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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I saw Perry mention that he uses CCleaner to do a registry cleanup each week on another Forum thread , and I use it weekly for general cleanup , though don't do the Registry , being in the " don't fix what aint broke camp" about the registry but decided to give it a try (with a reg. backup) and X7 has not Crashed again yet though X7 usage has been less and I've used the library little since. M.
  2. Thanks Rich , look forward to the "Mona Lisa" , might even change back to the X7 icons then *** just gotta figure out their original names the forum has renamed them it seems... That was a Pita ....bad, bad forum here are the 6 new icons zipped up and named correctly... all 3kb of them... Rich's New Chief Toolbar Icons.zip
  3. have you perhaps toggled the textures off in the standard camera view by accident? on off
  4. Its a mapped Drive from his description Doug , not on his local box , and the BU software sees the "mapped drive" during BU to Dropbox. What happens if he manually rename the Archive folders to something shorter , does Chief auto change them or just write new ones as it thinks the archive is "gone" when you rename them? You (net admin) might have to make the Nas Mapping something like below with a warning to other Employees as everyones Mapped drives will need to be redone. Y:\CAR SF\CAR CF\2015 Clients\Beebe\Plans\Final
  5. I like those Rich , would you mind posting the 3 you have shown here please ...and thanks played in X7 tonight , no issues with my X6 icon Change that I found. M.
  6. You can change them back if required/wanted , see my post in the other thread about how too: working for me so far. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3860-cartoonish-toolbar-icons/#entry37273
  7. For those of you who would like the old X6 Icons in X7 , I changed them back to the X6 ones to "see" if it would work , and so far so good but YMMV as there are new Tools in X7 ,so far I see one red square ...fixed below****. the How Too: - Close X6 and X7 if Open - Rename C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\buttons to - C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\buttons_Large ( ie they are backed up) - Copy Buttons folder from X6 ie - C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X6 (64 bit)\resources\buttons to - C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\ ****Because there are 40+ new icons in X7 ,copy the contents of the Buttons_large folder back into the Buttons Folder Not copying the Conflicted files (1370, check box for conflicts) ,this way you don't have to figure out which ones are already in there. Now ReOpen X7 and see if everything is working ok To revert back delete the folder C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\buttons and rename C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\buttons_Large to C:\Program Files\Chief Architect\Chief Architect Premier X7 (64 bit)\resources\buttons Mick
  8. When done with them all Rich , please post to the Symbols Library Thx. M.
  9. if you are willing to learn another Program there is E.Cab.Systems /Thermowood which is free I have read about on other Forums but I am not aware if there is any integration with CA http://www.ecabinetsystems.com/ecabinet_systems_software.htm
  10. if you have SSA there is this one,though I haven't tried it... http://3dlibrary.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?r=site/detail/766
  11. Not here , did you check you Window's cursor settings ?
  12. Shape only lets you choose left OR right for bottom so you may need to do it as two triangle windows next to each other since the DogEar only does 12/12 I think you could also make a symbol I guess and insert it. For others who want a diamond window.... use the checkbox "reflect vertically" in the Dog Ear Arch settings ( turn off sills and lintels 1st)
  13. no expert but from watching videos by Scott I know some of the notches near the top are due to some areas having sill plates and others not ie where there is a slab. I assume you setup the garage foundation in the Foundation DBX to the same as the house? ie it is not at default still ?
  14. Yes they resized it , it is mentioned in the X7 migration Guide page 4. Formatting of Bulleted and Numbered Lists 4 Chief Architect X7 In Version X7, various improvements were made to the way lines of Rich Text are spaced. In legacy plans opened in Version X7, Rich Text objects with bulleted and numbered lists may require adjustments. 3. Chief Blueprint Font The Chief Blueprint font was improved for Version X6, with decreased top and bottom spacing. The change in spacing may increase the overall height of text objects using this font in X6 files opened in Version X7. X5 and prior legacy files will not be affected by this change.
  15. similar issue to this post of mine here , the landing rails cause issues https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3483-landing-rails-falling-too/
  16. What happens if you truncate the autogenerated no#s to say 7 digits? instead of 40 , it's not like I am going to have over a million archives in one Folder, so a 7 digit random number should suffice or even a 7 digit "counting" no# should do it, since many of us have many nested folders in an attempt at folder organisation. Did you try just shortening the Folder name in Explorer Rob? not sure if that permanent if CA's system overwrites with a new 40 digit name when it doesn't find the old one though. M.
  17. Thx Dermot , I didn't expand the Details ( that gobblygook means nothing to me) but I did hit the Report button which said it was successful , but have not been able to repeat the Crash as yet.
  18. Have I missed a video somewhere ? sounds good....
  19. seems my response yesterday isn't here ? your Printer is capable of 24x36 so are you trying to set it up for A2 ?
  20. Tonight after making a new layout and saving it (thankfully) plus a 2nd copy as a backup with a different name, I then closed the layout window and X7 crashed again but this time I got this error DBX popup before it went down.
  21. Attic is a special designation in CA/HD software , which cause roof to be built off the 1st floor framing, you can't build Rooms in the Attic (A) level either, so use the 2 storey method with open to below, have a look in the KB for an article on 1 1/2 storey/Cape Cod houses (set the 2nd storey to 0" if needed, ie no knee walls) or one on Lofts/Mezzanine Floors.
  22. I thought I had seen something familiar mentioned but gave up on AMD/ATI many years ago , always seemed like there are weird issues like this. I don't think you read the Steam review of AMM http://store.steampowered.com/app/241680 there is this free one though http://sourceforge.net/projects/dualmonitortb/
  23. No lost / line weight issues with CAD lines on my G1 GTX970 that I can see , you may get more responses tomorrow during the work week , think I have seen Doug Park comment on issues like this before too. Since I am only running 3 x 23" monitors via Displayport off the G1 @1920x1080 , I am not sure the 3.5GB limit will be reached with Chief , though I can't really tell as my old MB is only PCIE2 capable and is running 12gb of PC1600 (12800) memory and an i7-950 CPU so I think I have other bottlenecks anyway. It is definitely faster than the 2x GTX470 I was running and WAY quieter and Cooler than them too, so no real regrets on my part as yet, and hopefully wont be any once I can upgrade the rest. M
  24. KB is up again , here is the links to a split level and daylight tutorials http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00932/ http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00376/ http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00868/ http://www.homedesignersoftware.com/support/article/KB-00718/
  25. Thx for the heads up andre