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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Yes. That plan I left the terrain turned on rather than draw the fake terrain line.
  2. For walkout foundations you simply fix that lines above grade. Any of the methods above require some manual manipulation, choose the one that saves the most time. This saves me the most time.
  3. My guess is the railing is butting against the railing wall, or invisible wall, or what ever you are using to designate that room.
  4. Easy peasy....just a layer set with the WALL, FOUNDATION layer set to gray and dashed. I'm not sure why people struggle with this.
  5. With X13 there is a way to change smaller dimensions, along a dimension string, to show inches rather than feet-inches. Before you could only change the entire string. This may help with the clutter. Rather than having a 2'-2 1/4" in the long string, you can change just that dim to say 26 1/4", which may help you.
  6. Take a full overview camera screen shot. In plan view is the roof layer turned on?
  7. Are you looking via a FLOOR OVERVIEW camera or a FULL OVERVIEW camera? Has the roof been defined? Are the associated roof layer turned on in the camera view?
  8. Check your code book first. If using dimensional lumber it's still code to support those walls. Some situations with I joists will need the extra joists under those walls.
  9. 1) Take an elevation view and use a polysolid. Put it on the wall layer, and match the wall properties. Use CAD to show the opening. 2) And what I would do is create the front wall with a wall so that I can attach openings and fixtures to it more easily, then add the poly solid around that wall to create the return on the left and right and the shape at the top. Show it in elevations, not necessarily on plan view.
  10. I give it those qualified to do it. I don't remember what he uses but I think it's an online Manual-J & D program.
  11. Last time I did quick calcs for stairs I think we used 2.5sqft per tread and 2sqft per riser. 9sqft per landing if the stairs are 36" wide. Add all that and add 10% for a guestimate.
  12. FBI: "We must not have humans in shipping containers, it's dangerous, and immoral!!" HGTV: "Let's put humans in shipping containers. It's sooo cool!!"
  13. You can assign it any symbol you like, for speeds sake, I drag them in and go.
  14. No. Open the actual material and make a copy. Name it and rotate it. With the material region you are rotating the "region" not the material.
  15. The joist hangers are in the Simpson library.
  16. There are multiple anchoring options other than the ole cast-in-place anchor bolt.
  17. Make a copy of the material, rotate it 90d.
  18. We don't all live and work in seismic zones.
  19. Break the invisible wall at the width you need the gable to be. Changing the pitch will need to happen after and manually.
  20. Check that the ponywall is aligned properly. Delete the line on the layout page if it's still there.