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Everything posted by MoeGia

  1. In your Layout, select the view port you want to rename, open it and go to the label tab. There you can rename or suppress the label.
  2. I start with a 1.5 inch floor, build the roof, then raise the ceiling height as needed for the dormers. I always build dormers manually. With our insulation standards we are now sitting the rafters on top of a 2x6 plate which sits on top of the floor. I almost always have an attic level floor.
  3. Larry, I can print to my HP110 printer in Windows 10. The old drivers work fine. I cannot print directly from Chief to the 110, as was the case in Windows 8 and X7. I can print from PDF without issue. Windows 10 is a good OS. I have been using since it's release. Where it shines is installing printers and other devices, which could be troublesome in W7. The only reason to avoid it would be incompatible older software or printers.
  4. Attached is a round brick texture you might find useful; it's a radial design, not a sunburst. The pattern isn't correct, but the texture might work. Make a circular slab, or terrain feature and apply the texture. Radial Bricks.calibz
  5. I have had this happen and it happened again this morning. I was copy pasting text items and CAD. One piece of the text would copy, nothing else. I closed and reopened Chief and copy/paste worked fine.
  6. Wow! They should be very pleased with that presentation! Nice work.
  7. Photsketch is another app that will do it outside of Chief.
  8. I've used small curbs to create property lines in 3D, or convert the CAD lines to molding polylines with a small square molding. That might get you what you need.
  9. Yes, I exported my entire X7 User Catalog and imported it into X8 without issue. If you have shortcuts to bonus and manufacturer catalogs you will have to import those catalogs to get the textures to show up.
  10. You can also export your entire User Library. All shortcuts will remain intact. It saves a lot of time when upgrading if you have a highly cutomize User Library.
  11. Yep, same here with my Surface 1 (2-1/2 years old) and with a brand new Surfacebook. I was able to get back up and running on both.
  12. I believe you will have to reimport all of the bonus and manufacturer catalogs. I usually save them somewhere on my computer so I don't have to re-download them all. I would do this step first before importing your User library. To migrate your User Library over: In the X7 library, select the user folder, right click, select export library. Open X8, select library, import and browse to the file you just created. All your User library will be imported, complete with any shortcuts. Next step; Library, Update Library Catalogs to make sure everything is up to date
  13. Open your X7 template in X8 and save as your X8 template. I also copy paste my hotkeys and toolbars folder in my X8 folder. I rename the shipped hotkey and toolbars folders prior to copying so I can go back to them if I need to. Everything moved forward seemlessly. And I tweaked my X8 preferences to match X7. Very fast to set up.
  14. Make sure your window is set up correctly. Open the window dialog, verify the correct size, then go to the framing tab and verify/change your framed opening size. You should be able to get the rough openings dimensioned correctly between the dimension settings (looks correct) and the window framing set up.
  15. Nice tutorial! You should post it in the tips section. Thanks
  16. Starting with a single annotation set is a great way to start. Work with it for a while, then when you see a need for a second, add it. Soon you'll have a full set that will get things done quicker. And I agree that the whole thing is a little complicated and frustrating. My biggest complaint is all the clicking within the dialog box. It would be so much easier if when you called up a set you could see all of the pre-sets without having to open each item. If the interface resembled X7's wall dialog box it would be much easier to see what you have and make changes without getting lost.
  17. Do all 3 pieces have the same head hieght? It looks like the door is taller. Not at my computer to check.
  18. Yes, while my HP drivers are new, they are older and troublesome. I'm planning to move to Cannon when the time comes.
  19. I had a similar problem early on in X7. I had inconsistent results (dropped .JPGs, cut off sheets) printing directly from Chief to my HP plotter. I now print to PDF first, then plot and don't have those problems. I would try printing to PDF and see if it resolves the problem. Also contact support.
  20. I typically draw a walk-out basement on floor 1 with the foundation plan on floor 0. It allows me better control of plan display, wall heights etc. It has it's own challenges, but is a better way for me to get a clean foundation plan, and a basement plan when needed. I have my template plan set up with the basement on floor 1.
  21. I'm not sure what I'm doing but it may be related to having similar anno sets, or it may be related to moving quickly between views. I'll try to pull something together but am out straight right now. BTW, this is exactly about fine tuning the system. I can work with it as is, but if I am annoyed by this behavior, what are new users thinking? Thanks for backing me up Scott!
  22. I use the layout this way too. BUT, when you're working on framing and want to keep sections (or elevations) up to date with text, it would be wonderful to be able to move between plan and 3D and have each hold it's assigned anno sets. Cycling into the layout to get to the correct anno set is an extra step. I can do it, but I don't want to. If it can remember it there, why can't it remember by switching views???? It breaks the flow and seems like an inconsistency to me. Not to mention it's one of those things that trips people up. When I think about folks learning this program now, I am very sympathetic. This is one of those got ya's, that would make everyone's life easier. How many times a day to you go to the anno set drop down and change the set because it's showing 'using active defaults'? Too many times for me! I bounce around between views a lot!