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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. If you still have it at .68 exposure ( same plan as PBR door issue ?) try 1/2 that I normally use .3 to .4 and then adjust brightness if needed. M.
  2. I used a single ceiling light , not an Added 3D Light (source) , in each room and turn down the Sun Lux and it was alot better once the Ceiling was white again. Things like this have been an issue in PBR since the start as the light picks up a colour cast as it bounces around , it's also why you don't want a really colorful background outside , say autumn leaves as that too will "colour " the light inside the room even. You door frames are also high gloss meaning they have a reflection , unlike the Door itself which is a plain white looking at the materials.... Is that the same Plan we have ...I don't see that room in my plan as far as I can tell? Also note that since I only have the plan that there are 16-20 textures missing ....which may change things. M.
  3. You've taken the ceiling out of the rooms on 4 so PBR is bouncing light off the Concrete slab I think hence the dark gray/black on the doors......, putting the Ceiling drywall back helps as does turning the Sun lux down too the 100-500 range ... also adding a single ceiling fixture in each room so you can control it's lux vs the Auto light helps too. this is with sun follows camera too.......and a ceiling light behind the camera with Ceilings back on.... PS: the other contributing factor maybe that your Door Frames are a High Gloss White Lacquer by default. ( doors are just White )
  4. If it is your License then Call Sales when they Open again after the Holiday and have them sort it out.... M.
  5. Oh, well that went over my head , I thought they meant the Whole Library Browser....... and yes the purple was my change to test it .
  6. funnily enough for me the only one not to change is the preview window if I apply a Theme..... it does change if the Item selected is an symbol not a material to the floor camera back ground though..... and no that is not my normal theme... M.
  7. Framing sides needs to be on AFAIK , in the Dimension Default in Use .......are you switching to the Framing Dims? cos sides should be on by default if so.... but the Wall Detail may not switch automatically to a Framing Dimension Default. M.
  8. Can you double check this Rob , cos it doesn't work for me...... I am not using a Theme though , are you? ( either way that would be a weird default setting.... at least to me )
  9. You are right , what I didn't notice was that my "Dark Cedar" Material in the Plan I was in yesterday was actually a texture that was already rotated 90° (Vertical grain) when I made it. Here I just tried it with a Walnut texture and rotating it to 90° got it to follow the Shadowboard too. Rotating the Fascia texture work but you need a left and right rotation ( + and -) and it will only look right on one end. I also know now I don't need the back angle like i said yesterday that was also because my grain was 90° to start with.
  10. In X11 I think you can use one of the THEMES under Appearance>Colors in Preferences to do it
  11. Thanks to both Mark and Michael for sharing their DBL Door Fridges here. Mick.
  12. You can't alter all of Chief's premade Toolbars can you? Typically they show the last used Tool by default but that changes back if you open another plan or Close Chief, to default which in this case appears to be PDF....I would just add the JPG Tool if that is the only one, you Use from the Toolbar.
  13. The Eric Method actually I wasn't / aren't sure if I understood the Issues correctly ( and I don't know if it's fixed 100%) but especially in a Plan that has had many manipulations / multiple tries at something I find you can not always believe the DBX info/heights, ( or Graphic) you have to trust you know the right settings for the floor levels and literally ignore the wrong numbers sometimes. The Floor was at -30 for instance but the Floor below is at -12 ...how could that be? ( that's 18" above the Floor at -30" ) so if my math is correct it should be at -58 ( -30 + 4" lower for slab + 24" lower for stem wall = -58 ) ...seems to work okay at -58" anyway And I may have play with a few of the other settings like whether the top or bottom of the Floor resize Option is set to top or bottom..... the foundation level shouldn't have a "floor" either I did not look at the other Issues up above if they are still present ??? See the saved elevation Cameras....I also put a few pics in the Plan off the Settings I used .... ***note ..... to IGNORE the 3D Graphic in the DBX (ie 46" stem wall) use a Cross Section to Confirm or see saved cameras. It will be interesting to see what Tech Support suggests ....... MHD_Lot 13 112519.plan
  14. Shadowboards also get it right ...I assume because they are really Moldings , otherwise you need to use a texture rotated to Roof Pitch deg. subtracted from 90deg. ( eg.90-26deg. roof pitch = 64 degree rotation) but this doesn't always help as at the other end of the roofplane is usually different/opposite. See post two down ... I was working with a texture already rotated to 90°
  15. Yep 1st thought I had was turn off all labels in the Elevation view and it helps , but I'm not 100% convinced yet if there isn't some other issues or not , certainly making my PC work , so not sure it is MAC related ..... mouse was all over the place and 1/2 out of control in the elevation view till I turned Labels off though. PS. X11 is a bit slower in general than X10.
  16. actually the old trick with Home Designer Pro, which has (had?) a 12" x18" max size was to print 1/8th scaled PDFs at 200% for 1/4" on 24 x 36 I also use Ansi D (22 x 34) at times , so I can do 1/2 scale plots at 11x17 and have it scale properly. ( Arch D on an 11 x17 page means the print is only about 46% , so not a true 1/2 scale) M.
  17. It maybe more of an issue with AMD Graphics not being optimised in Catalina yet , I was working with someone On Friday on his new MAC and it was slow in catching/staying up to us in 3D , slow enough to make us think we'd missed the Ok button a few times. If it were a PC I say try upgrading the AMD Driver but I am not sure that is an Option on MAC OS? Perhaps Chief isn't Optimised for Catalina either ? no idea , sorry not a MAC user.
  18. Sounds like you are seeing a demo layer you have forgotten you added (CAD) or you are referencing the As Built Plan? Please do your Forum Signature so we know what version you are using , thanks.... different versions = different answers...
  19. Perhaps this one would work ? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/853
  20. That maybe the Tools you need ? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00645/reassigning-several-objects-to-a-specific-layer.html
  21. He could also make a 3D Viewer File for you , which Chief hosts on their Server and anyone with the Link can view the 3D model in any web Browser ( I find Chrome works best). If he doesn't know how , send him the link to the tutorial video..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/10147/sharing-3d-viewer-files-and-viewing-in-a-web-browser.html or tutorial here: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03068/viewing-managing-and-sharing-3d-viewer-models.html
  22. Not a spreadsheet but here is a Cheat Sheet Curt Posted a few years ago....... the VRD is now the VSD in X11 Curt's Energy Heel Info.pdf This topic had quite the discussion in the Suggestion forum a few months ago too : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/21163-provide-a-top-plate-lock-in-the-roof-plane-dbx/
  23. You can also scroll to the top of the Plan Materials list and chose Use Default too. And yes don't spraycan exterior Walls .... it will comeback to haunt you..... M.
  24. not sure what version you have but in some versions it used to ADD a dimension for each wall plus an Overall dimension if that option is on in the Defaults, so in simple square rooms this can be overkill.