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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. You don't in Chief Architect, but you can make the foundation wall a PONY WALL and set the depth of the top to 4" so that it simulates an L-Block. Also, Chief will automatically add your brick ledge and it will be very close to what you need if you set the wall definition up right. From there, detail the rest.
  2. Other than adding an overhang note on the roof plan....
  3. Dimensioning to roof planes while in plan view isn't all that common...I have never seen it in my 25 years.
  4. It's just reversing the wall layer, do your work and reverse them back. You are probably using an interior railing wall.
  5. Make the default foundation mono slab, then double click in the bathroom and look under the structure tab and uncheck the mono slab option and see if that gives you what you want. There will be some cleanup and some adjustments to those foundation rooms once you have them all set, but it should work.
  6. I would use the EDIT AREA (ALL FLOORS) tool to take the 8" section cut out first, then use the same tool to select the area to be moved and point to point move that section into place. Remember though, the AutoCAD stretch tool, from what I can remember works well, but it's only moving 2D lines, in Chief you are moving 3D parametric objects so there will likely be a little housecleaning to do.
  7. Don't "Pull the wall down" simply put the shed roof on it and the auto generated attic walls will go away.
  8. Click on the wall the roof planes are setting on and change the pitch there. Auto Roofs will still work using the walls.
  9. Open a test plan and try setting these and see if this helps. You are, in my opinion, wayyyyyy overthink this. I do a ton of construction plans each year and rarely need more than these. MDP X12 Default_Anno_Sets.cadefs MDP X12 Layer Sets.layers
  10. All my notes, fills, roof pitch markers, etc are in my library. Drag and drop. EDIT: I will add that. I have "canned details" in my library, but by the time you drop those, explode them so that they can be adapted for the specific project, and then added to the layout page, I can do details just as fast this way and I don't want/need hundreds of details floating around and clogging my library. Faster, for me, to model accurately and drop my notes and fills and move on. I have a 3/4"=1' annotation/layer set so one click, a few drag and drops and detail done.
  11. FWIW...I would keep this live and model the area like I want it built. Live details and sections are easy to do and you don't end up fighting all those CAD lines. My layout view... When you click on a detail... Just crop them down on the layout page.
  12. I complete the base plan, get it right and get the con docs finished. Then SAVE AS_Elev B and make those changes. Then go back to the base and SAVE AS_Dining Cantilever and get that done, etc... Keep them all in the same file and use one layout file, all in the same folder.
  13. You can actually place a small wall there, and call it an attic wall so that it doesn't show on the floor plan. Either way works, and whichever is fastest for you to work it out.
  14. You have a gap there because the ceiling in the garage is higher than the roof plane and there is no structure filling that spot.
  15. I don't have any of that. These are vector view camera cuts.
  16. Construction company want ads. You need an understanding of construction to able to design and create plans.
  17. Place the girder truss(s), and multiple copy tool set to 16" o.c.
  18. Yes you do. Here is a page of details all from the model. Live camera views, labeled from my library and sent directly to layout. Very little if any CAD other than the earth and stone fill.
  19. Draw all the trusses in, hold SHIFT and select them all, open bdx and check energy heel. Take 20 seconds.