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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. I use a Logitech mouse/trackball ,and don't have this issue , you could perhaps try different drivers for your mouse
  2. best to post the plan for stuff like this , there are just too many settings to guess at.... M.
  3. +1 that would be great , I hate having to Open the DBX all the time....
  4. just incase you aren't being funny ..........idle time is the millisecond setting on the Undo Preferences setting , I have seen it mentioned in another thread to try 100 (10th second) and Richard says to try 1000 here
  5. I thought it was working as wanted/expected ,as you point out Joe, but thought he was saying it still wasn't working ...at least for him... M.
  6. Maybe I misunderstand , but I opened your test plan and placed several new cabinets and they all placed with the 1/4 RD molding no problem.
  7. nice and fairly simple too ... did you put the blocking in or is it auto generated?
  8. hi Joe, I was watching the Plot Plan and Annotation CA Video yesterday and at about the 11.30-15:30 min mark ,they are playing with those settings in the PL DBX and setting up text styles etc if I understand your question correctly. it is video 5480 , can't seem to get you a direct link...... this one...http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?search=plot+plan M.
  9. Personally I don't Facebook/Tweet/Instagram etc , so sorry I can't help
  10. It wont show Sherry if the Bonus Library isn't installed
  11. Kohler , Toto , Duravit to name a few on the Plumbing Side
  12. Made a difference for me , here is the Post that Perry did with some pics of his settings for me last year, I have updated them a bit since as I now have a GTX970 , not a GTX470. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/321-nvidia-driver-settings/?hl=%2Bnvidia+%2Bsettings I also loaded the new CA Update today and got the latest Nvidia Drivers too while I was at it (350.12) and it seems a bit quicker.
  13. The Nvidia Control Panel allows you to turn Threaded Opts. on/off or put on Auto ..auto is the default (Global) , this assumes you have CA setup on the 3D management Page , Nvidia Drivers have had it enabled/auto for quite some time , as far back you giving me your Nvidia settings P. about a Year ago, maybe longer ?
  14. Hi Alan I had forgotten about these Videos on symbols done in a Workshop by Joe Carrick back in January , not sure if you saw them but the link to the videos is still working, check out post #87 too for JC's Workshop Synopsis. https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/3409-the-joe-carrick-symbol-workskhop-sat-jan-31st-at-600-am-pst/page-5#entry32191
  15. I hadn't either , but I usually leave Risers off even though I use them onsite as CA insists on making the riser the same material as the Stringers , not sure why Stringers are considered Risers or Trim though in the Material DBX though. There is definitely some weirdness going on in that plan , wondering if the Stringers are being interfered with by the invisible walls?
  16. agree with the Perry and Joey , I have seen that issue mentioned before , Intel Chip ? a picture says a thousand words ....
  17. good advice , if you have to mess with Partitions I have been using AOMEI Partition Editor lately , also the free version here http://www.disk-partition.com/free-partition-manager.html
  18. using the wrong dimension scale perhaps ? ie using 1/8" instead of 1/2" annotation set , so all the dims are piled on top of each other as they are too big.
  19. As Sherry said , that is written on every set of plans I see these days , however how would the Framer know it was a Boo Boo? However something should of been said when someone told him to cut the Rafters and flatten the ceiling , you can't just go around cutting out Structure. Since the situation is already done Err on the side of Caution, even looking at your pics how would you know that wasn't the way it was supposed to be? does it look like a compromise yes but sometimes you have to live with that especially if the Budget doesn't allow changing all the rooflines.
  20. if you clone the complete drive and don't mess with the partitions it should be fine ,otherwise you could likely screwup the MBR pointers, but if you are transferring 500GB drive to a 256GB SSD , you may have no choice, how ever you should be able to use your XP setup CD to run a repair/fix ie /fixmbr command if not autofix, once you have XP running again , do the same with your Win7DVD and do a repair install/fix too and it will setup the dualboot menu again ,fix the mbr etc. of course Reflect maybe okay at this as it should recognise "system" partitions , you might want to check out their Forums , their FAQs were pretty good too IIRC. I would recommend making the Rescue CD as it can also fix Boot issues too apparently http://www.macrium.com/help/v5/Rescue_CDs/Fix_Boot_Problems.htm
  21. Edit>Preferences>Reset>reset side windows
  22. it's under View> toolbars ...not edit
  23. you could post your plan and I could have a play , if you'd like , little lesson for me too.
  24. I usually use a normal interior wall and shape it in an elevation view as Perry mentioned ,ie I try to do it as it will be built. --- haven't tried it but just had the thought you maybe able to turn off the auto railings and draw your own railings using the solid option in this case too
  25. Samsung's Data migration is a bit limited in it's options especially if the drive size is not identical or you also want to clone the entire drive ,say on a laptop to preserve the manufacturers restore partition , the UEFI partition,system partion etc etc too. I just used the free Macrium Reflect last weekend to put an Evo in a Friend's laptop ...worked great even though we went from a 500GB (5400) HD to a 120GB SSD. Macrium_ReflectDownloader.zip rename the file from .zip to .exe to run it , it will download Reflect for you, disable the PE option 1st ,that way the download is only about 50mb ,the PE option is so you can make a Rescue disk if you ant to as well but the DL is more like 400mb and isn't needed to Clone Disks. like Avast Free they make the free version a bit harder to find but the webpage is here too if you want the downloader direct http://www.macrium.com/reflectfree.aspx