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Everything posted by MoeGia

  1. Hi Suzanne, Another way to selection something in a congested area is with the Tab key. The Tab key will cycle through selections in a tight area. In the case above, when you try to click the light but get the cabinet, hit Tab and the next item will be selected, hit Tab again until you get the light. You should be able to select it if the layer isn't locked. HTH
  2. I reported the issue and it was confirmed by tech support. As Jason noted, it's caused when dimensions are included in the copy selection.
  3. It's a known issue as it's been reported. I hope a fix is coming soon. In the meantime, I'm blocking the entire detail before copying.
  4. Steve, thank you for sharing your time and knowledge. Your work is beautiful and inspiring! Looks like I'll be spending some time on rendering today. Thanks to everyone else too! Lots of good information here.
  5. I would call that a bug; the order should be the same as in any other dialog. I just submitted it.
  6. It should work. My guess is the railing wall is not connecting with your dormer wall properly. Try a short perpendicular invisible wall where the two wall types meet. That should give you your room definition.
  7. Plus one. I would prefer to set my arrow attachments to the first line as well.
  8. You can back into the correct size pattern and texture by trial an error. In an elevation view, draw a brick the size you want. In vector view, modify your pattern to be the size of the brick. Then change to standard view and modify the texture to fit your CAD brick. It's fiddly but works and will help with figuring offsets.
  9. Create a second floor. Set the default ceiling height at 1.5". create rooms over the garage and for the large dormer to 24" or whatever height you think the knee walls are. Mark your gables and let auto-roofs do it's thing. Tinker with the heights until you get what close to what you want. You'll have to do some manual editing. Turn off auto-roofs and adjust. Set the default ceiling height to full ceiling height. The front dormer roof eaves will have to be manually pulled down. .
  10. In X15 you can fade elevations and sections so things in the distance appear lighter. Click on the camera symbol in plan and look for a faint (very faint) duplicate camera line which starts and stops the fade. You can pull it back and forth in the direction of the camera to change how the elevation appears. I'm not at my computer so may not be giving you the proper directions. Try the help files for proper instructions. PS. I'm not sure the fade is automatically set with cameras in plans brought forward, but it's a good feature to understand.
  11. That frame along the floor is pretty but not practical. Your toes will be banging into it every time you use the sink, and it'll be a nightmare to clean under there. Not a vanity I would want. That's not answering the question, but just my two cents.
  12. Make sure you have Chief set to use the RTX. Your laptop may have an onboard video chip that Chief is using. Go to Preferences, Rendering, Video Card Status and tick the 'Use RTX'. Also check this thread:
  13. From a design perspective, I would move the windows into the porch, or out of the porch. Or I would add a second window to each side with one in the porch, and one outside. Or I would adjust the size of the porch to avoid splitting the windows. I think it would look much nicer. My two cents.
  14. I'm in Massachusetts and we are using the 2021 IECC with Massachusetts amendments. The allowable HERS ratings are lower, with trade-off credits allowed for electric heat pumps, solar, etc. You need a solar ready zone and setup for future hook-up. Electric vehicle charging WIRING is required, not installation. Large additions now require a HERS rating. An ERV/HRV system is required. There are many trade-offs. For instance, IECC says R-60 in the ceilings but with the Stretch Code, but we can still do R-49. I wish it was one size fits all. For Massachusetts, tighter requirements are coming in July 2024. Best to read the documentation!
  15. Another great contribution to all of us. Thanks Chris!
  16. I'd prefer to have solid blocking. The ladder framing creates lots of cozy spaces for bees unless the top and bottom are screened.
  17. There are some in the library that may work for you. Or may be a starting point to get exactly what you are after.
  18. I would try an outdoor room that includes the stairs. The terrain will naturally cut around it which will be much easier to deal with.
  19. It's time for a refresh of the deck framing tools. Decks are much more refined than when the deck tools were developed. They need some love!
  20. You could set up the elevations in your template plan and template layout plan. That way they are already present in the layout. When you start a new plan from template, drag your cameras to the locations you want. You'll still have to adjust the width of some layout boxes, but it'll be a good start. You can also copy/paste cameras and relink now so you can copy/paste template cameras to a non-template plan, and relink. I also do this with details. It saves some time.
  21. In my experience this happens when I have a roof over (covered deck). I've since checked retain framing and it has resolved.
  22. I have seen it multiple times in X15. When I reported it, I was told to check 'retain framing'. It's different behavior from X14. Maybe it was a bug before???
  23. To move an irregular shaped area, draw a polyline around the area you want to move, select it, then select edit area (all floors?), transform/replicate and move the desired distance.