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Everything posted by MoeGia

  1. I haven't seen this since I posted, although I've been taking some time off. I did update my graphics driver last week. And I also have a Logitech wave keyboard and Logitech M-something mouse.
  2. This happened to me yesterday with a door selection. The mouse wouldn't release the door selection. I can't give any other useful information about what I was doing. I did have a few other mouse related oddities (copy pasting between floors or plans). I assumed it was operator error. I'll keep an eye on it and report it.
  3. I had this happen in X13 too. They were pony walls. I sent it in and was told to switch to see the upper wall connections (they were narrower walls) to use the 'connect wall' tool successfully. It was a plan brought forward. The walls were all connected so....
  4. I have the Surfacebook 3 as well. I was having the same issue. The computer seems to drop the connection to the NVidia card. You can reconnect it by going to Device Manager and 'scan for hardware changes' and it will find the card. You'll need to close and restart Chief for the software to use the NVidia card. The Surfacebook will disconnect the NVidia card when you remove the screen for table mode. I don't use tablet mode much so I don't know why it keeps disconnecting. You could force the reconnection by removing and reattaching the screen too. I suspect the hinge/tablet interface is the problem; not a tight connection or doesn't support the weight. In working with Chief during Beta, the Chief folks don't seem to have the same issue with their Surfacebook. I have the 15" screen, maybe that's the difference.
  5. I bring lots of old plans forward. Chief makes it very easy. I wouldn't hesitate to migrate plans to a new version.
  6. You can use 'edit area all' to flip a plan horizontally or vertically in one move (I flip about a current point located at the center to keep things in the same 3D space). I think you'll have the same issues with your labels not flipping. I'm not at my computer to check, just wanted to give another option. I still have text that I need to flip manually.
  7. You cannot customize Chief's installed libraries. You can customize your 'User Library'. I'm away from my computer but this should get you going. Create a new folder. Go back and select the manufacturer folder you want to customize. Right click, select copy. Browse to your custom folder, right click, paste shortcut. The folder will be copied to the new location AND will maintain the link to Chief's folder to stay up to date when you 'update library'. It'll take some time but I think it's worth it if you like to see everything together. If you copy/paste the folder to the user library you will lose the ability to update the user library folder. Copy/paste shortcut maintains the update link. I have my user library set up with shortcuts to the core, bonus and manufacturer's catalogs by category. It works well for me.
  8. Sometimes I have to shift select while using the 'edit layout lines' tool to activate some lines. If you have overlapping viewports, the lines will be unselectable. You can pull one viewport back to slect the lines.
  9. Use two 2' doors pushed together. The hardware is two pieces but you could add a polyline solid to visually connect them. Doesn't report correctly. it would be a nice addition for Chief to give us. It's a popular option.
  10. I miss the sneak peak too. I only check in in the mornings. The 'next unread topic' would jog my memory. It's more cumbersome now.
  11. Desktop! It's not a problem for small plans, but if I have a lot of views it's just easier for me to strip the layout. I hate waiting!
  12. I usually create two layout files toward the end of the project. I copy paste the layout and delete the 3D views from the working drawing layout so I can move more quickly. Then I can combine the view pages from the full layout with the working drawing pages in a PDF editor. Not ideal, but I can move along a lot faster.
  13. When Chief was reinstalled, it put it's files in it's default location. If you open Preference you can see what folder paths Chief defaults to. Look at advanced options. I'm not at my computer so excuse my generalizations. I'd also look on the other machines as well so you understand how Chief works with folder locations. You can import the catalogs from your CA X11 folders. Any catalogs you got while on X12 won't be there, but it's a start. Does Dropbox have a recycling bin? Maybe your catalogs we're moved/deleted there. Do you have backups of the downloads? Good luck.
  14. Yes Joe, you're correct. I just want an easy way to get info out.
  15. I think it would be great if Chief's Global Macros could be modified to report data such as percent glazing. In my post above, I started with the global room area and tried to multiply it by .08, which you can't do. I didn't understand that those macros don't work with ruby. I accept that they don't, but I don't have a enough of a grasp of Ruby to understand the nuances. I'm glad to see others have requested it in the past and it's on the list.
  16. Thank you. I'd love to see global macros 'shortcuts'. It would be a huge help to those of us that need info out but don't understand the Ruby world. With my limited understanding, I can do a lot of damage pretty quick!
  17. Following along, I'm wondering why the Chief supplied macros don't work with multiplication. Room.area.internal is Chief's macro, which doesn't work with multiplication. Yet Room.internal_area does. It seems like the program supplied macros should be editable. Obviously macros aren't my forte!
  18. Marvin makes a stacking door in wood/clad frames. One end panel swings out, the rest can be unlocked and slide back to a stack, or pivot to stack at the end.
  19. 'Regular text' (not 'rich text') is more stable. You could try using 'regular text' to see if that reduces/stops the issue. Use rich text only when you need it. You can set the default in Preferences.
  20. I didn't watch Eric's videos but if you only want interior finish dimensions, I would set up a new dimension default that dimensions to the face of the finish. I call my default 'As-built'. I don't use auto dimensions, only manually placed dimensions.
  21. It's a known issue. I have reported it. You should as well. It's a time sink with templates and really frustrating when creating multiple options to show the same views with the various options. Keeping the camera views the same allows the customer to easily compare the views. I've started sending JPGs because the layout views do not remain at the same zoom level when the plans are relinked.
  22. I like your idea of the 'suitcase', Ivan. This might be a good way to save design options. Some jobs require multiple design ideas and I find copying files and renaming can be confusing when I go back to a job months later. I'll give this a try. Thanks.
  23. This is a typical double hung sill. In the northeast we use this type of windows 90% of the time. A flat sill would allow wind driven rain to pass under the sill into the house or wall.
  24. Windows need some attention. They are basically blocks in a rough opening. No sill profile is a big problem and has been noted numerous times. I would never measure the glass size from a CA generated window. I go directly to the manufacturer's information. Doors are similarly quirky, but I won't go there.
  25. If you open the 3D view and your model is very far away your building is most likely too far from the origin (0,0). Or you have an 3D object very far from your model. that's causing Z fighting. You can search that term here for more info. Look for objects far away--In plan view zoom way out and marquis select the entire screen. the offending object, should be selected in the bounding box. Delete it. Do this for each floor. To find the origin, place a point and set it to 0,0. If 0,0 is a long distance away, you'll have to move your model closer. I'd use the Edit Area All Floors, Transform Replicate to move it closer. Make note of the distance you move it because your elevation and section CAD will have to be moved that distance too.