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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I did a bit of cleaning out too after reading Doug's post and added the attached .Bat file to my Startup Folder to auto delete the contents of the %temp% directory each time the Computer boots from now on. This is the folder I put it in on Windows 7 C:\Users\YOUR_Name\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup cleantemp.zip if you type %temp% into the Start Bar Search it will show you a link to the Temp folder if you want to Open it and check for undeleted files. M.
  2. Scott is correct I didn't Flip the deck upside down to see if all the framing was there , I could see the Beams and posts etc ,so made an assumption ( and we know where that gets ya !),seems my original thought was correct you do need to play with the framing manually ( not frame it manually though),all the framing you need is actually there you just have to drag it back out full length again and delete a couple extra rim joists on the Octagon at the original deck level, and I extended the beams etc CA had cut back , 10mins ? work and it is all there except the dbl rimjoist as I hadn't spec'd that in the Deck Railing Wall defaults. This would be how it was framed as an addition to the original deck, not if you were framing it from scratch of course. M.
  3. thanks for posting the plan Joey , it's always good to see how others do stuff....can't find stuff like this in any manual. M.
  4. It's Easter long weekend holidays here Antoine , so you may need to wait a day or so longer for others to respond.... M.
  5. I imagine yes but please share the plan so we can take a look thanks M.
  6. Thanks Perry + Steph_en , I was interested in MRS too , Scott called it MR(Layer)S in his videos Steph_eh , I'll add some links below. Scott you did video's back in X3 by the looks ,has much changed since then? I found 2 videos on this page http://www.chieftutor.com/scotthall/index.html and 3 on this page ,but think there are the same as above?...I guess the 4th didn't get made after all. http://www.chieftutor.com/scotthall/mrls_total.html http://www.chieftutor.com/scotthall/index.html
  7. I thought you might need to manually frame this but I decided to give it a try since I was on HT answering a few questions and had HD Pro open anyway and you can just shift select and ctrl-drag the auto octagonal Deck over the main deck after setting it 7" higher in the oct.deck Room DBX , once you drag it over the main Deck the outer part of the Oct.Deck Room tries to drop back to 0" ,so reset it to 7" , and then multi- select the rails you don't want to see and make them all invisible. think that was all...
  8. might not be the same issue,but I was having an issue with saving (and using the library too) when I went from x7 beta to X7 full but not with , don't know if it helped or not , but someone (Perry?) suggested letting CCleaner clean the Registry (which I don't usually allow but I run it for the other Junk) and it seems good since , but not sure if that was really the fix or not? I use the free version found here: http://www.piriform.com/ccleaner/download?upgrade
  9. your videocards should easily handle the 2D ,for the 3D you could check your settings against Perry's recommndations to me last yr here : https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/321-nvidia-driver-settings/?hl=%2Bnvidia+%2Bsettings When was the last time you checked you HD for errors or Ran the Defragmenting utility? even on my desktop (with a GTX970) , since it is now 4-5 years old , I notice that X6 and X7 are a lot tougher on the hardware than X3/X4 were ,I went to an SSD a few yrs ago to try and make the "old girl" last me a while longer but got the GTX970 as a Xmas gift for myself as like you I was noticing considerable differences, especially now we have Multi-monitor. M
  10. Hi Bob , found the post from last year when Perry helped me get my Nvidia card setup right , it's here: https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/321-nvidia-driver-settings/?hl=%2Bnvidia+%2Bsettings
  11. Yep very nice ,Kjellar. The link to the Lumion tutorial above is very good , he sure makes it look easy....
  12. The Laptop has a more capable videocard than the desktop and perhaps more Ram which helps too. Does the Laptop have an SSD vs a HD in the desktop ? is Chief setup/been added to Nvidia Control Panel in 3D management on the Desktop? are the Render options on both the same? etc etc lots to look at . the 3D framework has changed since X3 and started with X6 AFAIK ,so perhaps your GTX430 is no longer capable enough?
  13. Depending on what the real construction is as DJP mentioned , you can use a window AND a Window Passthru to get this effect , you may need to pull the bottom of the window box up in an elevation view though. Can make for a messy plan view ,make sure to suppress Sills and Casings as as needed on the interior and exterior walls. The Box window works to in some situations but the casing won't move out even if you make the frame say 16" deep.....I'm thinking that's a bug? M.
  14. You should be able to use the Materials List Polyline for that , once you have it shaped as needed, select it, then click the Calculate Button on the edit Toolbar, it works like the "calculate from area Tool" so whatever is inside your shaped "marquee" is included.
  15. This list is from here on the forum a few years ago https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4281-foundations/page-2#entry38029 some of it is mentioned in the short video no# 5415 too , cant make a direct link but here is a list http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?playlist=21 ,scroll down about 15 videos
  16. He's using HDA 2015 Perry , so no Wall Material Regions AFAIK , but Pony Walls should work if HDA has them ? otherwise you can use a Soffit with Brick material carefully placed to simulate the effect you want. you might want to post over at HomeTalk instead of here on the Premier Forum for further answers ,as they will know your product better. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/
  17. He can try the Pro Trial for Free so why not ? , you just have to remember to open you Defaults and under Plan ,check the box for "Allow editing in certain HD Products" I would assume you are doing the Layouts for him aren't you? so Pro might work for him. https://www.homedesignersoftware.com/products/trial.html?product=pro
  18. Not on a Mac so not seeing any issue here , looks like you drew it in Inches , so She may need to turn on the Secondary Dimension Format ,so Chief will Show Both or reverse the Primary Format and Secondary Formats , you might need to check the meter to feet conversion equation in the Preferences too, under Unit Conversions?
  19. My guess is you originally drew the exterior walls , then enclosed the family room and deck at that end with interior walls an set their Room designations while doing so , then moved to the other end of the house and designated the remaining area as "Garage" before you drew in the Garage interior walls , this would cause the entire area to drop to the minus 6" default for a garage room, after which you then sliced up the remaining area into kitchen,living etc , but that doesn't auto set the Floor back to 0" just cos it's a kitchen or living rm designation. Cant say why the 1st floor garage is at -114 though.... -14 perhaps ? M.
  20. The Reset side windows should of brought the Edit Bar back to the bottom of the screen even if it was on another monitor , any chance your Mouse is having issues or needs new Batteries ? and just isn't allowing you to select things 100% or the time? M
  21. Automatic reframing isn't on ( in pic posted) , so did you rebuild the framing/roof? after changing the spacing.
  22. Thanks Joe , Perry good information sounds like I am in the same boat/business as Joey/Bullright ,(except for the Grandkids, congrats ! ) and need to get more organised/focused too. I think Joe was saying he has a separate Details Plan Perry which he links to his layouts rather than having all the details in each Plan ,which sounds like a good idea to me ,since I am not a lover of the Library and I keep seeing Users post that there Library has "disappeared" ...again ! M.
  23. Had a quick look..... The Family Room and Deck are the only Rooms at default Floor height of 0" on level 1 dining room ,Kitchen, living, pantry etc are all at -6" Garage on level 1 is at -114" which I think explains the walls ballooning up out of the basement (you have a garage on level 0 too on opposite side of house,correct?) Front Porch floor is visible to me.... so display setting perhaps? or you fixed it before posting plan? The chimney isn't cutting thru the roof plane properly either , only the outer portion is...., look up past front porch and you will see what I mean. There are also a number on misaligned walls you will need correcting , some need aligning to below ,some up ,some both ,so only you know which way is correct. M. Edit : I just hit canel when I saw a warning message that it was look for textures (I think)
  24. No Problem ...I like your system ,now just need to implement something similar ,starting with a basic box house should do right ? so you have something to send to Layout, or did you just use a plan and layout you liked for your "templates" and adjust things as you went over the years? M.
  25. accidentally deleted my post above but thanks for the Video Perry, I like your system and need to setup something similar.. That's how I usually do it as they like to see the "Before and After" here , should work fine with Perry's System as the Proposed Plan would have everything from the Existing ,though I guess you would need to link the Proposed Plan to the (Existing) Layout File right? M