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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. You had me until there. What if there are changes and/or revisions. Budget constraints have to keep make CAD details to update the site plan. Leave everything live. Site, plans, elevations, sections, details, all of's all live!
  2. Turn on WALL, MAIN LAYER ONLY and it turns off all the wall layers. You can also make a LIVING AREA polyline and have it on the layer you need to show on the site plan but not the floor plan.
  3. I have a layer/anno set for site plans. Easy peasy. There are times this doesn't work well, but for the most part it's how I handle site plans.
  4. Made my own closet block years ago to give me the look I want. Just CAD lines blocked and added as needed.
  5. Turn off the layer for CABINETS, MODULE LINES
  6. You have a setting off somewhere that is causing the darkness. This is not a Chief problem, this is a plan problem. That pic I posted up above of the water color is straight from a plan I randomly opened and exported that view. I didn't toggle anything or click anything extra. Post the plan file.
  7. Yes and no. This button will allow you to have the door opened in 3D, but once it's open in 3D, it's open. different camera makes no difference....if it's open, it's open.
  8. Toggle the sunlight on and off and see what that does. Then, forget that rendering technique exists and use the vector view for interior elevations.
  9. Check the distance between the W/C and the counter top corner.
  10. That box/bay windows date back to the begging of residential construction in America and yet, we have to jump through hoops to complete this task in a professional residential design software package.
  11. I dropped them right into the text box.
  12. Give me your tips & tricks. I have been using Chief for what feels like a century now but still cringe when I get one of these from my builders or homeowners....
  13. Looks like they are printing in B/W or gray scale. Color my area....cost a considerable amount more so be careful when you order color prints.
  14. Make sure it's not labeled as an attic. Room dbx will have all the information you need.
  15. Tons of good moldings in the Windsor One catalog. Just click and add. Easy as can be.
  16. That isn't the issue. There are NO versions of Chief Architect that will open backwards. Cracked version or not, an X13 file will not open in X10.