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Everything posted by Dermot

  1. Just to be clear, when you send your view to a cad detail the roof planes are converted into cad polylines. You can always tell what kind of object you have by simply looking at the status bar when you select it. You can then edit them just like any other polyline (including using the trim and extend tools). If you need to edit them as individual lines, then you can use the Disconnect Selected Edge tool. Some more information about using the cad tools can be found here: But all of this begs the question, are you sure that you actually want to convert your roof planes into cad and then edit them? You could get into a situation where what you are showing in your roof plan does not actually match what is in your 3D model. You might want to let people know what you are trying to do and they may have some better suggestions for how to get what you want.
  2. I think the "use any floor" is a great option for someone that already knows how to use saved plan views. For people that don't, they will still have problems as soon as they change any of the other settings tied to saved plan views such as layer sets or reference display.
  3. From your description it sounds like you are sending views to layout that are linked to a Saved Plan View. If you change anything associated with the Saved Plan View, such as the active layer set or the current floor, then this can affect your layout views. If you send multiple views to layout all linked to the same Saved Plan View, then they will all update any time you change something. Here are some ways to solve your problems: - You can stop using saved plan views by switching your Saved Plan View Control that appears in the default toolbar to "None". You can also do this in your default template so that new plans won't start in a saved plan view. - If you are using X12, you can decide whether or not you want your layout box linked to a Saved Plan View in the Send to Layout dialog box. Just make sure the "Link Saved Plan View (name)" box is unchecked when you are sending. - You can unlink a layout box from a saved plan view by opening the Layout Box Specification dialog and setting the Linked Saved Plan View combo box to "None". There is also an edit toolbar button that will allow you to link or unlink a layout box from a saved plan view. - You can learn how to use Saved Plan Views. If you use a different saved plan view for each layout view, you won't have to worry about accidentally changing them. Saved Plan Views can greatly improve your productivity so that you can just switch views instead of having to change lots of settings all the time. More information about Saved Plan Views can be found in the reference manual or in this video:
  4. Please see this tech article: If you still can't solve the problem, then please contact our technical support team during normal business hours.
  5. See if this tech article helps:
  6. "...I want a wall at and above the level of the stairs" Assuming that I am understanding what you want, you might try drawing a normal wall next to the stairs (not under them) and then edit the shape in an elevation view to raise up and angle the bottom of the wall to match the slope of the stairs.
  7. "Is there a way to increase the size of the labels in elevation views ?" Yes, the same way that you change the size in any other views. You change the text style associated with the layer used for the labels (as shown in Eric's picture above).
  8. This sounds like a problem with your video card drivers. Maybe the drivers were updated recently? You might need to go back to an older version. At any rate see if this tech article helps: If not, then you might want to contact tech support during normal business hours.
  9. I would probably do this differently than Gene. No reason to use another program unless that is something that you prefer. You can take any newel symbol and trick Chief into cutting it in half for you by using it on a railing. Railings have the ability to turn off everything but the newel posts and you can specify the start post as a half post and the end post as none. I would probably place a flat panel behind this and then convert this into a door/drawer front symbol. You can then use this new drawer front along with one of the rev-a-shelf symbols as your drawer box. In the picture below, the thing on the right is really a railing bumped up against a cabinet partition. On the left is a base cabinet with a single drawer, a custom drawer front, and a rev-a-shelf insert. pullout spice rack.plan
  10. You are basically trying to put a square peg in a round hole. It looks like you are using a library door symbol for your door. Symbol doors can be stretched to fit most square openings but there is no way currently to stretch them to fit into an arched opening. You can use a parametric door (as Eric has suggested), such as the Glass Panel type shown below, which the program will then be able to fit into the arched opening. You will not be able to match the framed panels at the bottom though. If you need an exact match for the door in the picture, you will probably need to build your own symbol door that matches the shape of the arched opening. Also, you might want to use a broken arch instead of a double arch for this doorway. More information about the arch types can be found in the help section for the door dialog.
  11. Here are some videos on dimensions that you may find helpful: In particular, you may want to review the video on Automatic Exterior Dimensions.
  12. Both the Microsoft SQ1 and SQ2 processors are ARM processors. Currently, ARM processors are not supported. I am not aware of any workarounds that would allow you to install or run on this tablet. I think you would have to get one of the Surface models that comes with either the i5 or i7 Intel chips to run any Chief Architect products. More information about system requirements can be found here:
  13. That's not really a crash. That's a warning message that says the program can't create any backups for your file. You should read the message carefully and then you might try clicking on the "check knowledge base" button to see if there is more information. If you still can't figure it out then I would recommend that you contact our technical support team during normal business hours.
  14. The most likely reason that you are experiencing performance problems is because there is something specific in your layout that is causing them. They could also be related to a problem that is specific to your system or how you have it setup. Asking someone post a video of how a different layout works on a different system probably won't help. Asking people to try and guess what might be causing your specific problems is also not a very efficient way to solve this problem. Someone might get lucky, but I wouldn't count on it. It would be far more useful if you posted the layout and plan files that you are having problems with to see if someone else wants to check the performance on their system. This may help you to determine if it is a problem with the layout or with your system. If you are lucky, one of the more experienced users might actually be able to tell you what it is in your layout that is causing the slow down. You may also want to consider contacting our technical support team. If there is something particular in your layout that is causing a performance problem, then they can log a bug report so that the development team can look into it further. This is the best way to make sure that these kinds of problems get found and fixed.
  15. See if these videos help:
  16. Please delete your other post. No need to post duplicate questions. You can control the crosshairs in your Preferences dialog under Edit. You can control the automatic dimensions under Default Settings, Dimension, Auto Exterior Dimensions. Turn off Auto Refresh Dimensions. If you select an automatic dimension and delete it manually, the program will ask you if you want to turn off the auto refresh. If you want this to be the default for new plans, you will have to create your own template plan and set this up as your default for new plans in preferences. I highly recommend the training videos, especially the quick start series:
  17. You might want to look in your reference manual under "Importing 3D Data".
  18. You can have window headers using multiple header label formats. It's actually pretty easy to do, but I would also have to agree with Michael that it can be rather confusing. See attached picture and plan. Just open each window and the window defaults and look at the differences in the Header Label settings. header labels.plan
  19. You might want to check out this help article: I assume you are talking about plan materials. I would bet that all of those materials are slightly different. The easiest way to tell what is different is to group select them in the Plan Materials dialog and use the Edit button. Anything that is different should be set to the "No Change" state. If you want only one version of the material, then you can use the Merge tool.
  20. Here are some roof videos that might help:
  21. My best guess is that it is a video card or video card driver issue. If you want to double check this, you could post your plan to see if others have the same problem. You may also want to check out this help article while you are waiting for more info from tech support.
  22. I still suggest that you go and watch that video series on dimensions. It may take some time but I think it could greatly reduce your confusion. My best guess is that you don't have your locate objects setup correctly. From the picture, it looks like the dimension is locating the wall center but it could also be locating an object that is hidden by the wall or maybe something even less obvious. I doubt anyone will be able to give you a more informed answer unless you were to post the plan along with a good description of what dimension tool you are using and how you are drawing the dimension. And if you, or anyone else, finds a case where a dimension locates an object that it should not, then please feel free to report this to our technical support team.
  23. Cursors can sometimes get "stuck" (at least under all versions of MS Windows that I have used). This is most likely due to either a program bug or system error. In either case, if exiting and restarting the program does not fix it, a computer restart should.
  24. I would highly encourage you to watch this video series:
  25. There are lots of different ways to do what you want. - You can use the "Text Line with Arrow" tool to draw a segmented line the same way you can draw normal segmented lines. Just click near the endpoint of the arrow line and draw another segment that should automatically connect to the previous segment. Or you can right-click to draw multiple segments at one time. - You can select an arrow line and use the "Break" tool to add a break point the same way you can with normal lines. - You can select an arrow line and use the diamond shaped edit handle that appears off the end of the arrow to draw another connected line segment the same way you can with normal lines. - You can use the Leader Line tool to create a segmented arrow line along with the text object. The maximum number of segments that are created can be controlled in your preferences as well as whether or not the text object created is rich text or plain text. Please note that you can always create a leader line with less then the maximum number of segments by just clicking near the end point of the previous segment. More information about text and leader lines can also be found in this video: