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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Have a look into "Inserts Into Wall" for a symbol (which you can hide). And then select the symbol and use "Edit Wall Cutout Polyline" from the Edit menu. You can drag the wall hole around and edit it to any shape. Its a little tricky to use the first time but once you know how, you can cut any shape you want. It works the same in X10.
  2. It's working Ok here. I am not sure what could be happening.
  3. Try Export Thermal Envelope Data. Export to ResCheck seems to work for me, although I don't have ResCheck so I can't test it 100%
  4. Chief calls this a Half-Hip Roof. This pic is auto roofs with a full gable wall and Upper Pitch checked. Then a couple of quick edits to the gutter polylines to get them as per your pic. Normally though, we would build these without the sloping gutters. It is easy to do either way. For the sloping gutters, select the roof by that edge and turn on Gutter On Selected Edge. For the flat gutter on the eave return, unlock the Roof, Gutters layer and in plan view drag another section of the gutter molding polyline along the eave return.
  5. Another way: Temporarily make the rear existing slab foundation wall No Room Definition. Select the roof plane and on the Edit toolbar, select Build Framing For Selected Objects. Change the rear existing slab foundation wall back to a room definition wall.
  6. What do you mean by Do you mean no plan is open?
  7. I got it directly from Chief many years ago, I think when they were first introducing terrains It is something I have always remembered
  8. It may help this process to remember that an Elevation Line is just a series of Elevation Points at about 24" centres.
  9. You could try using a terrain and then converting to a symbol. I think the sail will be fairly easy, but the frame is the difficult bit.
  10. Renee, As far as I can see, when you replace the gutter from the library, it disassociates the gutter molding polyline from the roof. It is then a molding polyline with no association or connection with the roof. You can easily edit or delete this unneeded gutter molding polyline and then auto generate a new one that is associated with, and attached to the roof. This new gutter will be the same one you used to replace the original gutter. I am not making any comments as to why I think it happens, if it should happen....etc, I am just relaying what I have observed.
  11. That should happen automatically. There are a lot of screwy things going on with this plan which I don't have time to play with at the moment. This is OOB (except for the red material).
  12. I think there is a bit of confusion here. I believe the OP was talking about the ends of the walls (where the brick wraps around the end). In that case Resize About doesn't apply. He was not talking about snapping along the length of the wall. Like this: There are a couple of ways to do this that immediately spring to mind. 1. Select the wall, click on the temp dimension along the walls length, use a + and the extra length needed, you can also select both ends or one end to change the length of the line. 2. Snap a room divider wall perpendicular to the wall so that it snaps to the end of the main layer, drag the room divider wall over and snap it to the cad line, the end of the wall will drag with the room divider.
  13. Renee, I haven't had time to look at your video more than these comments are based on a quick look. Are you sure that you are not seeing the consequences of unlocking the layers for the molding polylines like Roofs,Gutters, Roofs,Trim, etc. They are probably locked for a good reason, ie, to force the use of the roof planes and not the molding polylines. Once you do that, the molding polylines become disassociated from the roof plane and exist by themselves. You can then generate the moldings from either the roof dbx or the molding polyline dbx. Each time you do this by rebuilding the roof you end up with more molding polylines. All that, coupled with the various default settings for the moldings and settings like auto, on, off, can lead to some confusing results. If I get a chance, I will have another look and try to consolidate my thoughts. The small remnant moldings you see are probably the result of a hidden molding poking it's from behind another molding. In the meantime, I will look forward to a response from the people at Chief.
  14. Toggle on Temporary Dimensions at View>Temporary Dimensions.
  15. Joey, The big problem with doing that is you stuff up the auto processes like roofs, foundations, floors...etc.
  16. Break the wall Assign a new wall type to the bit you want changed Simple as....
  17. There was a post a couple of weeks ago that dealt exactly with this situation.
  18. Have you tried turning on Auto Refresh in the dimension defaults? This will delete the existing auto dims and auto replace them when you change anything in the plan that will affect the auto dims.
  19. Have a play with Wall Material Regions and the Materials Layers and Cut Finished Layers of parent Object settings. And do a search as this has been covered previously.
  20. Turn off the "Walls, Through Wall Lines layer.
  21. You need a Top Rail specified for the railing to display in the schedule. I guess it makes sense in one way because if there is no top rail, it really isn't a railing?
  22. Find In Plan IS an option in the Material List - see my previous post. If the material is assigned to an object contained in something like a dormer, bay window, mulled unit, architectural block, the parent object will be hi-lighted in the plan view.