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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Looks like they are printing in B/W or gray scale. Color my area....cost a considerable amount more so be careful when you order color prints.
  2. Make sure it's not labeled as an attic. Room dbx will have all the information you need.
  3. Tons of good moldings in the Windsor One catalog. Just click and add. Easy as can be.
  4. That isn't the issue. There are NO versions of Chief Architect that will open backwards. Cracked version or not, an X13 file will not open in X10.
  5. I think you need to do that before importing.
  6. A few thousands dollars spent to insure your $100K+ investment is correct is a very, very small price to pay. Hire a pro.
  7. The location at the start or end of the railing wall is what determines the position. You will need to play with turning them off and/on per the wall section to see which one is the position you want. In other words, the longer wall at the edge of the deck looks to have one correct and one not. I would turn the start and end off for that wall and see what it gives you by allowing the shorter side walls determine the corner post.
  8. There are none. Can't go backwards. You can however, go to the X12 archive folder and retrieve the last version you had before opening it in X13. Mine is located at DOCUMENTS>CHIEF ARCHITECT PREMIRE X12 DATA>ARCHIVES
  9. I always forget to mention that. It's a habit I don't even think about anymore so I forget to mention it.
  10. You're using the wrong camera. Use the VECTOR VIEW camera and a very specific layer set with it to control the line weights.
  11. Looks like a beam. I color beams so that I can see them better.
  12. I never use the NKBA dims so I don't know anything about that, but the crop is just when sending to layout crop the box to take out any extra floor layers that will show using the back clipped cross section camera. BTW, just using the regular dim tool will find all the centerlines so I don't know what the advantage of using the NKBA tool gives you.
  13. For islands use the back clipped cross section tool and crop to fit.
  14. Where did you set that? Did you set up the framing layer in the actual wall to be correct?
  15. I was able to narrow it down to the cantilevered area. Once I pulled it back from there it worked as I wanted. I sent a bug report in along with the plan.
  16. I have confirmed in X12 that this works properly, but in X13 not so much. I need to lower the ceiling of the porch.... But when I do, it's now dragging the entire floor down with it. Auto Roofs is now turned off, and I can't lower the porch ceiling without changing the entire floor....this is a BIG problem. Anyone else hitting this problem in X13?
  17. Just delete the floor in the other building.
  18. That's an automatic $100 PITA charge Nope, just hit the TAB key to get to individual units.
  19. Just like you would build it. Take an elevation view and apply them to the veneer. Look in the millwork catalog. can use the millwork for the exterior trim. Check the box for LINTEL and add that top piece, use the sill tab to simulate the...well...sill. You will most likely have to create the lintel piece as a molding line and save it to your user library. Make sure you check mark the RETURN box so that it returns to the brick and use the extend function to get it to go past the side pieces as it returns.