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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Try a Pass-Through ( window Menu) instead of a Door Way perhaps
  2. No I don't think so , it is just that Chief does not need the Quadro Series Cards, so they suggest saving some money but I believe Solidworks does like a Quadro ......
  3. Another Website for making Patterns I came across...........https://pattycake.io/ but here is a 6x30" Herringbone I made recently ....use File>Import>Pattern to bring it into Chief. Use the Rotate Angle on the pattern Tab is you want diagonal Herringbone (45°) 6x30 Herringbone.pat Feel free to add your Own to the thread for Others to download.
  4. Hi G. I recently found this website for making Patterns ......................https://pattycake.io/ but here is a 6x30" which I think approximates the size you need, use File>Import>Pattern to bring it into Chief. Use the Rotate Angle on the pattern Tab if you want diagonal Herringbone (45°) as soon below 6x30 Herringbone.pat
  5. I have noticed this phenomena too, last week a 97mb file got reduced to 6.9mb when I resaved it.... M.
  6. Chief confirmed the incorrect/confusing wording today and will add it to the list of "fixes". M.
  7. Yes, Per F1 - Help..... Specify the Brick Ledge Depth, which is the vertical depth of the brick ledge under walls of this type when a Brick material Type is specified for the exterior layer and a monolithic slab foundation is built. By default, the Brick Ledge Depth is equal to the Height value of the Brick material. The exterior Layers of the Wall Definition including the airgap are what sets the horizontal depth of the Brick ledge ( 5" in your case ).....less any foundation Offset.... eg if Brick is hung over 1/2" to form a "drip edge" . You may want to confirm your actual spec'd brick size.....
  8. maybe a better option as the Slab Tool does this auto ...see above....so you can't specify the bar AFAIK, so using a "Room" may work better for you
  9. Specify footing in the Slab DBX ( dialog box), ( Or use Slab with Footing Tool to begin with..same tool really) the Rebar and Mess will need to be done manually if you want to "see" them, but will be included in a Materials list.... just checked..... but may not be what you want as spec'd in your area?
  10. It can also be done to a Fill for a "quick tile pattern" but I was referring to the Flooring ( or Wall) Material and changing it in that Material's Definition on the Texture and Pattern Tabs. It does take a bit of messing around unfortunately as there is usually some trial and error involved. Vector View which uses the Pattern Standard View which uses the Texture......
  11. You won't need to , you just use the Manage License dialog in the Help Menu or in your Digital Locker to switch the license between the Laptop and your Desktop..... ( Chief permits this type of usage , just can't be used on two machines at once) ie: you make it available and then start Chief on the other computer and agree to the new activation.
  12. NOPE , sorry Chief is using the Coordinate Grid ...EVERYTHING is set from 0,0 Unfortunately not an option at this time , I'd suggest you put in a Feature request in the Suggestions Forum , I am sure you will get many +1s for the suggestion including mine..... Mick.
  13. It works in Plan and Elevation the same way....... and works nicely with WMRs , though can be a bit laborious for highly detailed work as you need a unique material for each wall or area you need different offsets. ( Copy the material in the select material DBX and rename)
  14. I guess I've missed it as long as you have as my thoughts are the same , I always thought we could import from one but not the other ...... ( obviously mixed that up yesterday though ) and like Alan I usually only import "referenced blocks" as usually there is enough "clutter" in most DWGs I import already. Page 1194 of the Ref Manual has a little more info on the importable entities too.... ( as well as being the only mention of Paper-Space in the manual apparently)
  15. Yeah , I reported the confusing Wording...since it's in X12 too. M.
  16. Yes but that is not what is happening , the Dialog box say it goes into it's own Detail which is incorrect, but maybe that is because I was already importing into a CAD Detail anyway? They import per the KB article and as Michael said as CAD Blocks only.... M.
  17. KB Article on DWG Importing Issues: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00283/troubleshooting-dwg-dxf-file-import-issues.html *** for those read this thread in the future .....it only imports from the ModelSpace ...also see page 1194 of the Ref. Manual
  18. Thanks for the Info Alan , that works to my surprise ...... since I thought Chief couldn't Import from the Modelspace? (*** for those read this thread in the future .....it can and does only import from the ModelSpace see page 1194 of the Ref. Manual or the link to the KB Article on DWG Import Troubleshooting 3 posts down.) Mick.
  19. Very strange way to do things , 1st time I have seen things done that way , so didn't think to look at CAD Block Management , thanks for the Tip. If you Insert the *paperspace CAD Block most of the Text and Arrow are there ..... but If I was paying for access to a CAD Detail Website I'd be talking to them as well, since it it going to add a bunch of work as the "block" is tennie tiny in CA.
  20. They've had the option a while now but I decided to save the 20-22% extra CA charges for "monthly payments" ..... might as well put it on the CC at those rates. M.
  21. Pro is very capable , and with the current version he'll be able to share Files with you..... you will need to set the Plan to be editable in Home Designer on your end when you save it to send back though. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00516/sharing-a-plan-file-with-a-home-designer-user.html
  22. I don't think you can legally as , like Ridge_Runner ( Mike) said above, you are using an upgraded version now , you can check that in your digital locker by clicking the Show Upgraded Version Box at the top. If the person just wants to "play" in 3D I'd suggest one of the Home Designer Products eg, Pro or Architectural depending on their needs and budget. M.
  23. Ahhh yes ..... I guess I do that without thinking about it.... I always assumed Full Panel was needed with Full Overlay
  24. I just used the Framed Panel Option under Panel Type , I didn't go out to the Library. M.