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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. It would seem at some point you have lowered those Roof Planes ( see Windows too or didn't rebuild the Roof before turning Auto Roof Build Off and have changed some heights? ) The Roof Planes neither sit on the 1st Floor Top Plates or the 2nd Floor's Floor Structure. Assuming they will be framed on top of the Floor structure they are 5 7/16" LOW ..... , so you may want to raise them an extra 1 1/2" if you want a 2x6 plate for the Rafters to land on ( yellow in 2nd pic) No Window issues and no Floor poking through after raising Roof Planes to top of Floor structure.
  2. See your other thread...... add the AirGap to the outside instead ...worked for me.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24582-half-basement-half-crawl-space-issues/?do=findComment&comment=197779 Mick.
  3. Nothing attached but this sounds like a Layer display issue in those two view types.... use your ALDO to determine the Layers in a full camera and then make sure they are on in Wall Elevation or a Room (Floor?) Camera too Wall Elevation cameras can also have railings and invisible walls set ti be "ignored" , so perhaps that is the cause?
  4. I think Michael (Alaskan Son) is right , you should be able to re-select everything you "exploded" from the detail and turn it back into a CAD Block ...and then be able to save it to your library for Re-use.
  5. My guess would be you were inadvertently sometimes in 1/2" dimension default which has the Dimensions set to locate Surfaces by default ( like NKBA Settings) whereas 1/4" Default uses the Wall Dimension Layer ( framing ) for Dims. by Default You Default Exterior Wall Materials don't match the Wall definition......ie they are set differently ( Herringbone) than the Default Wall Definition which Uses Gray1Siding Mick.
  6. 2.) You seem to have some room height issues on level 0 ie the ceiling and floor heights are the same ie -12/58 or - 4 .....I turned off Floors under those Rooms in the Struct. Tab and the additional slabs disappeared. (deleting the floor structure material may help too - no extra cad lines....) 3. ) Try using Chief's new, in X11, Reference Display in SPVs to show both foundations on one Plan view 4.) As Eric mentioned we don't have control of that 100 % yet but playing with the wall definition and alignment settings may work but I tried another way......I added a 1" Airgap layer (invisible) to the exterior of the wall and it seems to work okay* * though I am not sure how it may react in the whole model as I did not try it..... 5.) the Wall that is Brick in 3D is not using the Default material but the brick - force the exterior material back to default.... ( grey running bond.) 6.) look like you got the extra foundation footing sorted out.... M.
  7. Steve and Java are correct it seems all of your Wall Definitions starting with 0_ have the Siding set to 0" thick Your Ext. Standard 2x4 and 2x6 Walls are the correct Setup. The Default Ext.Wall is currently 0_Exterior 3.5 which is incorrectly setup as noted above. You Default interior Wall is setup correctly , so the issues noted are likely from using the SprayCan Tool as Steve mentioned. M.
  8. It is in the Chief DATA folder in My Documents unless you moved it elsewhere , not in the Chief Program Folder...... >>>>>>
  9. If doing Remodel Work and measuring existing Homes to wall Surfaces eg Drywall , not Framing you can set your Dimension defaults to locate Surfaces instead of the Wall Dimension Layer (Framing Layer usually). In the General Wall Defaults (Alt-Q) you could also switch the Resize about Option to Main Layer Inside (Framing) or Inner Surface temporarily while laying out walls.
  10. I have the same issues as you Bill and it doesn't seem like the Feature is setup to import just 1 annoset into Older Plans , I have tried it too in Older plans or Other Users Plans I'm helping, but you need the new Defaults to be brought in with the New Annoset ( since basically an annoset is just a group of defaults) so accepting duplicates in Older plans maybe the only way to do it and perhaps not "lose" some setting. If you are building a New template plan however you could perhaps overwrite/replace as Renee mentioned. M.
  11. Although I agree, I preferred it the old way too , so +1, but Chief does not consider it a Bug , they did it so Ctrl and Shift work the same way in Chief as they do in Windows (10) , there were quite a few annoyed people at the time but Chief stuck to their guns on matching Windows functionality about it. M.
  12. It wasn't a Plan Issue as it was the same issue in a few plans . I am not sure if it was related to the Windows 10 Updates which also installed today or something else but with 441.66 everything seems to be fine again now. (Link Above) The was only a week between these two Drivers so I suspect something was up with 441.41 as it was replaced so quickly. M.
  13. Thanks for the heads Up , I don't do windows in Concrete Walls much so had not played with this.... Using the RO Label as Eric suggested sounds like a good Idea though.... M.
  14. Thanks for the reply Perry , it maybe the the Plan I was in this morning cause it as it was repeatable every time I tried to break a Wall. No issues getting to the Toolbars etc , but the Cursor vanished in the Drawing window once I hit the Wall break Tool , which required a Reboot to clear up. I thought 441.41 was the latest but have just discovered they released 441.66 this morning , so am going to give it a go..... https://www.geforce.com/drivers/results/155641# Mick.
  15. Haven't worked out all the complexities and it may not be worth it for you, having seen some of your Plans in the past but it looks like my idea may work....
  16. Hi, just wondering if anyone else is seeing the disappearing Icon in the Drawing Area with the latest Nvidia Driver in X11, it has happen twice today already,so I may need to go back to the 436 Series Driver which I had no issues with. This was also an Issue with X11 back with the 388-396 Series Drivers when 382.05 was the best driver to go back too but I have not seen it since 400 Series Driver came out. M.
  17. Yeah, with Walls stacked like that it would be tricky, you could try a few (4?) "fake" floors set to Open Below perhaps to get all the different Wall Heights ( and thicknesses) and the Parapet at the Top, not sure Pony Walls would help but possibly a combo of them and extra fake floors would work.... M.
  18. One thought......Did you try setting the Rough Opening Sizes on the windows to 40mm on all sides?
  19. Isn't it essentially a double wall with two layers of 3 5/8 Framing? .....and an AirGap in between..... not 100% sure I am "seeing" your detail correctly ? M.
  20. If you copy a Wall Stud as Michael suggested and rotate it 90° you can then get the U+C-Channel to work as Wall Blocking in 3D too. ( no idea why ) , and depending on the rotation the U will be up or down.
  21. No , not from the Cabinet Specification DBX , but there are a few in the Library to use ( search Valance) , just drop them in plan and set height and position. Some of the cabinet manufacturer libraries have some too. M.
  22. thanks for the Update Cheryl , glad it's all working again.... M.
  23. I guess I need to ask why they aren't walls ....it isn't obvious at least to me.... M.
  24. Yep , not good , same thing exactly was happening to me , leave it set to lumber and all is well in 3D though , steel box also works but there is no difference really. M.
  25. Try making sure the Library ( and any other floating toolbars/DBXs) are Docked back into Chief's Main window ( dbl Click the top Bar) before you disconnect each time as Chief remembers the last monitor configuration it was hooked too I believe. M.