pat files into this folder:

    ...or if you don't use a network, you can drop them into the default program directory. On windows it's typically: C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X8 (64 bit)\Patterns\
  19. rlackore's post in In a jamb with Door Jambs was marked as the answer   
    David, I believe Griffin means "rabbeted".
    Griffin, to answer your question, there is no satisfactory method I've found to model a commercial steel door frame, either in plan or 3D. Several of us have Suggested this be fixed, so far no joy. Again, if Chief is going to tout itself as suitable for light commercial construction, this is one of several very important issues they need to address.
  20. rlackore's post in Want this board sticking out to go away! was marked as the answer   
    Easy fix is to select the room below, open the Room Specification dbx, go to Structure>Ceiling>Ceiling Structure, click Edit, and Delete the 3/4" High Density Particle Board layer.


  21. rlackore's post in Change Glass Material in Window, Doesn't Show. was marked as the answer   
    To get the glass material to change you must have a side width for the Sash. Why? I don't know, but it's necessary.

  22. rlackore's post in Ridge beam extends way past edited roof was marked as the answer   
    Your roof planes/intersections are a mess:

    Clean them up and it will be fixed:

  23. rlackore's post in Missing Wall was marked as the answer   
    Those walls are set as Invisible. Uncheck Wall Specification>General>Options>invisible and they will show up. AFAIK, turning on the layer Walls, Invisible doesn't matter in 3D view, only plan.
  24. rlackore's post in Accidentally did something I don't know how to undo was marked as the answer   
    Select the Room, open the Room Specification dbx, then go to the Materials tab, select Component>Room>Walls, click on the Select Material button, then in the Select Material dbx click on the Plan Materials tab, scroll all the way up to the top of the Material Name list and select Use Default, then click OK and back out of all the dbxs.
  25. rlackore's post in Problem Recessed Entry In Commercial was marked as the answer   
    Just draw the walls to create the vestibule:

    ...then plop in the windows and doors (nothing useful in the Library - you'll have to roll your own):

    ...you get this:

    ...here's a quick section through the vestibule - mezzanine above (created as a second floor):

    Commercial in Chief isn't always easy, but most of it can be accomplished.