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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. As Sherry said , that is written on every set of plans I see these days , however how would the Framer know it was a Boo Boo? However something should of been said when someone told him to cut the Rafters and flatten the ceiling , you can't just go around cutting out Structure. Since the situation is already done Err on the side of Caution, even looking at your pics how would you know that wasn't the way it was supposed to be? does it look like a compromise yes but sometimes you have to live with that especially if the Budget doesn't allow changing all the rooflines.
  2. if you clone the complete drive and don't mess with the partitions it should be fine ,otherwise you could likely screwup the MBR pointers, but if you are transferring 500GB drive to a 256GB SSD , you may have no choice, how ever you should be able to use your XP setup CD to run a repair/fix ie /fixmbr command if not autofix, once you have XP running again , do the same with your Win7DVD and do a repair install/fix too and it will setup the dualboot menu again ,fix the mbr etc. of course Reflect maybe okay at this as it should recognise "system" partitions , you might want to check out their Forums , their FAQs were pretty good too IIRC. I would recommend making the Rescue CD as it can also fix Boot issues too apparently http://www.macrium.com/help/v5/Rescue_CDs/Fix_Boot_Problems.htm
  3. Edit>Preferences>Reset>reset side windows
  4. it's under View> toolbars ...not edit
  5. you could post your plan and I could have a play , if you'd like , little lesson for me too.
  6. I usually use a normal interior wall and shape it in an elevation view as Perry mentioned ,ie I try to do it as it will be built. --- haven't tried it but just had the thought you maybe able to turn off the auto railings and draw your own railings using the solid option in this case too
  7. Samsung's Data migration is a bit limited in it's options especially if the drive size is not identical or you also want to clone the entire drive ,say on a laptop to preserve the manufacturers restore partition , the UEFI partition,system partion etc etc too. I just used the free Macrium Reflect last weekend to put an Evo in a Friend's laptop ...worked great even though we went from a 500GB (5400) HD to a 120GB SSD. Macrium_ReflectDownloader.zip rename the file from .zip to .exe to run it , it will download Reflect for you, disable the PE option 1st ,that way the download is only about 50mb ,the PE option is so you can make a Rescue disk if you ant to as well but the DL is more like 400mb and isn't needed to Clone Disks. like Avast Free they make the free version a bit harder to find but the webpage is here too if you want the downloader direct http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx
  8. X7 just crashed on me too after a save as ..... I downloaded a plan file off the forum and did a Save As so I'd have a backup to play with and Chief locked up in both Windows I had open ( I dragged a tab to my other monitor) . I got a bit further though as I had right clicked on a Wall to open the DBX when it locked up, had to use Task Manager to get out and then Rebooted. M.
  9. Every State/City has different Codes so it maybe useful to use someone local , so you may want to update your Profile and Signature so people know where you are, I maybe able to help if you don't find someone Local. M.
  10. there is a couple of KB Articles too if you need them http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00437/7/Chief-Architect/Cabinets/Using-the-Set-As-Default-Tool-to-Change-Cabinet-Styles.html and http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-01009/
  11. could you not use Dennis's idea and make it into a symbol for placement?
  12. Hi RR , and welcome to CT I personally think you are looking at this Wrong ...the Roof is not a Gambrel in the true sense, it is a Skirt Roof made to look like a Gambrel so draw it up the same way, ie you basically have a two storey house with a 10/12 roof and some skirt roofs at say 21/12,meeting at the Ridge, which makes the two storey house look like it has Dormers but doesn't , something like in my quick pic/plan below. MRP = Manual Roof Plane If you need more help with it feel free to PM me. PS one tip ...I would suggest always finishing the structure ,exterior walls only ,roof, foundation etc before adding all the interior details. Mick.
  13. just remember it doesn't allow ANY Waste automatically either so add 10% minimum even for the "Ballpark" + 10% for stuff it doesn't include like nails ,screws,bolts,hangers,glue.caulk etc etc.
  14. I think that is the ARC length Joey , the Radius is 1/2 the Circumference and you should be able to do it with a Point to Point dimension either with Center Snaps enabled (will show a circle when over center) or with Arc Centers Enabled (toggle toolbar) like this
  15. there was a similar post a while back , and it was an issue with Floor heights though your issue maybe not the same? https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4533-stubborn-porch-light/#entry39646
  16. yes Dennis is right, I was thinking the same thing , and I think this is the post, 1 wall with outer thick layer http://www.chieftalk.com/showthread.php?8233-Recessed-Windows&s=&highlight=Recessed Edit : Dennis is right twice ! that Post was made in 2004 and may disappear soon so , I brought it forward below in case .................... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Last edited by ARCHIJEF2000; 07-15-2004 at 07:32 AM. --- Select a triple layered wall; make the outside layer the thick, the thickness you would like your windows to be recessed adjust other layers to return you wall to the correct size. It might be a good idea to open the defaults dialog and set the window minimum separation to zero. Mull your windows together, open dialog box, select casing and then tick suppress casing. I think that should do it. --- I’ve decide to cut my last reply completely, and try again. I’m including a new image, with the casing, and a couple of screen shots. The wall I used has three layers. The outside layer is 150 mm, and the following two are 250 and 10 mm. Make sure layer no. 2 is defined as the main layer.( under define walls, click radio button 2.)It’s the thick outer layer that enables you window to go in and sit on the second layer. Make sure all your windows are blocked together properly, if not this method will not work. Although it will work for a single window. I think this is what you want. Use these settings Final post script: I've done some checking , an it seems the recessed box under options, will be greyed out, if a single layed wall is used, I am sure this is the real reason it would not work for you, to summarise, use more than one layer. let me know if this works for you. Last edited by ARCHIJEF2000; 07-15-2004 at 07:32 AM.
  17. There are 3-4 Free Webinars per month which are mostly aimed at New Users , there is one this Fri, and each Friday the rest of the month. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/products/livedemo.html
  18. I may not understand the Question but Chief already does that via the Import Terrain Data Wizard ...see page 741 of the Ref. Manual or help File. probably best to start your own thread if you have issues... M.
  19. exactly , and thus it is not a True Take Off for a General Contractor/Builder , so I would not use it for Bidding etc but was told they are doing some work on it for X8 and hope to improve it over the next 2-3 versions.
  20. Yes that was a bit strange , not sure why it snapped to the back , but like many thing in CA .....don't fight it , or the frustration level goes WAY up:) M.
  21. you might want to look at this thread too Alan , personally I don't trust the ML 100% and it doesn't include all the "little things" either. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4082-add-disclaimer-to-material-list/?hl=disclaimer
  22. thanks again Yusef nice work you know you can attach .calibz and .plan files right to the Post when you make it right ? ....no need for google docs..... and easier to download too.
  23. I think if you look closer especially in the case of the antique Chest that the model is actually cleverly using pictures pasted on each face , I have seen this on a lot of furniture lately eg the KARE Line and they don't import correctly as .skp's , some I have found import ok as .dae , as in this chest but not .3ds etc and others just don't work at all.