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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. Had a quick look..... The Family Room and Deck are the only Rooms at default Floor height of 0" on level 1 dining room ,Kitchen, living, pantry etc are all at -6" Garage on level 1 is at -114" which I think explains the walls ballooning up out of the basement (you have a garage on level 0 too on opposite side of house,correct?) Front Porch floor is visible to me.... so display setting perhaps? or you fixed it before posting plan? The chimney isn't cutting thru the roof plane properly either , only the outer portion is...., look up past front porch and you will see what I mean. There are also a number on misaligned walls you will need correcting , some need aligning to below ,some up ,some both ,so only you know which way is correct. M. Edit : I just hit canel when I saw a warning message that it was look for textures (I think)
  2. No Problem ...I like your system ,now just need to implement something similar ,starting with a basic box house should do right ? so you have something to send to Layout, or did you just use a plan and layout you liked for your "templates" and adjust things as you went over the years? M.
  3. accidentally deleted my post above but thanks for the Video Perry, I like your system and need to setup something similar.. That's how I usually do it as they like to see the "Before and After" here , should work fine with Perry's System as the Proposed Plan would have everything from the Existing ,though I guess you would need to link the Proposed Plan to the (Existing) Layout File right? M
  4. Thank P. I'm getting these two threads messed up , will keep my eyes open for parts 2-5 PS I think you video folder includes vids for your clients ? not sure if you want others to see that or not ?
  5. Not sure if you have an SSD Bob? ( I'd recommend one if not) but Perry and the others do , however Perry's Nvidia settings I am using from last yr made a difference in the 3d Rendering for me , not sure if he has changed settings in X7 (vs X6 last yr) --- you may want to lower the no# of cores you use for Ray tracing too if you want to work in Chief at the same time as a Ray Trace is Cooking.... if you use all 32 for RTing Chief will be very slow. M.
  6. file didn't upload , see post #5 for how to if needed...
  7. been here 30 mins and had to sign in 6 times ,just me? or is the forum having an issue?
  8. the thin gap sounds like the sill plate area? have you built your framing yet? no pics or plan TennVol check out my post here , 2nd 1/2 covers the attaching ,make sure plan is closed in Chief or it may post empty or not at all. https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/221-how-to-take-pics-of-your-plan-to-post-here/?hl=pics
  9. @ Perry , might be time to post your Nvidia settings again , as I see Ducksbill hasn't set any of them up on his new computer even though he has added Chief to the Nvidia 3D Page. @Ducksbill see above.....also your network Workgroup should not be "Workgroup" or you wont see any other computer or device on your network, your Tech should know that's necessary, it's an easy fix, but necessary. (Workgroup is the default M$ name and should be changed for security reasons eg to DucksBill) To those who cloned there HD to a new SSD it is worth checking that the alignment is correct..... though most Cloning software is better these days. Scroll to the very bottom of this page ( german so ignore rest) and get AS-SSD Benchmark , not only will it test your SSD's it will tell you at the Top Left if your SSD's Alignment is correct (in green) , misalignment of an SSD will cause slowness issues , and was a problem I had the 1st time I ever cloned my Windows install off my HD. http://www.alex-is.de/PHP/fusion/downloads.php?cat_id=4&download_id=9 my old computer is only Sata2 compliant so holding my SSD back too make sure you select your SDD in AS-SSD from the drop down list as it will list your HD's too if you have them. This Free Partition Manager can also check it and fix it if needed http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html M.
  10. Usually the outline only appears when you either try to place the Dormer in a location it wont fit , or it is outside the roof-plane/crossing two roof-planes at that location, usually you can select it and move it or open it's DBX and change it size ,type etc if needed and once right it will "build" if you explode the dormer you can likely delete the Roof opening so it doesn't cut thru but I haven't tried it as I normally want the hole.... you can only place them into a roof plane so that determines the level they show on.... PS if you turned the roof opening layer off in display options you likely still have an "unbuilt" dormer there somewhere too.
  11. From the Default Floor Level for that Floor by the looks of it ? (level 2 I assume)
  12. Kbird1


    perhaps still updating the website links as or something just came out a few hours ago , just got it myself here: http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/updates/updateprogram.html?program_name=Chief+Architect+Premier+X7+Windows+64-bit&update_url=https%3A%2F%2Fdigital-locker.chiefarchitect.com%2Flocker%2Fdownload%2F111%2F405%3Fauthorization%3DeyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.eyJwcm9kdWN0cyI6W3sibmFtZSI6IkNoaWVmIEFyY2hpdGVjdCBQcmVtaWVyIFg3In0seyJuYW1lIjoiQ2hpZWYgQXJjaGl0ZWN0IEludGVyaW9ycyBYNyJ9XX0.2ZUYlPog2wI6hlT7_ZDSDjsROL_CwPZ8HL7iavVD-4ZVQtlvSMqXUW47vGL0vdx2XcoImR1gRaUihgL6fZwuEw&utm_medium=software&utm_campaign=Check+for+Update&utm_source=Chief+Architect+Premier+17%0A
  13. it sounds like you are trying to send to layout from a 3D camera view of the elevation, (this will only allow an image to be sent), instead Open an Elevation view ,( from the Orthographic Camera Menu) which will allow you to send at scale.
  14. In HD it is likely easier to do a save as of the plan to a different name ( ie Porch ML Plan) and then delete EVERYTHING that is existing or you don't want included. The ML will only be as good as your model though . M.
  15. Alan is right you can't have rooms in an "Attic" in Chief , it wont allow it , so make a 2nd or 3rd storey with a default height of 0" ( or at your knee wall height if you have one) , then you should get your staircase and be able to make the space in the "attic" a bedroom or whatever as you'll be able to get a room definition now. Once you have you Attic Rooms drawn up , and the Roof correct you can turn off auto roof and then raise the ceiling to 96" ( or ?) using the Floor default height setting and the ceiling will move up but the roof will stay as it was. this tutorial may explain it better than me http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00772/ M.
  16. That is Checked but I also used "Hang 1st Floor Platform Inside foundation" in my R1 Plan ,so maybe that is it I did Auto Detail but perhaps need to change some of my Fills? to solid perhaps? I just figured I would remove them once sent to layout in a section view if needed , I guess I would need to add the Rebar too by the looks, or didn't have some option checked perhaps?. M.
  17. The main building looks to be closer to 13'-14' high to me judging off the door of the side shed. but the biggest issue that showed up in Larry's video was the fact that you have "played" with many of the walls so they weren't at default height and so didn't change when Larry did his initial run through, (only default height walls rebuild auto) some are also designated "pony walls" , some are set to "balloon through ceiling" etc. So Larry deleting and redoing got rid of all that. it was much easier to set the 3 side buildings up as 3 separate buildings and push them together, and adjust roof planes. you may or may not run into the known bug of trying to add a shed roof addition on the end of a gable wall IF the shed addition is exactly the same width as the original building , inset the walls slightly and it works every time, if not generally the roof get screwed up or dissappears. revised plan but there seems to be a lot of weird stuff going on with pony walls etc , I'd be tempted to start a new clean plan with the knowledge gained here... MERC1_R1.plan
  18. once I figured out the PonyWall's setting "top of lower wall" needed to be -4 not 4" that worked Joe few extra lines to get rid of in the cross section CAD but pretty good. revised wall type plan foundation issue_R2_new wall type.plan
  19. not sure I like the idea of soil against Brick work either , but Code here has us at 8" above grade ,so you always see the foundation/brick ledge ,I am unsure how the weep holes work well , 12"-18" off the footing, it would seem to me that space would always be damp? no termites there? but following Glen and Joe's advice as an exercise , it wasn't to hard to get your new foundation wall setup ,i'll attach the plan so you can have a look / save the wall as needed. I am not sure it is possible to get the slab 1/2 on the block foundation but Glen or Joe may know how.... foundation issue_R1_new wall type.plan
  20. Your two plans might be a good post for the Suggestions Forum , they give you a warning if modifying manual Roof Planes, so you don't change stuff by accident , why not for Manual framing? I have a project which is on a raised Pole Foundation and would sure be unhappy to lose all that cos I played with a deck railing, whether on purpose or not. Hope the rest of Sat. went better M.
  21. Sarah , Hal, come over to HomeTalk , use your same ID and Password to sign in and Post a new thread with your questions there ( copy and paste from here) https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/ Sarah it is probably best to post your plan and perhaps some pics of the problems too to get good answers. M.
  22. Yes I was able to rebuilt it auto too, but not your original framing Larry, but I was able to use your Gable Wall Plan from the other thread to paste the Custom framing back in, so you have a back plan in that thread
  23. not your day apparently ...TGIF it appears the whole floor structure is gone ? not just the deck framing strange floor setup 2x10 one side, 4" slab the other... I didn't find anything obvious , though your small gable is all messed up again and the roof return.... copy and paste in place the framing back from this morning's plan perhaps? M.
  24. Sounds like you have it well in hand .... sorry , just can't stop thinking like a Contractor when I see stuff like that..... Fir decking though , I'd say that's more than a DOH ! though must have been free wood at the time !
  25. That is a long span especially on the LH side ,12' is long even for an effective 6x6 , is it not bouncy? especially at 42" centres , I'd add another 6x6 joist in between existing I think. M.