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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. please record it Scott , thanks.... I've imported it but it says there is an evaluation error ? or is that cos it isn't assigned to an object yet?
  2. Plan would help ,as we could see if it happens on our systems too , I suspect a videocard issue...laptop with Intel HD perhaps?
  3. it should show on whatever level you drew it , if you drew it on the 1st floor instead of the attic that is the level you will see it AFAIK
  4. Tada ! got it in one. checked all my other display settings but didn't think about this being a text object thanks as always..... I can't figure out why CA isn't using these capabilities somehow , seems like a no-brainer to me....
  5. Thanks Joe ,very nice but I must be doing something wrong though , I can assign the macro to an individual framing member no problem , but if I place the block and explode it , and do anything other than move it, it disappears from the screen , so I assume I am doing something in the wrong sequence or in the wrong view perhaps? ( it cant be resized before exploding either) Thanks M.
  6. Glenn did a cut and paste of the ML Buy List onto his Plan view to get what you see in his pic as I understand his later comment.
  7. The Roof heights are controlled by your room heights , but you are right about the roof planes still trying to join up despite a block wall in between them, I had to drag/pull the lower side down back on it's side of the block wall and pull the other side upto the block wall to make it work. maybe it'll help ? here is my play plan done in X7 Block Wall issue.plan
  8. you should be able to pull the Block wall up in an elevation view above the Roof line , like this as for the Doors etc just place them in the centre wall as normal , use a "doorway" to make the fireplace opening perhaps and solids or soffits to fill in the back at the correct depth. no doubt plenty of other advice will come Monday morning..... M.
  9. that works for Rafters but I have seen the issue Perry is referring to as well where Hips and ridges in some cases will show thru the finished drywall or soffit. CA also labels all subfascias as Rafters at the moment in the ML ( and this method) even though they are spec'd differently on the framing Tab etc.
  10. Under View, make sure your Toolbars are activated ie has a check mark ( it's a toggle button) if it's on there and you still cant find it, go to Preferences>Reset Options> Reset Side Windows which should set things back to the factory defaults.
  11. They will usually open the 1st time you use them on whichever screen is designated the "primary" screen by Windows but after that they should open per the way the Preferences are set ,as per Glenn's post above. Ie drag them to where you want them always , and close it , and it should open in that spot next time. might get a bit confusing if you disconnect your laptop often?
  12. Thx Joe , a little more insight gained .... is it worth watching the old x3 and x4 text macro videos or has stuff changed a lot since then ? http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?search=text+macros
  13. Hi Ray , I'm new to the text macro field too and found I had to check the evaluate box and set the context box to Owner Object to get it to work, though I'm not 100% sure this is correct , but Joe will confirm or debunk as needed I am sure either formulae above works BTW. very handy feature , now we need a Text Macro sub-forum so the experts can share/help with them .
  14. can't you just take that image and make a custom material? how-to's http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/category/8/0/10/Chief-Architect/Materials/
  15. sounds like what is called z-fighting and is a lot more common in x6 and x7 since they redid the 3D system , try some of the hints in this KB Article ,the advice under "large Terrains" works for many ie change 24" to 300" http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00107/
  16. did you install the Logitech software Scott? , I use a Logitech trackball which is great, albeit on Windows and have the scroll wheel set as the middle mouse button, with the cursor over the plan it zooms in and out , with the cursor over the scrollbar it scrolls up and down. All eight buttons are programmable on my trackball ,likewise on my 4 button mouse. M.
  17. I do Existing and Proposed Plans too , the Existing Plan is a good stepping off point (safety net) especially if the Client isn't really sure of what they want ,sometimes there are 3 or more "Proposed" Design Ideas , which sometimes leads to a "Final Design Plan " too, melding them altogether. I don't usually do a separate demo plan , though perhaps that's something I should look at a bit more. M.
  18. I would do a "Save As" of the Fire and Ice Plan ,say as "My Template Plan" to the Chief Data Folder>Templates then delete everything from the Plan file so it is blank then save it again so you would have a blank plan each time you open a new plan but still have all the preference setup as you want. Sample plans don't come with the Layout file ,so you will still need to set one up for yourself . but there are tutorials in the KnowledgeBase (KB) M.
  19. Am I missing something? ,cos that's what the Auto Roof return settings are for eg the pic below is a 42" Return with a 12" extension and hip roof (and ridgecaps and gutters turned on) why would you do it manually? Edit ...I see you found the answer while I was doing the test plan above
  20. And check Chief's RGB numbers against Beni-Moore's on their website....though I have never gotten their Cloud White to look like it does in real life even on my colour corrected monitor. M.
  21. is the ML set for Cut List not giving you what you need ? M.
  22. Until the next Nvidia Driver Update and you have to reset it all , it's a PITA Chief isn't setup with a Nvidia Auto Profile, I mean even 3D Marbles and Tetris have one. M.
  23. "I would recommend closing any running applications and reboot the computer prior to deleting the files" Yes , that's why the above batch file is best run at startup , though you can go to the Start menu item and run it at anytime from the Startup folder too. Most programs using the Temp folder will either not allow access to the file for deletion if they need it or they immediately recreate the file after deletion if needed . At least no issue here since playing around with the above Batch File. I am curious however what/why Chief has a temporary qt-jl-icons folder
  24. HD Pro is the only title that imports DXF I think . maybe HD Arch. too? The Home Designer Forum is over here: https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ You could check out Room Planner by Chief/HD for Ipad too here : http://roomplanner.chiefarchitect.com/
  25. Have you closed the Plan ( Not Chief) when trying to upload it? if that doesn't work , try Zipping the plan file instead and attaching it. M.