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Everything posted by DRAWZILLA

  1. I have Softplan and would never go back, even though I'm sure they have a lot of new features since I bought it.
  2. I don't use Norton's and had the same problem. I use ESET
  3. This happened to me a month ago and they know about it, should have been fixed by now but I guess not.
  4. Yes, its been that way for a long time
  5. You can create a thick wall and create an opening and it will show stucco by changing Some of the materials, it won't frame correctly though. I would use walls, looking at that picture
  6. Nice in depth analysis of both methods, you are deep. Thanks
  7. I attended classes in San Diego a few years back. What was good about that was , you could ask any question you wanted, and get an answer back, kind of one on one in the advanced course. You always get something out of it. I still do, except now it from the nice people here.
  8. You can also set the end windows and use the space evenly tool.
  9. Very nice Jim, You should start doing these, video's are king. Feel free to throw in a few jokes about me, I can take it. JK
  10. Joe, is the master of that stuff and Symbol building. Actually the old ChiefTalk post had exactly what I was looking for. It also included the pattern lines by Bryce. With Gawdzira's texture and Brice's pattern, it worked great for me. This is why this forum is invaluable thanks
  11. We need more info to answer that question. Please post the plan and be more exact about what you want, and someone here will look at it for you.
  12. We have been asking for that kind of tool for a long time now.
  13. It says video is private, can't watch
  14. Thanks, I found that old thread in the old chieftalk I found if you use watercolor ,you get the pattern.
  15. The file is missing the "wow" siding texture. Close enough, I'll detail it
  16. Thank you , you are the official Godzilla now, I bow down to you.
  17. Has anyone seen a siding like this. I have this photo but it not square to use as a material. I just can't get it to work out. Thanks
  18. Thanks guys , that "'wall framing off" will get me good enough to finish the plan, but of course I like to have it on b/c I'm always moving things around at this stage of the design. I'm just glad someone else can confirm it so it can get fixed.
  19. One way is to make your drawing a large on your screen ,as you can, before sending to the layout or printing. Another way is to ray-trace it b/c you can adjust the resolution there.
  20. Thanks,Scott It may be your apple system handles it different, for me I get at least a 30 second freeze and you know that is forever. I have sent all this into TS, lets see if they have any ideas. They should at least send it up the ladder now that others are experiencing the problem but please don't close the ticket until fixed.
  21. Thanks Alan, I'll give it a shot but I really want it fixed soon. Thanks
  22. Yes, Joe I really don't have any problems with camera views just section/ elevation views right now. Thanks