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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. If it is one of your Additional Licenses , it can only be made into a full Version by someone paying the difference in Price ie Add. > Full = $1000 If it is an Additional License and someone want's an Additional then the price is the same from Chief..... So you may need to Clarify things for interested parties.... M.
  2. That wall should not be one long wall as the Siding must face the opposite direction on either side of the ridge...hence the siding inside on one side...and drywall outside the other... M.
  3. In 3D are they along way from the building ? can you see it? This is usually due to a "Lost" Object way out in "Space" that needs deleting... so.... 1. Switch to the All On Layerset, 2. Fill screen (F6), 3. Select all ( CTRL-A) 4. Look for Highlighted " Stray / Lost " Objects out at the Edges of the screen 5. Select and Inspect them and save or move them back closer to the Building 6. Or Delete them as needed.
  4. PDF of Below : Tile Textures from Screen Grabs.pdf With Basic Tools found in Windows anyone can create a Texture in an Image Editor, for example Paint using multiple copies of the "Tile" ( image above). You need to make the background Color your Grout color if you want to show it in Chief , and leave a narrow space between the copies of the Tile when you place them. Then Crop the multi-copied Image, so it will look good in Chief as it "tile's" ('cus the pun") across a Wall. ie the texture will butt up to the last one as a "block" , so where they touch needs to make 1 full Tile in each row, continuously across the screen forever. You need 3 rows in this case since it is 1/3rd Offset Layout. (I trimmed the original image above slightly due to rough edges 1st.) Tile on the "Wall" with multiple copies of the Texture found Online..................................... then Crop it as needed...... ***note light gray background for "grout" and you have your texture for 3D cameras ready. Now make a New Material ( right Click in your User Library>New>Material and assign the new texture , on the Texture Tab to it , then apply the Imported Pattern (more below) from the Library On the Pattern Tab. For Vector Views you also need a new 1/3rd Offset Pattern, try the free Pattern Generator at CADHatch.com, you can download the free Excel file for use on your own computer, ( follow instructions carefully) , then you'll need to Import the .pat File into Chief ( File>Import>Patterns ) . I have found I normally need to reset the Scale factor when applying it to a Material as it seems AutoCAD scales these differently than Chief, by a factor of at least 10 usually, ie if Chief has Scale set at 1.0 try 0.1 (on the Pattern Tab of the Material in Chief ) http://www.cadhatch.com/autocad-pat-generator-desktop/4594030766 Finished Wall My "Rough" Version Texture : ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I used the Pattern Generator linked above to make the Pattern for Vector Views too, so here it is for download too along with a Full X11 "Material" to import into your Library. Pattern: 12 x 24 1-3rd Offset.pat Material for Library '''Import" as usual.... MHD_1-3rd 12 x124 Stacked Brown Tile.calibz FOR X11 OR UP ONLY SORRY , use Pattern and "Rough Image Texture" above to make your own material if needed for Other versions. *** Note that this is a "rough" Example texture and is not necessarily perfectly 1/3 Offset etc , you'll need to spend more time on that if needed. Mick.
  5. Pretty sure Glenn is right ie you need to be facing the wall in an elevation camera, not cutting a cross Section through it. M.
  6. 1.) No , it is simply a line drawing for Vector Views....... 2.) No , but it's a whole lot easier with the free Excel File..... see above.... I did it for you and made a new Chief material .....
  7. * EDIT I moved the full text of the reply to the TIPS sections for Others here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24813-how-to-make-a-screen-grab-of-a-tile-into-a-tile-material-in-chief / Pattern: 12 x 24 1-3rd Offset.pat Material for Library '''Import" as usual.... MHD_1-3rd 12 x124 Stacked Brown Tile.calibz FOR X11 OR UP ONLY SORRY , use Pattern and Texture above to make your own material if needed.
  8. The NKBA Dimensions Default should already do this for your , so you may need to switch to the Correct Plan View ie Kitchen and Bath Plan View M.
  9. Set them in the Plan Defaults in your Template Plan ..... and never touch them again....works for me.... M.
  10. Isn't that what the Smooth Transition Option is For ? seems to work in some circumstances....
  11. I don't think you have anything to lose, you don't actually save anything only upgrading every 2-3-4 years , it is still (slightly) cheaper to have SSA (Subscription) active each year and have all the benefits of the latest version (PBR Etc) as well as technical support etc. I don't think you'll regret it..... Mick.
  12. No they can't as they are all Under NDA agreements ...the Public beta will release Jan. 21st , then they can Talk about it.... Unfortunately you won't have access to it since you have X8 still. The Sale Ends Jan 6th I think , ie today, but they may give you a break tomorrow still ( or order it tonight) , I recommend you jump while it saves you $$$$ as X8 to X12 will add another $500-600 and if you have X11 you will have access to X12 due to SSA, as soon as the Beta releases. M.
  13. They took down the Beta 2 announcement , and usually the next release ( Public Beta) is done on the 1st day of the KBIS Show in Vegas which is Jan. 21st this year. If your SSA is valid for 2 months beyond that point (I believe it will be available automatically in your Digital Locker the day of the Show.
  14. If the 2nd photo is indicative of the rest of the Framing , I'd suggest dismantling the barn ( save material for reuse ) and Frame it conventionally if going to be a living space, assuming an Engineer thinks the block foundation is suitable for a new 2 story structure...... Or just build new next too it ...might be cheaper..... Mick.
  15. And then Save to a KraftMaid Folder in your Library too... and place cabinets from it in the future if needed not the Cabinet Dropdown. Mick.
  16. No unfortunately , but you can build a "Kraftmaid Template Plan" and a Library Folder with saved Cabinets over time , if you think you'll work with Their Products a lot? Mark McAniff ( MarkMc ) has posted on the process of making a Manufacturer's "Catalog" before , so I'd think it was search-able.... @MarkMc M.
  17. Should be in your (My) Documents Folder , in the Chief Architect Data\Archives\ Folder ....... folder name is the Plan name with a bunch of random numbers after it. if you can't find it , Download the Brick Ledge Plan you posted 2-3 days ago off that thread .....they were in it........ For a CAD Detail in Plan goto Cad>Cad Detail Management>New Cad Detail , you can also right click CAD Details in the Project Browser for the Given Plan and Create a new one that way too. If you want you can also Name a New Plan "Details" (for eg.) and use it to "warehouse" all your typical details and send to layout from there instead of the Project Plan. Chief's Lake Point Sample Plan has an example of how that is used. Just be sure you Store that plan somewhere Chief can always find it easily. KB
  18. Yes if specified that way in Chief.......see Gene's recent post in the other thread he mentions along with examples from others.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/23437-vanity-sinks/?do=findComment&comment=199002
  19. Probably an ID , trying to make it sound more "sophisticated" for a Client, so they used ( what they thought) was the "French/European" Spelling..... But honestly it didn't bother me as lots of stuff in CA isn't named per the real world.... you just have to use/get used to them.... ie Stringer in another thread.... M.
  20. 10-4.........will do. thanks guys Redefining the Brick layer as the Wall Dimension Layer may also work...... M.
  21. Move layer 1,2, and 3 down in to the main layer as Gene suggested , Brick walls are a "special" type , I think this is mentioned in the Ref. Manual. M.
  22. @ Chris...... That is for an Upgrade if your SSA has Expired and you are a version behind ( eg X10>X11 now, X10>X12 after jan 7th) , if you are paying the Annual $525 and are current , there is nothing to worry about. To get the Public Beta for X12 on Jan 21 they usually want your SSA to be current for 2-3 months beyond the release date but Auto-renew should cover that. M.
  23. Another known Issue is bad Symbols or Symbols with huge Polygon Counts (faces) eg from something off 3D Warehouse for example. M.
  24. Have not looked at the Plan but someone experiencing similar issues recently had accidentally turned on all his Labels eg Walls , Framing etc and Chief was struggling to update them all constantly.