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Everything posted by MoeGia

  1. I set my deck beam to be 1/8" x 1/8". The posts build to the almost correct height. I then move them into the correct location. It solves half of the problem.
  2. I'm not sure about the first message. For the second, you'll need to install the missing font on your new computer. Maybe you can go back to your old machine and copy/paste the font to the new one. I don't know how it works on Apple products, but that's what I would do on a PC. Or, if the font is only from the Country website, paste it into a text document and change it to a system font, then paste into Chief.
  3. You could make a polyline solid 'billboard' outside the window and apply your image to that. The solid must be large enough and back of the window(20'?) so you only see the polyline solid though the window.
  4. Follow the import to Sketchup in the video and then you can import that into CA as a symbol. You could use the imported symbol as your terrain, or trace over it with the terrain tools. Not as easy but it will work. I almost always use elevation regions to approximate the terrain. It's quick and good for a general site.
  5. You have to customize the settings on both devices to match. My Chief files are located in the cloud, on OneDrive so my files are shared between my two devices. My laptop screen is smaller than my desktop so I arranged toolbars as I wanted them to appear. Then I go to the desktop and see how the toolbars appear there. Continue to tweak as needed. If your files are stored on each device, you can copy/paste files between the two devices to get a better starting point. I suspect you'll still have to modify the toolbars due to the change in screen real estate. The advantage of the cloud is if you make a change on one device, it'll be reflected on the other. It takes some fussing, but can be done.
  6. My default deck bm is .1" x .1". The posts then built to 'the almost correct height'. After I'm sure there won't be any further design changes, I manually move them to the proper location and modify the framing as needed. Hopefully, we'll gain control of these beams soon. It's long overdue.
  7. Chief's default location is 'My Documents'. It seems you can just tell OneDrive to backup that folder. If you want the files only in OneDrive, create a Chief folder there. Install Chief to its default location. Copy your files from My Docs to the new file. Open Chief and go to Preferences, locations (not at my work computer for exact names). Redirect Chief to look in the new location. Close the program and reopen. Chief will find the files in your new location. I chose to put all the library files in my Library Database folder to keep reinstalls or moving files easier. Here's my OneDrive setup.
  8. I'd do it all manually. Chief is a bugger with mid-level hieghts. Since you've got things the way you want them, add your roof and posts manually and move on. Question 2-- Wouldn't that wall return to the foundation? The sides have to be retained too? To your point, I agree the footing should extend around the end of the fountation wall. You could try an invisible wall at the end, or return the foundation and make that invisible. I'm not at my computer, just throwing out a few thoughts.
  9. I'm left handed so buttons on the left side aren't usable. My hands are also smaller so I prefer the smaller sized Logitech. I used a tablet and pen for many years. When they introduced varied pressure to the pens, I gave up. I couldn't reduce the pressure sensitivity enough to work in Chief. I have lots of keyboard shortcuts, and add more as I commit the most used to memory.
  10. I had the same message in my digital locker. I called and my credit card was on file. I'm not sure why some people can renew online and others can't. It didn't take long to call since the information was all there but it's something to plan to do during business hours.
  11. File, Export, choose the desired file type and 3D or individual floors, etc. I'm away from my computer, but this should get you going in the right direction.
  12. Building on what Chop said, you could assign one can to the 'ceiling' light, and assign the other can to a fixture you don't use so they would both be available in the electrical fixtures. Or you can add custom icons for any library item you would like. You could add them both to your electrical toolbar (or other). There's a lot of flexibility for creating custom library icons.
  13. I have an Alienware R9 and am not having any crashes with Chief or otherwise. Is the 8 GB in your signature RAM? If so, that may be your problem.
  14. This one drives me crazy. A layout template seems like the perfect solution, but it's a PITA to get the live views recropped and repositioned every time. This template feature should shine when showing clients multiple options but I've started sending screen shots because it's more reliable and efficient. I've reported it. Please do the same so we can get it fixed, including the PDF size, blurriness, etc.
  15. Same here. Makes me think I'm back at a Town Hall Dance listening to In Aggada Da Vida. Not a bad thing but....
  16. This is how I have been handling it. People seem to use the reference set to show stairs so I was hoping I was missing something. Thank you,
  17. Is it possible of a lower level stair set with a break line to appear without the break line in the reference display? Showing the break on the upper level isn't correct IMHO. I would like it to appear as a full stair, just as it does in an open below situation. Two stairs on different layers, one with a break line, one without?
  18. I use a version of the extended toolbar for everything. Same toolbars in all views. I like the tools in the same place (muscle memory). I use empty spaces to keep things stable. I'm not sure if it matters but, I sync my Chief folder between my desktop and laptop. The screen is smaller on the laptop so I had to arrange my toolbars to fit that screen, otherwise when I switched to the desktop, everything was messed up. Rob, in you CAD screenshot above, you have the three little arrows at the end indicating there are icons off the screen. That always caused trouble for me. One I got everything on screen and spaced correctly with empty space icons, I no longer had moving toolbars. I don't switch between toolbar modes because that seemed to be a problem for me. I never seemed to be able to switch back to my default toolbar without the jumping icons and having to reset toolbars.
  19. Another and quicker way: Select the door icon, then shift select all the doors. Make your changes. If you need some doors out of the selection, you can control select each individually. For windows, select the window icon. You are now in window mode. Shift select all the windows. You can use this same selection method with any icon tool (cabinets, electrical, roofs, windows and doors, etc). Getting into the desired mode basically creates a filtered selection for that mode alone.
  20. This is one of my favorite architectural details. I use them a lot on my houses. Love it at the kitchen sink! I too wish the box bay tool worked better. If it did, I might have one on every house!
  21. Hi Dermot, I had this happen again on another plan a few days ago. I haven't sent it in but will try to by the end of the week. Folks, please send your plans in so this can be fixed. In my case, it was reproduceable on one elevation but not another.
  22. Hi Dermot, Even with 'Show Single Label for Entire Unit' checked, the component windows still appear in the schedule. This did work, but was broken at some point (X13?). Currently, you have to open each window and check 'suppress label'.
  23. Assuming you had X12 or earlier on the laptop, you can migrate your library and defaults after an installation. This will bring your User Library into X13 as well. I'm not at my computer but I believe it's in preferences. Then you can update catalogs to download all the content. If the laptop is new, it's more difficult but you can move the desktop files to the laptop, or a cloud, and update catalogs.
  24. This was in reference to the OP's first question regarding slow layout speed. Live views slow the layout down. I often copy my layout file for final construction plans and delete all camera views so the layout doesn't bog down. Others turn their live views to plot lines so they can effectively work, then turn them back to live view for printing.
  25. I have sent these issue into tech support. 1. Some people turn their camera views to plot lines to speed up layouts, then turn them back to update on demand to print. 2. Frustrating for sure when you're trying to show a client multiple options. The best option I've found is to copy plan and layout to a new folder and not change the plan name. The layout will stay linked. The downside is all the plans have the same name. It also makes having a default layout template (with views already sent from a template plan) less than ideal. Please report it so we can get it fixed.