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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. Haven't seen what you are experiencing but I have my handle size at 10 and I think it gets smaller as you zoom out, but really is the same size relative to the plan,
  2. I can't believe this hasn't been fixed yet.
  3. Sometimes **** happens, I would just delete that wall a place a new one
  4. Search here for laptops, there is a lot of discussion about this.
  5. He's the curmudgeon , he has the right to be grumpy
  6. You can post the plan including the camera view and see if it's a setting or video card problem.
  7. You might have something way off in the distant Neverlands.
  8. Because my eyesight is getting worse, I would like to have something like room planner, just don't see it at this time. Maybe in the future.
  9. I'm running X5 on 8.1 without any problems
  10. In the past I've also had a problem with older lib items, text, getting shorter, not by me doing anything to it. Easy fix but I have a lot of lib items to fix, just open select text and check auto height and width and save to lib again. I wish each new version wouldn't do that.
  11. Here is a movie of my setup and blink. http://screencast.com/t/TYXiS7RKHYNn
  12. Yes I wasn't concerned about wall type, just wanted to show where you could adjust this. Thanks
  13. The is fully adjustable in the wall definitions DBX, It also works for drywall, siding whatever.
  14. They have, Rt's are a lot faster then they ever used to be.
  15. Also make sure you are using the NVidia card and not the on board built in card that a lot of laptops have.
  16. Not a workaround, listen to Glen, that is the tool for connections, now you can have any connection you want. I thought you wanted just to keep 2 walls from connecting.
  17. It work fine for any amount of floors for me
  18. I don't think so, only way I know is to change the label in the layout. if you set up a template layout page, you never have to do it again.
  19. Sorry to see they didn't fix the Ariel view re-fresh problem.
  20. Just change one thing in the new wall and they will not combine together , like layer, or make it 1/16" thicker. I add a different fill for new vs. existing.
  21. Well, this was a long time ago and I'm sure things have changed but I have always liked the way Chief put together a set of Construction doc's much better than Softplan. Chief was much easier to learn. Being on my own with no help from anyone, I needed to learn this as fast as I could, I didn't have time to mess around learning so I just went to a Class for Chief in San Diego and asked some questions and Bam, it all made sense. This forum is also the best there is. Just ask and you shall receive. I wanted to get my money back from Softplan, mainly b/c back then they didn't do mono slabs. Talked to the VP there and he said to keep trying and I did that. Then my refund time ran out. Chalk it up to my stupidity.