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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. That's true , it wouldn't be seen as "framing" in a schedule etc ......I haven't tried it, was just a thought as I typed, so not sure if the Layer can be turned on in a Wall Detail or not? M.
  2. Yes , shouldn't be an Issue actually , I usually just do it as I check the Wall Detail(s) though. Your Idea of using General Framing maybe better though as there seems to be some quirks for sure , your idea actually makes me wonder if a Room Molding Poly Line with the U-Channel might work even better ? ( more automated ) M.
  3. Mark would know better than me but that would seem to me to be a problem with the Rev-A-Shelf Symbols , they should not be auto stretching to the Cabinet ( as most insert-able items do ) and resizing indiscriminately as that is going to catch out many to my thinking, so should likely be reported to T.S./ or the Content Team , because as noted you can only buy certain sizes and MUST make the cabinet to fit the Insert, not the other way around. @Chief_Content
  4. It maybe the Switch Option, as I think Switches are hardcoded to merge (gang) together if touching ...Outlets may do the same thing? , but should be easy to test. M.
  5. There isn't one until the Wall Bridging is built AFAIK , you have to open the DBX for it on each wall and change it ...... RickyP (above) has started a Suggestion for that and being able to setup more than one row and their spacings ...so add you vote too please.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/24497-more-wall-bridging-editing-defaults/ M.
  6. Not sure why that always says Roof but that is the one..... then it doesn't matter if you change the Bridging Default "Type" , in fact if I change it to U-Channel the Bridging disappears from a 3D view....whether I use the Steel 16 OC stud or a Metal Framing material of my own, still there in the Wall Detail though..
  7. Try using the OIP (Object Information Panel) instead and Create a Custom Field or use one of the existing Columns like Supplier (renamed) , just be sure the Column is displayed in the schedule.
  8. I do agree as it happens but I'd suggest you join the Beta Program and make a Feature Request .....
  9. didn't you accuse me of making posts like this last week ? M.
  10. The Core Architectural and Core Exterior Libraries got updates just now when I tried it but no issues here for me...... Could be a bad symbol in your Library so hopefully Dermot or Brian is around today to help. @Dermot
  11. Which camera and what adjustment were you trying Cheryl ? I see you have another Issue/topic about a Library crash to , so it maybe related?
  12. Each Schedule creates it's own Callouts .......should it work that way is debatable, but that is how Chief does it currently. Keeping them in a CAD Detail , not "In Plan" is usually the best method as some schedules can/will really slow the Plan down. M.
  13. One of the best Threads for help on Raytracing is Graham's called Lets Raytrace ..... Most people are using PBR ( Physically Based Rendering) now and he also has a thread on that called Lets PBR...... Mick.
  14. If you are ??? you can use the material definition Tool to move Material with the Offsets , same as you can on the Floor for Tile etc. The downside is that you will need a unique copy of the material for each room , so you can use different Offsets. M.
  15. This is normally a Nvidia Driver Issue - usually the Driver is over a year old and in the 380-400 Series, ( was okay for X10 but X11 had a few issues) try an update with the Notebook Driver here just input the model of Nvidia Card you have in the laptop to get the latest : https://www.geforce.com/drivers
  16. check this Tut. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00904/creating-a-bonus-room-above-a-garage.html
  17. I normally just take a snip and then paste it into the text area , no need to save to desktop , and drag into the light gray area or anything usually. Win10 currently has 2 Snip Tools , the old one under Windows>Accessories and the New Snip+ Sketch App under S on the start menu
  18. post pics using the Windows Snipping Tool, and post the images direct to the Forum (C&P) and I think you'll get more answers , downloading and saving then viewing PDFs is too much of a hassle for many. The Plan or an example plan with the same issue would help too / be best. M.
  19. You could start with Home Designer Pro ($495) and if and when you trade up to CA Premier they will reimburse the $495 off the cost of Premier. Download the Trial and give it a try.... M.
  20. From the testing I have done in the last week or two for the same issue the Quality is better if you export and then re-import than if you "Send to Layout" as an Image directly but it still isn't as nice as the view on the Screen, in Layout, once Printed to PDF for some reason? maybe it is the PDF generation causing issues ? not the quality of the initial Pic? It may have to do with keeping the size (mb) of the PDF low ? so it downsamples the images automatically making them look all "jaggy". M.
  21. Have a look at Superior Walls Products such as the XI Wall , they provide CAD Details etc , so their Walls can be easily detailed/made in Chief, though I didn't bother doing it 100% accurate Wall Definition for the 3D model as Chief's Wall Layers system didn't really allow it. https://www.superiorwalls.com/
  22. You can also save one of your current Plans in which you have already done the changes as a Template , then just delete the Home already drawn in the Template ready to draw a new plan. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-03094/creating-a-custom-plan-template-from-an-existing-project.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/271/templates.html
  23. Well you maybe more perturbed to learn the limit in BC since March is now 12 Stories.... and that is supposed to be the new Limit in 2020 for the NBC too from what I read.