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Everything posted by glennw

  1. Another quick way to make a wall recess is with a Wall Material Region.
  2. Another way to inset the shutters: Place one of the shutters from the library, copy and butt it up against the first one. Group select them and convert them to a symbol, during which you get the option to Show Advanvced Options>Options>Special Placement>Inserts Into Wall>Depth. It dosn't show the cutout in plan though - but easily fixed. Not that you would want to, but you can then change the shape and size of the cutout. This way may not have enough options or flexibility to suit you particular case, I am just throwing it out there on the off-chance it may be useful.
  3. You can't change the ceiling height with the roof settings - can you explain what you are trying to achieve. You can raise a roof plane by locking it's pitch and changing the Baseline Height.
  4. It could be a couple of things but try this first. Preferences>Appearance>Colors>View Colors>Selection Line and Selection Fill. Are these settings the same as your background color? Or better still, post the plan so that we are not guessing.
  5. You have some of the rooms on level 1 specified with a Floor Structure of concrete with zero thickness. Change it to Default - I changed some of them:
  6. Thanks for the video Steve, that is exactly how I did it.
  7. Do you want something like this - all auto? Tip: This starts off by using the "Minimum Alcove Size" setting and then progresses from there.
  8. I haven't explored it fully - I was just playing around, but you may be able to get away with using a Rafter Tail and a negative Extend value. This will enable you to stop the rafters anywhere you like relative to the subfascia and still use auto roofs and auto framing. I just grabbed a simple rectangle from the library in this case - you may need to create a custom one. There are 2 layers in the Roof Structure, 1 for the sip panel and 1 for the rafters. In this pic I left the fascia and gutter on so you could see what is happening.
  9. A bit like this on a gable/eave junction?
  10. I believe the OP is talking about the MENU bar, not the TOOLBARS. I occasionally loose my main menu bar and am then left with the truncated menu bar that displays when there is no drawing open: But I have never lost the whole menu bar.
  11. Distribution Paths are only available in plan view. Have you tried Cad>Boxes>Insulation?
  12. It looks like we now cannot Revolve a Face (which has no thickness). I can Revolve a Face by first Extruding it a little to add some thickness. Maybe this is a result of changes to Solids that have been made over the last few releases. So it seems like at the moment we need to draw a Face, Extrude it a little (1mm) and then Revolve.
  13. Can you post a picture of your wall definition dbx? Is your stucco wall layer a main layer? If so, make it an exterior layer.
  14. Try using a Room Divider Wall in place of the blue line - you may have to move the room divider away from the corner a bit to get it to work. Then snap the end of the thicker wall to the room divider. You can then move the room divider left and right to drag the end of the thicker wall. Your wall definitions will make for a pretty crazy junction. You may then need to use the Edit Wall Layer Intersections tool to clean up.
  15. Try making the walls invisible instead of turning the wall layer off. Normal walls cut through a floors Finish Layers so turning off the display layer the walls are on still leaves the floor finish cutouts. Invisible walls do not make the cutout in the floor finish layers.
  16. You can get something like this from the library.
  17. Is anyone else still getting the disappearing toolbars and have you seen a solution? I have submitted a bug report and I am waiting to hear back.
  18. Sorry, but videos without some sort of running commentary are too hard for me to follow - you have sound, why can't you use it to explain what is going on? The first thing that springs to mind is that when you step floor or ceiling levels Chief substitutes a wall with thickness so that there is wall between the change in floor/ceiling levels. ie, you cannot have a zero width wall defining a change in floor and ceiling levels.
  19. Hi Brian,

    Yesterday I sent a bug report regarding toolbar problems through the beta reporting facility.

    I just wanted to make sure that process for reporting bugs was still working.

    Did you receive my bug report?


  20. You can build the frame out as per your diagram.
  21. You might also investigate the use of a Material List Polyline (draw it around the extents of the drawing) which has it's own default (or on a case by case basis) and in which you can select from a whole range of options and objects to include/exclude from the ML.
  22. I am not sure I follow you 100%, but I think this is what you are talking about. You can specify a Layer Set that only reports objects on selected layers in the ML. There is already a Materials List Layer Set included that may get you going. This is from an existing ML: . And this is in the defaults: