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Everything posted by Kbird1

  1. export the ML to Excel and eliminate there if needed but you can turn off categories,floors etc via the ML's Display options, you can also remove columns as needed etc. disable the catagories you don't want in Preferences 1st then , once the ML is generated use display options to show only what's needed and then cleanup in Excel if needed. Note that it only calculates what you have modelled and only square footages , eg it doesn't calculate Cinder Blocks correctly last time I checked ,( you can ouble check that here http://www.blocklayer.com/Block-CalculatorEng.aspx and all drywall is calculated as 4'x8' sheets (unless you change the DW as needed , ie it only lists what you have modelled. M.
  2. the problem is after removing the brick , the roof wasn't/hasn't (cant?) been Rebuilt ? and the roof plane under that section is short and why you also have no Frieze in that area or the other side if you look from the other direction. ie it's not the wall that's the issue it is the roof plane below that area pull it back to the Attic wall and all will be healed PS that is one busy roof plane area ! ..........Ooh on a quick spin around the house I noticed two other roof issues , see the pics... M.
  3. Pro has this Option Jim come over to Hometalk here https://hometalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/forum/5-qa/ for other questions and pls add you title and year to you signature in you User Profile ,that way you wont need to post your version all the time. M.
  4. The top LH corner is how we frame a "normal" corner now except I use a 2x8 usually to pickup the drywall as a 2x6 doesn't leave enough "meat" IMHO to attach too as Joe said. It is done this way for Insulation , years ago the RH side corners is how we used to Frame corners and Partitions but is no longer allowed as it leaves a dead uninsulated area inside the "U" , at a partition we use an "L" now, a 2x6 and a 2x8 to pick up the drywall , once again so we can insulate behind the 2x8 . My Elec. would hate me too if I did a solid corner like that, but like yours he'd get it done ,using the same technique he used on the old "U" corners all the while swearing and cursing
  5. there is also an article on Splits in the KB here http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00932/
  6. in X7 it is in Prefs>Edit in the selection section under handle size and tolerance.
  7. ahhhh what's that in post no# 8 and quoted in post no#9 I assumed you had the popup issue like me is all, maybe not? you don't need to open the library/zip on google docs just click the menu bar at the top and the download arrow/button. Have a good weekend , night
  8. The Word "download" at the top is a popup button, it should open a dialog asking you where you want to download it too , but if IE's popup blocker is on that won't happen , so when I realise after clicking for the 3rd time it isn't working I right click the button and choose "open in a new window" which usually brings up the download dialog. ( Open in a new tab might do it to???). you can also goto Tools>Popup Blocker>turn PUB off do your down load and then reverse it after. On some Sites there will ba an additional option or two like Allow Once or Always allow on this Site , though I don't know why you sometimes get those and other times not. M. bit more info as M$ if you want to look into it a bit more http://windows.microsoft.com/en-CA/internet-explorer/ie-security-privacy-settings#ie=ie-11-win-7
  9. your welcome ..it was fun actually and another good lesson , if you remember which videos numbers please let me know or if you could post a link that would be great. Thanks. Edit: Couldn't find a video on CAD Blocks but did find an article in the KB on it if anyone is interested, but Allan's tips above pretty much cover it. http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00805/68/Chief-Architect/Symbols/Editing-2D-CAD-Blocks-Assigned-to-3D-Symbols.html
  10. Level 1 as Basement Beginners luck ? ... playing with the stem wall height was what I was doing actually, as I was trying to show the rigid insulation and gravel as part of the Floor "layers" at 1st , but realised that made the Footing a lot deeper than needed , so in the end made the floor 4" conc. and 4" rigid insul. instead, and used box will gravel fill underneath instead, after adjusting the stemwall height to raise the footing back up. I noticed in your Vid. vs Larry's that you had your Basement at 0" floor height , vs -97" in Larry's so I assume after placing your Terrain Perm that you need to set it at around -110" to make level 1 a basement? , that may actually work better as I had some trouble building my 2nd and 3rd floors , with the heights jumping to "default" eg suddenly level 2 was 192" not 96" a couple of times, and head wise it might be easier too figuring out the heights On Joe's note , it was infact a steeply sloping site where I saw the technique talked about last time, Sites are rarely flat which is why I was interested in this,however around here even crawlspaces need poly VB and a 2" slab poured. I did not go as far as doing the foundation plan so now Perry has me wondering... I guess a few others need to do a quick sample plan so different ideas are seen , I have heard this idea talked about numerous times but have never seen any examples till Larry's Vid (thx again) , so I am still not sure of all the ins and outs. Thanks Guys and Gals... M.
  11. Thanks for the Vids Larry , been wondering about this technique for a while , so they were the push to have a play I was wondering why your weren't using the floor in the Room after watching the 2nd Vid. so decided to have a play, I see in the 3rd vid you fix that Joe is right the Basement Walls and Floor are usually separate pours up here, as they get insulation and often heating in them too , and this technique works just fine as far as I went , no foundation level was needed , but perhaps in a Walkout situation it maybe useful? Perhaps we need a new thread for this technique perhaps in the new Tips Forum? I'll attach my Play Plan if you want to have a look Sherry (and others) Level 1 Basement Play Plan.plan
  12. Thanks Allan great lesson , if you happen to know the Manual Page you gleaned that from I should probably do a little more reading , it was what I was supposed to do with/after pushing the "insert " button that had me stumped. Too make symbols you need to be in a total empty plan though as everything gets added to a symbol when you convert the 3D items. We might need a third hand in this as I haven't figured out how to make curved edges in OUR CV symbol but here is what we have so far after a bit of "play" this afternoon. M. The Real Deal and what I came up with ( on the right for you smartass's ) and if you'd like it Central Vacuum Inlet_Square.calibz
  13. What with Popup Blockers, Ad Blockers and now Tracking Protection Lists , I am always having to think about how the webpage designer probably designed/programmed it to happen, lots of Sites use popups but you can't always put a Site you use all the time on the "safe list" but there are way to many malicious websites to allow Popups through Willy Nilly these days....
  14. Good we can help each other , how did you alter the 2D Block and Text ? I wasn't sure how to get rid of the B in the Blank symbol , and the Manual wasnt too helpful ( or I searched the wrong term?) so I just chose that other one that was available. If the 3d is important you would need to open the symbol in a empty (blank) plan , in a 3D view and then alter it with Primitives or polyline solids I believe but I am not really up on making Symbols myself , only messed with it a few times makinf Cedar boards etc nothing to complex. M.
  15. @Yusef Once again thanks ! @Lew There is no library ,you need to download the zipped file ,open the plan , and save the windows to your library , if you have a popup blocker on the download button at the top won't work. Edit: to save others that issue here are the windows in a library file....labelled looking from Outside at the Corner, let me know if I doesn't import correctly Corner Windows by Yusef.calibz Use the "Slam" method to get them to join in the Corners , at least that's what worked for me.
  16. I was surprised there wasn't one too , so I made one out of the Blank Outlet in the Library and Changed the Label and CAD Block to an existing one I preferred, it doesn't have the hole or anything I didn't get that involved but here it is if it's any use to you.... Central Vacuum Outlet.calibz
  17. +1 great idea a Chief video on Layout and the Project Browser http://video.chiefarchitect.com/?search=project+Broswer Is there a reason , (for example performance) , that CA doesn't automatically create a Layout file from your default Layout Template in the same folder, when you save the Plan for the 1st time ? or would that be a bad idea for some reason?
  18. Kbird1

    X6 To X7

    you can have both , x7 will bring forward your User library etc , it should ask during the install when it finds x6 already installed , but I think you still need to click on the library Menu and "Install Core Content" for Chief's default Libraries....
  19. I found you had to draw the "break" walls/room divider 1st , then the railing ,or drag the railing over them afterwards or it didn't work.
  20. and we have a Winner I didn't know it did that either ,always thought it was either imperial or metric per plan only , even though it displays both if needed. here Surveys are in decimal feet not Feet ( a PITA), but I've never seen one in Meters either , guess it depends on which City you have to please... I'd be surprised if the Surveyor can't convert it at the touch of a button on his equipment too though.
  21. use the reference layer as noted above and then the Align Wall Tool in the edit Toolbar if needed http://www.chiefarchitect.com/support/article/KB-00475/38/Chief-Architect/Floors/Turning-On-the-Reference-Display.html and I'd suggest watching a lot more of the training manuals and downloading the Reference Manual PDF too , or you are only going to get more and more frustrated, this is complex software. please check out this thread Too https://chieftalk.chiefarchitect.com/index.php?/topic/4969-learning-to-use-chief-architect/
  22. I guess you misunderstood Dan ? as I have/had already done it for her in Post no# 6 and placed them in a Zip file with the Originals for her.
  23. Thanks Yusef another useful technique , I haven't played with Ramps much before , looks like I'll have to investigate that more too. Thanks for the hint , wouldn't have found that layer without it ... M.