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    Medicine Hat, Alberta
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  1. You'd need to post the plan file for someone to inspect and then offer a solution.
  2. I'm also available. Feel free to send me a personal message or you can find my contact info from my website (link is in my signature).
  3. Check for the display of this layer: Slabs
  4. I've drawn a Quonset renovation, but not a home. Same concept, just different use of the space.
  5. I see you don't have those block fences at the default bottom height. If you're okay with manually adjusting the wall top / bottom, then a quick fix is to uncheck railing and manually adjust the top of those walls. A couple of cad lines in section view are helpful before doing this, just to locate the current top of wall. Then, uncheck 'use room ceiling finish' for the roof plane.
  6. It only takes a bit of outside-of-the box thinking in regards to defining rooms. A bit of trial and error using invisible walls to define the rooms and it's pretty simple to figure out what works and what doesn't. Otherwise, it's just a matter of properly using roof planes, ceiling planes, and skylights. Is it easy for a newbie? Probably not.
  7. @mtldesigns I have a library of about 120 3d details and I can easily create more. 3d details is almost all I use. I can create them for you on an as-needed basis. I can provide just the detail, or the detail with the plan file. I'll also sell my 3d detail plan files and library for those who are interested. I'm always available to give a bit of a demo and show you what I have and how you can modify it. As a starting point, my 3d detail plans could save you about 200 hours, plus they come with a lot of great materials.
  8. I have my framing set to use a solid fill, layer color, 88% transparent. Simple and it works well for colored working views and b&w printed views.
  9. Poche...useless until it fills an attic.
  10. Unfortunately this won't work because the CSV file isn't using point data. For a CSV file to work, you need x,y,z coordinates for each point. When you only have a pdf there really won't be any super quick way to model the terrain, but I can offer a bit of advice. I'd start by importing the pdf and aligning it. I like to draw a transparent cad mask over top of it to soften it's visual effect. I'd recommend placing elevation points around the perimeter of the property using the pdf as a tracing guide, starting with the 5' increment points only. Then build the terrain and visually compare the generated contour lines. Draw some CAD grid lines to evenly divide the property and repeat that process using elevation points. Don't over do it! Start with a center grid line, and then keep 'halving' those spaces as needed. Using your grid lines as a reference for placing elevation points, compare Chief's contours to the survey plan. Add elevation points on your grid lines to match up with the survey primary contours. Fill in the 'blanks' with more elevation points, on your grid, aligning with the survey secondary contours only where it is clearly needed. Use elevation polylines or splines to replicate the primary contours ONLY in a smaller area around where the buildings are located. Use a CAD polyline around the building so you can cleanly control the start and end of the elevation lines. Experiment by making the CAD polyline around the buildings, say 50' larger all the way around. Increase only there is an obvious need or benefit. There's probably no need for elevation lines for the entire property, plus Chief will slow down to be unusable. Make sure elevation lines do not end too close to your own elevation points, just to avoid conflicting data.
  11. Perhaps it could be as simple as turning off the 3d Patterns layer for the layer set used in the view with the schedule? Just a thought...
  12. Yes, all you need to do is apply some math within that macro. Better yet would be to use the Ruby console in order to find additional data for that specific object.
  13. If you post your plan file, someone will be able to provide you with the specific solution. If posting your plan file publicly doesn't work for you, you could always consider paid consultation where you have the benefit of confidential communication. Either way, you'll get specific solutions in a very timely fashion. Help on the forum is free, but you may be surprised at how much you can learn or how many problems can be addressed in a 30-60 minute consultation.