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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Your question is a bit ambiguous, but the second answer (apart fro Dermot's reply) is: Preferences>Edit>Behaviors>Behavior Indicators And apart from toggling on Auto Rebuild, you can do it as a one time action at Build>Floor>Rebuild Walls........
  2. Alan, I can't duplicate that behaviour. I can type in the text field no worries.
  3. You might be able to use a backdrop - either a Generated Sky or a Background Color. And just to add to Mick's post, I use the large Terrain and then a very thin (10mm) Terrain Feature for the property.
  4. OK, like this? It looks a bit weird with the different pitches and gables/hips. Are they all meant to be the same pitch? All auto roofs. I am not quite sure about the hip on the right - can you clarify?
  5. Why not use a schedule and you can even have lots of options in a couple of seconds?
  6. I am running this setup without problems.
  7. To go upstairs just drag the end of the walkthrough path up the stairs. Stop anywhere along the stairs. Chief will automatically continue the path up the stairs and continue it on the upper floor. When you go up to the upper floor, the path should automatically be there, select it and start editing it.
  8. Are you prepared to spend any time on learning how to use the program?
  9. Hi Jason, My best guess is that you have Fixed Proximity checked for those stubborn dimensions. You can change it here in the Fixed Prox column on a dimension by dimension basis: Or here as the default - I would normally have it off in the defaults:
  10. Open the Schedule for Level 2 and change the Schedule Number Start to 7. And on the General panel, make sure Include Objects From Floor is set to 2 (for the second floor). As you add or delete doors, you will need to change the starting number in the other schedules. Do you want something like this? Or, what am I missing? You can renumber the schedule by using.....Renumber Schedule on the Edit toolbar.
  11. Schedule Specification dbx>Labels panel>Schedule Number Start.
  12. Johnny, A Frieze is really just a Molding Polyline that shows properly in cross sections.
  13. Use a Frieze. This is just a quick one from the library. You will need to create your required frieze molding profile.
  14. You need to make this wall on the upper floor a Knee Wall. The side walls need to be High Shed/Gable Walls. Horizontal Walls need to be Hip Walls. Auto Build Roof. Have a look at the Roof panel of all the walls on the attached file. mono roof.plan
  15. Ivan, I can think of one reason, but there may be others. You don't have column headings set to display in the Schedule Specification dbx - check your note schedule defaults. Temporarily turn on the display of column headings to see what is happening. Chief sets the column width from the length of the column heading text - wether it is set to display or not. So...check the length of the column name under Columns To Include in the Schedule Specification dbx.
  16. Have a look in your dimension defaults and/or search Help for Primary Format Panel. Check Display as Inches to display the dimension number of sufficiently short segments in inches rather than the Unit selected above. This option is only available when the specified Unit is a form of either feet or yards, or a format that includes feet. The Less than or equal to value specifies how short a segment must be before its number uses inches rather than the specified Unit.
  17. I will have one guess. Preferences>Reset Options>Reset Side Windows.
  18. I think what is happening is caused by the dimension line being moved past the location grip. ie, if you drag the dimension line past the location grip, the marker and text flip over to the other side of the dimension line. It's a bit hard to explain. Try dragging the dimension line to the right and the marker and text should flip at some distance. Is there any hidden building to the right of what is shown? Can you take a screen shot while the dimension is selected so that we can see the end of the extension line grip. Or can you post the plan.
  19. Sorry, I misread and thought you were talking about plain polylines - I missed the rectangular bit. Are you using the rectangular polyline tool or are you using Continuous Drawing Behaviour?
  20. I am not sure about X2, but in X14 it is Preferences>Cad>Options>Connect CAD Segments Probably still the same.
  21. Try using a railing (with Follow Stairs) wall instead of the railing attached to the stair tool.