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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Is the return auto generated or drawn manually? If manually created, try re-snapping it to the attic wall and see if that fixes the issue.
  2. Have you imported items from Sketchup or some other place? Have you imported PDF items? Something in you plan...most likely....has a high face count and is causing the slow down.
  3. Yep. A hole in the structure would need to be framed so the plan view would give the framers the dims they need. You are wanting the drywall dimensioned in plan view?
  4. I have used X12 since the day it was put in my digital locker. The issue you are having, I'm 99.9% sure, is hardware related on your end. I don't have a custom built machine, just an off the shelf HP that I put an Nvidia graphics card in, so if there were issue with the software itself, I would have found them.
  5. I think it's the wall you are aligning to. Just a hole in the floor everything is good.
  6. I got a notification that I have windows updated waiting to be installed. Is you PC set to auto update?
  7. Either a reference set, or as I do, simple CAD lines for reference.
  8. Check the railing wall layers that the wall above is aligning to.
  9. Long shot but I can usually get by with putting this on my septic page. Don't handle many of these any longer.
  10. I generally just place a set back in the porch and add the stairs to spec...
  11. Easy enough to make on real quick There are also some in the Simpson Door catalog.
  12. Your window is at least an 1.5" too high, which is why it cut the plate at the openings. If auto framing is still on, just drop the window(s) to the top of the foundation wall so that the sill will regenerate, if auto framing is off, simply drag the sill plate over the openings.
  13. I see everything....but I see EVERYTHING. All the layers are turned on, so he/she will have to wade through the layers. In Chief, not sure if it's the same with Pro, but when exporting a view, say FLOOR PLAN, there is a check box to only export the layers visible in that view. Same for ELECTRICAL, I will export the views when sending to an engineer. A structural engineer doesn't hardly every need to see the electrical plans and things like that, so I will export just the FOUNDATION PLAN, or the FRAMING PLANS, and leave all the other layers off so that they don't export. Hope that makes sense.
  14. Cut a hole in the roof. or simply break the roof planes at the ridge and pull them down to create the hole.
  15. Cabinet hardware, door hardware, windows hardware?
  16. Draw a foundation wall under it.
  17. Patently false. There are still things I would like to see, but saying I have less now than I did back in v.9.5 is simply false.
  18. No worries. Sometimes we all get lost in our work and the easiest answers escape us.
  19. Perhaps you should check your libraries, they may need updated.
  20. P.S. If the wall is solid masonry, you will need to eliminate the rough opening settings. The gap you see is probably the rough openings, but there isn't framing in a solid masonry wall.
  21. Window recessed to sheathing layer. 2" sash setting, 2" frame setting.
  22. Also. Your cabinets are overlapping, which is why you have this result.