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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Lots of good Info above you'll also find two threads here on the Forum , one called Lets' Raytrace and another called Lets PBR , ( short for Physically Based Rendering) both have a lot of good info, if you are willing to put in some time and "practice" some ..........unfortunately both come with a bit of a learning Curve , there is no set it and forget it button. A lot of people have switched to PBR these days due to the Speed ....10-60 secs.....rather than hours in some cases.... and most people are happy with it..... The biggest Issues in your Plan are : 1.) the fact you only built the Bathroom , so CA is having trouble lighting the scene properly , I always recommend you build a "box" house around the Reno and then add a Auto foundation under it and a roof ( or another floor) above it , to help CA's Lighting engine do it's job properly , this will help with the weird "Glow" at the Ceiling and other places in the Image above. 2.) The Ceiling , Walls etc etc are ALL the Porcelain Material which is reflective so likely to be an issue in Raytrace as there is just too much of it .... 3.) you need to add a few more recessed cans to help with the lighting, and some Windows in the "Bedroom" ( see box house note above) behind the bathroom for the "sun" to shine in... 4.) as Michael suggested adding a few "details" can make all the difference to a render whether in Raytrace or ..... PBR ..............
  2. Can't say for sure , I didn't work on windows in that plan but they were definitely there as I thought WTH ! is that.... and deleted a number of them.... M.
  3. There were a number of these window artifacts in the Roof plane you posted the other day too Rocky , so I am not sure they "go away" on their own?
  4. SPVs were introduced in X10 actually but CA has never really pushed the Idea as far as a deeper dive into them with Training Videos etc which would of helped with the transition for many I think. This X10 new Features Video is a little underwhelming and I am not surprised many missed the whole SPV intro... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2410/productivity-features-added-in-x10.html I don't think Annotations Sets are going anywhere as they are used by SPVs though by default the Annotations drop down and management Icon have been removed from the Default toolbar.
  5. I believe so, as to be included in the Public Beta I think they require your SSA to be active at least 3 months past the release Date, so mid/end of April perhaps would qualify. M.
  6. The are at least 3 areas on the second floor with no Room definition ...hence no Roof planes there ...and them building off the 1st floor walls instead.
  7. The big difference in Chief is that you are ALWAYS drawing in 3D, even in Plan view, a Wall is a 3D Object , not a "dumb" CAD line.....though it appears as that, hence those Tools don't work on Walls. Personally I have no trouble with the Connect Walls Tool but find it as quick to just grab the Edit handle (square) on the end of the wall and drag it over if needed , walls snaps are very accurate in my experience, and as long as you are within about 6" of a connection CA will do the rest automatically. ( this sometime has a down side when you want a short say 3" return though.) M.
  8. Typically the Public Beta Version is released on the 1st day of the KBIS Show in Las Vegas which I think is Jan. 21st this year. ( don't hold me to that ! ) * confirmed :
  9. You can model the monoslab yourself , the same way chief does it automatically actually, using a 12 " Concrete Stem Wall with the hang 1st Floor inside foundation setting and the main floor set to a 4" slab. This is what I sometimes have to do as CA doesn't like to join a monoslab and stemwall foundation much eg for a monoslab garage connected to a Stemwall foundation house. The height and width settings below you will need to change for local needs and construction techniques but this should give you the idea. In cross Section you need to edit the Conc. Auto Detail Polylines ( or delete unneeded ones) to get the Chamfer but all else seems to remain the same or you can use a Room molding polyline to add the chamfer instead .....see last pic , used CA -35 for a down and dirty Chamfer , which I left "bone" so you can see it easier in 3D.....
  10. post the plan .... otherwise it is like playing 20 questions..... or at the very least some screen snips of the issue , there are just way too many variables. make sure the plan is closed in Chief 1st as it locks the file , so it won't upload into the reply window M.
  11. Probably best to do your user forum signature , so others know which version of Chief you are using as the answers sometimes depend on the version , here is a link for doing that.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk My guess would be the measurements when drawing are to framing and the measurements afterwards are to the exterior of the Siding/Stucco etc.... M.
  12. Great News......we never Know here what Tools are equivalent in the HD Titles but many things are similar in Pro.
  13. Not sure you have the Edit Area tool or Transform replicate Tools in Pro ( which is why Eric suggested asking on HomeTalk) but........ Have you tried Edit>Edit Area>Edit Area (All Floors) and move the garage 6' left with transform replicate? M.
  14. The Wrench is the Default Toggle switch , if it has a RED check mark it is already following the Current Default. M.
  15. The Roof should rebuild IF it is still on Autobuild , otherwise you have to force a (auto)rebuild or do it yourself if Auto rebuild cannot be used again , for eg. if you have manipulated many roof planes manually and don't want them to convert back. M.
  16. some of the Error Messages for Auto Dormers are dealt with in this KB article, the KB is a great place to start for a lot of questions as usually you are not the 1st person to run into the Issue. You need to clarify/be specific on whether you are talking about manual Dormers or Auto Dormers as they are two different animals.... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00751/message-placing-an-automatic-dormer.html M.
  17. I normally do my Dormers Manually as some of the others mentioned , due to all conditions not being meet usually for the Auto ones to work. Here are some videos on doing them manually too..... https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1520/creating-openings-in-roofs-for-manually-drawn-dormers.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/1521/manually-drawing-dormers.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/9923/focus-manual-dormers.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/26/constructing-dormers.html
  18. You have the Auto Dormer Layer turned off in this plan ? so you can't see them ....... and for some reason every single layer is locked ? Have you looked at this KB Article: https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00449/creating-a-manual-dormer.html
  19. I would suggest you work with Tech. Support on Monday , otherwise you may accidentally overwrite your User Library and it maybe lost permanently which would be an issue if you don't have a backup of it for example on an external USB Hard-Drive. M.
  20. * may I have missed something ? but assuming you are using Chief's Defaults for Dimensions/Temp Dims, Wall Type definitions and Resize About, I am not sure you need too as the Main layer of the wall on level 1 (Framing) will line up with the outside of the foundation concrete Wall when you build it auto after drawing the main floor walls , eg a 25ft Dim on Floor 1 should be the same on the foundation level. ( you don't want dims to "surfaces" on at this point though as is common for As-Builts , you simply use the foundation measurements for the 1st Floor walls.)
  21. Yes , I use 0.4 , and if mainly doing interiors also set the brightness to 70 , but you can play with that in the Active Camera too , since it is subject to the Sun Lumens, which I normally turn down to 10000 in the Defaults as 100000 is just too bright usually.
  22. You don't need too Chief will, when you uncheck the open underneath check box, set 0" overhang on your treads and then just make all the materials concrete and you will see Chief removed the Stringers as the Stairs are actually hollow . You can also turn on/off Railings if wanted.
  23. They are a symbol , Fixture in this case, so they resize like most symbols on the general tab , however you can only have 4 steps , since that is how it was made. Use the Stairs off the Stair Menu/Icon instead and draw your own and specify everything like the number of treads , their size,materials etc etc instead. M.