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Everything posted by Dermot

  1. As far as I know, X13 should work the same as X11 in this regard. See picture below. If you are experiencing different behavior, then please report the problem to our technical support team.
  2. See if this helps:
  3. If you are running X13 on a mac and you get this message: Then please contact our technical support team. We have had a number of people call into tech support with this problem but so far we have been unable to duplicate this problem on any of our internal machines. We think that this means that there is a problem on your system related to file permissions. In all cases that have been reported, the file was on the system but it could not be read by the program. We are still investigating this problem but we are trying to get as much information about it that we can. If you are getting any of the other error messages, but not the "No message available" one, you should review this tech article: And if all else fails, please contact tech support:
  4. Assuming that you used the bay window tool, it depends on whether or not your bay window is set to "Show Component Labels" or "Show Single Label for Entire Unit". This setting affects the labels as well as how it is treated in the schedule. If your bay window is set to show a single label, then unchecking "Include in Schedule" will remove it from the window schedule. If you don't want any bay windows in your schedule, you can also turn off bay windows using the "Objects to Include" options in the schedule specification dialog. If your bay window is set to show the component labels, then all of the component windows will appear in the schedule. You can use the tab key to select any of the component windows and uncheck "include in schedule" for the ones that you don't want in the schedule. If you don't want any of them, it is easier to switch to show single label to remove them. Hope this helps. More information can be found in the reference manual and/or the training videos.
  5. First, don't panic. "Using Active Defaults" does not really mean anything is actually wrong. All it means is that your current selected defaults don't match any of your saved default sets. If you use the "Edit Active View" tool and go to the "Selected Defaults" panel, the program will show you exactly what defaults the view is currently using. By reviewing them, you should be able to tell which default(s) are not set to what you want. One easy solution is to just choose the default set you want to use from the drop down list and update them all at once. This is what default sets are for, just a way of quickly changing all of your defaults in one step. As far as "creating havoc on notes" is concerned, you haven't really explained what the problem is. If the problem is that your notes do not look correct, then my best guess is that you are currently using the wrong layer set. If the problem is that whenever you create a new note that it is using the wrong scale or other attributes, then my best guess is that you are using the wrong note defaults. As a general rule, layer sets will control the current display of objects while the defaults will control the creation of new objects. Either way this should be easily fixable by making sure your selected defaults are set appropriately. In addition, I would highly recommend that you review the training videos we have related to default sets and layer sets. Probably best to look at these when you don't have a deadline though. Hope this helps.
  6. The program will place an interior or exterior door based on the room types, not the wall type. Your "deck" is not an exterior room type. It is unspecified. This makes the program treat it the same as it would any other interior room. The program will always place an interior door between two interior rooms. If you would like to place an exterior door, you need to make the room an exterior room type (such as a deck or porch). You can also just place an exterior door on another wall and then move it to the wall you want. In X13, doors will retain the interior/exterior attribute that was set when they were first placed. In prior versions, door types could change if the room types changed.
  7. If you would like the program to work differently, then please submit a feature request.
  8. You should either post the plan or contact tech support. My best guess, is that either your start heights or end heights do not match. Looking at your picture, it looks like the stairs start very close to the edge of a room. If one of the stairs thinks it's outside the room and the other thinks it's inside the room, then the start heights won't match. If the stairs don't have the same heights they won't wrap (miter) together. There could be lots of other reasons though. If you post the plan, then someone could probably figure it out pretty quick.
  9. Check to see if you actually have You can find your version using Help>About Chief Architect.
  10. Two partitions blocked together?
  11. This setting was moved from preferences to plan defaults. This way if you send the plan to someone else or a different computer, the hinge indicators won't change direction because the preferences are set differently.
  12. The program tries not to update the preview too often because this can cause performance issues. If this is something that you think is wrong, or don't like, then you should report this to tech support. For now, you can always manually update project browser previews anytime you want by using the update button at the bottom of the browser.
  13. How come you haven't contacted tech support yet?
  14. I would recommend starting with the training videos:
  15. Just drag the end of one line to connect to the end of the other. If this is not working for you, then you need to provide more information (such a plan) or contact tech support.
  16. This sounds very much like a problem with your video card and/or its drivers. These kinds of problems are usually very specific to your particular system so another person's experience may be completely different. The most common solution is to update your video card drivers but there are many other things that can be going on as well. First, see if this tech article helps: If not, or you need more help than the article can give you, then please contact technical support;
  17. Just to clarify, this is the way the program is designed to work. When you have a custom counter top, it should have a backsplash along any edge that is against a wall when it is over a base cabinet that has a backsplash. If your custom counter top is over multiple base cabinets, the program will use the first one it finds to get the backsplash attributes (such as the height, thickness, and material). The "Side" and "Always Present" backsplash options in the base cabinet dialog have nothing to do with this. Since a custom counter top can be any arbitrary shape, above multiple base cabinets, and against multiple walls, it is an all or nothing thing. You either have a backsplash along a wall or not and the program is simply not able to determine what side of the polyline should be considered a "side" or a "back" like a cabinet can. In Jonathan's situation, you can get rid of the backsplash completely by opening the base cabinet and turning it off (you don't need to turn off the counter top, just the backsplash). This will also turn off the backsplash along the back wall. You can then manually add a backsplash on the back wall using the custom backsplash tool. In jcdurand's situation, I am 99% sure that your custom counter top is over a base cabinet that has a backsplash. If not, then you should report this to our technical support team so that we can look into this further.
  18. The recessed lights should be pointing down by default, even when the fixture is being rotated to mount flush on a sloped ceiling. The actual direction the light is pointing is controlled by the Tilt Angle and the Direction Angle. Turning on Show Position in Camera view will give you a nice little indicator showing you where the light is actually pointing. If you are sure the light is pointing where you want and you still don't see the light in your camera view, then the problem could be something completely different, like the light is not actually on or it is not actually located where you think it should be. At any rate, if you need more help you should probably post a plan. If you think you have found a bug, you should contact tech support.
  19. Sounds like it might be a bug to me. Of course, there is nothing anyone can do about it unless you post the plan or contact tech support.
  20. Have you tried merging them? The other issue is what are you doing that is creating all of these duplicates to begin with? It would probably help if you posted a copy of the plan. If all else fails, you might want to contact our tech support team.
  21. If you are using automatic deck framing, you can specify the default size for your footings with the other deck structural controls. If you are manually editing your deck framing, then your footing is just a slab with two arcs. You can edit the size the same way you would any other polyline based object. One quick way to resize it would be to use a concentric resize.
  22. I agree with Michael that if the appliance is lower than the counter top that it probably should not affect the counter top overhang. It is almost always best to report these kinds of problems directly to our technical support team so that it gets on the todo list. In this case, I think the easiest way to solve your problem is to just convert that counter top into a custom one and then drag it over the refer and up to the wall. This assumes that you want it under the counter top. If not, you can still just create a custom counter top and avoid the automatic behavior. Anytime the automatic counter tops aren't giving you what you need, you can usually just use a custom counter top instead.
  23. Please post a plan that demonstrates the problem or even better, report this to our technical support team.
  24. Debbie, We are unable to reproduce the problems you have described. I thought that I had found a problem with the dimensions picking up cabinet openings when they shouldn't but it turns out that you are modeling the upper unit using individual partitions instead of cabinets. In this case, the dimensions appear to be picking up cabinet sides like they are supposed to. Please read the information I posted above to Robert. If you are trying to add new dimension marks manually, you may be running into the same problems. If this is not your problem, then please provide our tech support team with more information about how you are drawing and/or modifying your dimensions. It's important to include things like what tool you are using and whether you are drawing them (left to right or top to bottom).