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Everything posted by joey_martin

  1. Yes, but when I take a section through the wall, I still want the layers and different fills to be present so that I can detail it better. I wondered if others were simply putting a 1" or 1.5" substitute in there, or leaving the layers.
  2. Anyone set up a ZIP Wall yet? I am interested in seeing how others have set the wall layers up for this system to work correctly, especially when using brick veneer.
  3. If using a conditioned crawl space, please consider no slab above the crawl space.
  4. 1) If you are taking interior elevations use the WALL ELEVATION CAMERA and set it to have a callout, not a line to get in the way. 2) Use the project browser to open the camera views and lock them in plan view as stated above.
  5. You're sending an image. How does it look once you have printed to PDF. If you want simple, clean interior elevations, send them as plot line views.
  6. Probably best to pose that question directly to Chief Architect.
  7. Molding polyline? I use a molding polyline to add flares at siding/stone transitions, it may work for this.
  8. Ashley are you familiar with Sketchup at all? There might be some items in the 3D warehouse to snag and bring into Chief, or make them in Sketchup and easily import them into Chief.
  9. You have a floor framing setting off somewhere. Find that setting and you are good to go.
  10. Especially in California!! Here in Indiana, besides having a subscription to the online codes ( ) I can also go to the state website and get reference link, or to the Indiana Association of Building Officials site ( ) and look for reference links. Check in California has such a resource for you.
  11. That statement is ridiculous, come on man, be better.
  12. Remodel? As said, can't have wall occupy the same space. Take your as built plan and it CAD FROM VIEW and turn it into lines. Block it and place it on the new construction plan and lock it in place. The dashed walls on this plan are where the existing walls are/were..
  13. I am working on a remodel right now that the homeowner said they had the original plans for. I kid you not...pencil sketches on a 4 sheets of 8.5 x 11 graph paper. The house is about 20 years old, and that's what it was built from.
  14. Is there an attached foundation plan? If not, I worked in an office (yeeeeeears ago) that used this method so that the foundation guys could do the foundation. We would eventually go back and include the foundation plan, but we would leave the dims like this on the floor plan.
  15. And don't even have to make them 2D CAD if you don't want to, simply send elevations to layout and crop the layout box down to just the doors and windows.
  16. I don't see a CAD detail on that page. Are you referring to the window & door elevations? Take elevation view and use the CAD FROM VIEW tool to create the 2D elevation versions of those and send them to layout once you delete all the stuff around them you don't want. This is a 100% manual process, no easy button.
  17. @HomeDesign724 for what it's worth, I am using an off-the-shelf HP that I added an Nvidia card to a few years ago and X13 works just fine. I can't do the real time PBR, but everything else work just fine. Including the regular PBR and Raytrace. I will upgrade the computer when prices come down a bit. I don't do a ton of rendering so I'm good.
  18. I did a church project (12,000 sqft) in Chief, no issues. Sent PDF's to engineer(s) and others and they sent back red-lines for me to add to the plan set. No issues with performance and I think I was using X1 back then. In the newer versions I have completed a few restaurant build-outs in strip malls, and a duplex office building (6000 sqft), also no issues.
  19. For what it's worth, I opened and moved some furniture around, moved a couple rafters and joists, took some camera view, etc in plan view no hangups at all. Having said that, there were a bunch of materials that didn't come with the file, so perhaps the problem is a material, custom or otherwise, that you are using that is causing the issue. When I take a 3D vector view and move a roof plan, it would take around 20 seconds to stop spinning. The roof material/pattern may be the issue. When I move a piece of furniture in 3D don't have that issue.
  20. When you select the soffit, you are most likely selecting the room first. Click the soffit, hit TAB and you should be good to go.
  21. Hold the shift key and select the rug and all the furniture that is setting on it and block them. There are times this method will trigger whatever the hang up is. I've had to do this at times to get one chair out of 6 to go under a dining table.
  22. Open the sofa symbol and make sure it has a fill. After sending the sofa to the front, select the rug and send it back a layer. See if that helps.