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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Not for the Default setting changes as they won't apply to existing cameras , you will need to open/shoot new cameras for the new Defaults, The Settings under Rendering Technique change pretty instantly though , these can also be setup in Defaults once you find settings you like, so when you switch to PBR from STD you are close to what you like.
  2. Try .4 Exposure and turn on Improve Lighting Quality I also bump the Brightness to 70-80 for interiors ---a tip from Graham
  3. It sounds like you might not be switching the Camera Rendering Type to PBR from Standard after shooting the Camera? by Default the Camera is usually in STD view , then you can change the Rendering Type
  4. You can put this in your Forum Signature , so you don't need to post it each time ... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/18908-signature-here-at-chief-talk/?tab=comments#comment-155662 some answers are version specific and also in that vain the HD Line has their own Forum over here too: https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  5. Did you download the Macros I posted earlier in the Thread? import the clear_hash macro, it helps force a reset of the Roof Planes ( or room info if using that Macro too ) I have it in a text box on the Attic level but that maybe not necessary ? Mick.
  6. Try this jonboy ........ note: 1st line of order does not need the + sign, the next 4 do after result indx = $tree['roofplanes'].keys.find_index(id) result = "Roof Plane No# : " + (indx+1).to_s + "\n" result += "Roof Area Sqft : " + area.to_s + " sqft" + "\n" result += "Roof Area Total Sqs : " + areasq.to_s + " sq" + "\n" result += "Roof Pitch : " + pitch + "\n" result += "Slope Angle : " + slope.to_s + "°\n" result ======================================================= Full Macro text file : Roof_Label_Macro_Text File.txt =======================================================
  7. I have found this does not always work 100% of the time if you try multiple files at once, just saw it happen with a Client on Friday actually with about 9 , it just stopped after 2. however the Library>Import Library> ( group select on USB / Server etc) function always seems to handle it just fine whether multiple libraries or just 1. M.
  8. Chief's Core Library has a Walnut - Fine Rich and a Fine Natural which aren't bad , maybe worth tinkering with? M.
  9. Have you seen this KB Article on using Sea Level Height? https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-01078/using-real-world-elevation-data-to-create-a-terrain.html Tricking the Auto Story Pole to show SL references is fairly easy, there are Several Posts on Sea Level References here on the Forum. ***Edit: And old post of mine with a Plan you can open with some Notes.... https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/topic/17786-story-pole-relocating-the-grade-elevation/?do=findComment&comment=149858
  10. make sure to post the request in the Suggestions Forum then...... M.
  11. Are you installing libraries for the 1st Time or Updating Libraries already installed? cos the Students can run an update every week once installed from the Library Menu. Rene's method may work if you update one machine ( not yours for security) and then have the other 26 Machines use the Same Database Libraries Folder from the Network (assuming the Classroom has one or access to one) IT guy may need to help set that up for you. Downside maybe that everything each student saves to the Library would be saved to each Student computer. Buy 30 Cheap USB Keys and have the Students do it themselves so they know how.... M.
  12. Turn off the Stair railings altogether and then draw your own Straight Railing , setting it to "Follow Stairs" , then change to panels etc just like on the Deck Railing. Mick.
  13. And they wouldn't do it for you ? , I'd have thought they would if both versions were licensed to you ? M.
  14. Note the Link to the X8 viewer in this KB Article in the Green Shaded area. Once the file is opened in the X8 Viewer save it and it will convert it to the new File type for you. YMMV though as if you only have the pl-1 file, the others maybe missing. https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00279/opening-legacy-files.html
  15. What Greg meant was go here ..... at least for Brosco Moldings.......... https://www.brosco.com/resource-center/cad-drawings/ if they aren't in the Brosco Chief Catalog already? Chief Library is here : https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/977 New England and Windsor1 also have libraries but also not Complete Catalogs https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/712 https://www.chiefarchitect.com/3d-library/index.php?r=site/detail/713 M.
  16. These tuts. in the KB may get you started........ https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00166/creating-a-custom-molding-profile.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00899/creating-a-stepped-molding-profile.html https://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00824/editing-a-molding-profile.html
  17. I think it is there so if you have done a lot of manual changes to the Deck Framing you don't lose those if you need to rebuild it for some reason. M.
  18. 19 = 2019 I assume Looks correct to me M.
  19. Reshaping the Wall seems to work okay , delete the small triangular automatic wall with siding that generates on the right
  20. Reshape the Wall Polyline perhaps , but as Eric said easier to diagnose with the Plan available. M.
  21. Thanks BT , I really appreciate you looking at the Sort Order issue/request and re-writing this Macro , so I didn't need to Play with the code you supplied above and figure out where I was going wrong ! And for Supplying the Macro as a standard Text file , so much easier to read etc in Notepad .
  22. Probably changed the number style to Decimal Feet when you were doing your Plot Plan earlier....
  23. 1 option possibly, would be the Post with Footing Tool and edit the Footing to the size need , you'd still need to add the Cap yourself though eg with a Slab or P-Solid. If you need to show more material types you may need to add a 2nd Slab or P-Solid.
  24. Ouch ...... I don't think Rob made the claim it was Photo-Realistic , just faster and better than some other views available....... Just set your Raytraces to run after you leave the Office at the end of the Day perhaps.... personally I am hoping for some changes in X12 now Nvidia is supporting RT in Real-time , of course we may not get it to X14 or Xxx?..... M.
  25. A short CA Video showing most of the basic PBR Setup Defaults from the Lets' PBR Thread https://www.chiefarchitect.com/videos/watch/2426/physically-based-rendering-technique.html M.