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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. You are probably changing the bounding box and not the actual symbol. What are your steps?
  2. Older couple? Aging in place thoughts are to make interior doors 36" or 32" w/ enough room for swing-a-way hinges.
  3. Warmer climate? Perhaps a tankless W/H on the exterior of the exterior wall so that you can gain that space back.
  4. And yes...doors and windows will recognize the interior wall and make the appropriate cuts.
  5. I do many of these. I have a 4" interior wall that only has drywall on 1 side. Just draw in in and butt it up against the foundation walls. Use layer sets to separate the 2 plans.
  6. Many different views on this, probably depends on region and training maybe. I tend to leave building sections cleaner and refer to more detailed wall section pages and detail pages. An architect I do CDs for prefers more detailed cross sections and less detail pages. BTW...everything here is live. These are all camera view/back-clipped sections labeled and sent to layout with my layer/anno set for details. I think the only "CAD" detail is the typ post & beam detail.
  7. I'm a lot confused so I have not even tried. That line is where it's suppose to be in my opinion.
  8. I don't generally show the entire gas line run, simply where it comes in and use the G line type.
  9. I've never seen a plumbing wall either here in Indiana...almost all basements...but I would say to model it exactly like you are going to build it. as @Alaskan_Son says, that is my default. In all cases I will model like it's to be built before I start scratching my head to come up with a "fix".
  10. Without knowing the process you are using, there is simply no way to answer your question. Clearly elevations sent to layout work incredibly well, we are just going to need to know what you are doing to pinpoint what went wrong.
  11. Set the text size for those markers to be larger, make sure the box ix checked to auto size.
  12. Is the return auto generated or drawn manually? If manually created, try re-snapping it to the attic wall and see if that fixes the issue.
  13. Have you imported items from Sketchup or some other place? Have you imported PDF items? Something in you plan...most likely....has a high face count and is causing the slow down.
  14. Yep. A hole in the structure would need to be framed so the plan view would give the framers the dims they need. You are wanting the drywall dimensioned in plan view?
  15. I have used X12 since the day it was put in my digital locker. The issue you are having, I'm 99.9% sure, is hardware related on your end. I don't have a custom built machine, just an off the shelf HP that I put an Nvidia graphics card in, so if there were issue with the software itself, I would have found them.
  16. I think it's the wall you are aligning to. Just a hole in the floor everything is good.
  17. I got a notification that I have windows updated waiting to be installed. Is you PC set to auto update?
  18. Either a reference set, or as I do, simple CAD lines for reference.
  19. Check the railing wall layers that the wall above is aligning to.
  20. Long shot but I can usually get by with putting this on my septic page. Don't handle many of these any longer.
  21. I generally just place a set back in the porch and add the stairs to spec...