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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. 1 - The stone is applied using a wall material region...just as it would be with this type of cultured I am able to manipulate the bottom edge to follow the terrain. 2 - Pretty much the same as above. When veneer is applied using the wall material region, it "hides" the foundation wall below it so that I can use my WALLS, STONE VENNER layer to control the line type and weight.
  2. Working up a daylight basement set now. Foundation walls use my layer settings.
  3. I use a layer set (ELEVATIONS, EXTERIOR) and the layer WALLS, FOUNDATION is set to light gray and dashed to achieve this.. If you don't want anything showing, put a thick "grade line" on your elevation and after sending it to layout, pull the view window up to the line...
  4. Agreed. I was heading over there to look for updated catalogs and thought of this post. I use the dropdown menu when a beam is needed.
  6. @mkennedy2000 so don't use layout if you don't want to. Go to FILE>PRINT and set up your page. When you turn on FILE>PRINT PREVIEW you will see the page. Set up your template plan to include a title block and such on the plan page and you don't have to use layout if you don't want to.
  7. That's a flat roof with "windows" installed on top. Model just like it's built, don't overthink it. Flat roof and make your window symbols. Cut a hole in the roof plane so that you can see them from the inside.
  8. Which is why I said that.... I don't use that macro as my pages are numbered in the page info box so that my details and call outs always know where they are.
  9. @builtright3 No. Some suggest when there is a detached structure that you should do them in separate files, but I like to keep them in the same file. The pergola area between them is labeled as a patio room so that Chief recognizes them as one structure. In rare occasions I will do detached units/garages in separate files, I 99.9% like to keep them together. Here is another project I completed with a detached garage. I think the con docs are on this article as well.|utmccn=(referral)|utmcmd=referral|utmcct=/&__utmv=-&__utmk=128962891
  10. @mkennedy2000 %page% macro is included in Chief. Simply put this macro on page 0 and it will number the pages. Even if you insert a new page, it will fix the numbering, unless you have a prefix or suffix of some sort. If you just want automated page numbering, this is the one. I also use the included date macro so that every time I open the layout I don't have to remember to change the date.
  11. Sheet numbering macro on page 0 will populate page numbers on each page.
  12. Hmmm....just connect them with a "court" or "patio". Easy peasy and the construction docs are accurate.
  13. Take a back-clipped cross section view and select the slab, you should now be able to create breaks in the slab and position it accordingly.
  14. What I see is someone still trying to operate Chief like one of those other programs. I've never produced better CD's...faster, they look better...what else do I need?
  15. The AutoCAD mess I left 15 years ago.
  16. You have to make sure the Auto Refresh option is checked in order for the change to take place in the Auto Dimension tool.
  17. I keep some different lengths of railing I turned into symbols for situations like this. I find it faster to simply use symbols to achieve this.
  18. Use that detail to create and save the brick corbel to your library and use a molding polyline to place it on you plan. Same for the fascia board. A 3D molding line will give you the finish at the bottom, the crown can simply be added as a "shadow board" in the roof dbx.
  19. @Rich_Winsor as far as I know the lights don't come with the export so I added them from the TM library. They must be off a bit, I hadn't noticed.
  20. I have been playing with Twinmotion recently. These are Chief models exported in 3DS format. I have spent just a few hours with TM and this is what I have come up with.
  21. Set the header and trimmer information in the opening dbx.
  22. I know this won't help much, but here the building department would like to see (2) 1/2" Type X Gypsum, which with a 2"x10" and 3/4" T&G sub-floor actually gives 2 hours.....but....anyway. The thing our inspectors look for more than the (2) 1/2" layers is the penetrations. Sloppy gaps in light fixtures and floor penetrations from plumbing above get dinged with me more than my details. Fire caulk is MUST, and proper application. I am sure out there that aspect would be the same. Hope that helps you.
  23. Viki Wooster is in Bend as well and is a Chief user @vikiw_bend