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  1. DavidJPotter's post in Tool bar disappeared! was marked as the answer   
    Check the "view" menu - "Toolbars" as a starting point.
  2. DavidJPotter's post in Dimensioning in 3d view was marked as the answer   
    Not yet, Sketch Up has that ability, Chief Architect and Home Designer software's as yet, do not.
  3. DavidJPotter's post in Dimensioning in 3d view was marked as the answer   
    Not yet, Sketch Up has that ability, Chief Architect and Home Designer software's as yet, do not.
  4. DavidJPotter's post in X14 2D elevation change not reflected in layout like previous versions was marked as the answer   
    They added an "Update View" Tool, its icon appears when you select a view.

  5. DavidJPotter's post in Gable to Wall Intersection was marked as the answer   
    Manually extend the attic walls that are falling short.
  6. DavidJPotter's post in People, cats & dog 3d models/ images was marked as the answer   
    Joe Carrick aka Yoda in the past uploaded a large library of image people and animals some time back. Do a search at Chief Talk to see if you can find that thread and download address, I bet it is still there to access.
  7. DavidJPotter's post in Making A Simple 4'x8' Sign was marked as the answer   
    You import the data that is to be ON the sign as a "Custom Material". When properly imported it will be visible in your User Library area. You then open the "sign" object and apply the custom material set to "Stretch to fit" so it displays only once and not multiple times. If done properly it works every time in Chief or Home Designer.
  8. DavidJPotter's post in Humbly seeking help on Chief Lean Tos was marked as the answer   
  9. DavidJPotter's post in Some generation questions... was marked as the answer   
    I noticed that the custom made wall you used above the foundation or basement is designed by default to not smoothly line up it outer layers. The software is programmed to natively line up the "Main Layers", floor to floor. That IS what the software is set to do and that is what it does. Your main layers do line up except for the manual cantilever, leaving only the outer layers that by design do not line up.
    I did find two walls that showed "out of alignment" indicators when selected. Good general advice is to check everything twice so that nothing is missed.
    The cantilever issue is not part of how Chief is programmed to natively work, so your workaround as a workable solution.
    A large part of learning and knowing Chief are knowing its limitations and what it easily does and does not do. Chief will never be "perfect" for all possible users and applications but it is also quite versatile in the hands of a veteran user.
  10. DavidJPotter's post in Export to .dwg was marked as the answer   
    When working with AutoCAD users I send views from the layout page (First floor, Second floor, elevations) and none of them have complained to me about  the files. I do NOT use export "All Floors" as that is too complicated for the AutoCAD user to sort out.
  11. DavidJPotter's post in Indoor Pool Water Features was marked as the answer   
    Check this library file out on the Chief Website: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?YII_CSRF_TOKEN=affd3601a4c0a28dbf3770bd7c7f67319360c4be&r=site%2Flibrary&search=water&x=0&y=0&x=true&hid_cpca=0&hid_cpu=0&hid_ctm=0&hid_ctnm=0&hid_ctu=0&hid_order=&hid_norotator=false&hid_soft_family_1=0&hid_soft_family_2=0&hid_soft_1=0&hid_soft_2=0&hid_soft_4=0&hid_soft_5=0&hid_soft_6=0&hid_soft_7=0&hid_soft_8=0&hid_version_10=0&hid_version_9=0&hid_version_8=0&hid_version_7=0&hid_version_6=0&hid_version_5=0&hid_version_4=0&hid_version_3=0
  12. DavidJPotter's post in custom dining table was marked as the answer   
    to place chairs under tables you simply select the chai, then press your keyboard "CTRL" control key, then drag the selected chair under the table. Pressing the Control Key overrides the natural tendency for solid object not to invade the "space" of other objects/symbols in Chief.
  13. DavidJPotter's post in Insect screens for windows and doors in Home Designer Pro was marked as the answer   
  14. DavidJPotter's post in Wall returns not completing with varying roof heights. was marked as the answer   
    You manually draw an attic wall to fill in. Whenever automatic routines fall short you step in manually, always.
  15. DavidJPotter's post in Doing "a short L shape" lower half height wall and upper half glass panel. was marked as the answer   
    You use a "Pony Wall" (two wall types stacked), in this case interior 4 on bottom and glass shower on top, easy!
  16. DavidJPotter's post in Ray Tracing - X9 was marked as the answer   
    By adjusting your sun light and other light sources in your plan, there is NOTHING else to adjust.
  17. DavidJPotter's post in FALSE GABLE was marked as the answer   
    Once sent to layout any isometric or elevation/cross section can easily have lines added or removed using the "Edit Layout Line" tool while in layout. That IS how that is handled.
  18. DavidJPotter's post in Spaces between cabinet doors was marked as the answer   
    Cabinet Specification dialog - Box Construction tab - Door Drawer Overlay input box - increase value
  19. DavidJPotter's post in fliping floors was marked as the answer   
    Yes but the process is as simple as it is unforgiving if you make a misstep. Read the section in the Reference Manual about flipping floors (changing floors and then experement using a simple test plan to make sure you fully understand the steps and get perfect test results before inflicting the procedure on your intended model.
  20. DavidJPotter's post in Exterior wall cladding in interior room space was marked as the answer   
    Make that Attic wall a Pony wall so you can then have an interior wall inside and a siding wall facing outside.
  21. DavidJPotter's post in Selling plans as a draftsman was marked as the answer   
    Most of the above responses are just people's opinions (worthless), talk to Vince Kunasek as he has been selling plans for years, his advice would be more useful to you than others opinions and biases.
    It  is to be expected that others would tend to discourage you from doing what you want to do by placing barriers and questions in your way. Just talk to Vince and do what you want to do.
  22. DavidJPotter's post in Auto-matic roof = Picasso like result? what? Need help making a vaulted ceiling. Thank you! was marked as the answer   
    Here is a You Tube video of me looking over and commenting on your plan: https://youtu.be/K30AHIkrR40
  23. DavidJPotter's post in Reporting Section Marker Symbol in Layout was marked as the answer   
    Here is a You Tube tutorial on using manual text call outs and saved cameras.
  24. DavidJPotter's post in Framing Help? was marked as the answer   
    The key to relationally correct framing is first:
    1. Set all applicable floor platform thickness per floor (Make sure they are correct)
    2. Set ceiling heights per floor
    3. before building roofs make sure that the default settings for roof planes as well as on their "Structure Tab" is preset to how you are going to build, only then would you build roofs
    4. Then recheck to make sure Chief is actually following your commands and settings, correct and rebuild framing as necessary.
    5. Then you manually edit the auto-framing so it suits your desires
    Chief just fills in the spaces you create in the thickness of roof planes and the thickness of floor platforms, it does not do anything else, so if your spaces are set correctly and your defaults are set properly you will then get what you expected to get, but NOT otherwise.
  25. DavidJPotter's post in Balcony over porch was marked as the answer   
    There is no "Proper way really, only other users opinions as to "proper". I have used railings and then added a slab to extend the floor platform and I have done as you have done. I use the method that just gets the job done. Perhaps others have their proper methods, the vital product is getting it done.