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  1. x15 I still have this problem , Did you ever find a solution.
  2. I found a better method for grass! I just copy the normal map from frosted glass and paste it into the Bump map for grass #7 and increase the texture to like 3. I also increase the scale of the image file and darken the color a bit. This looks like nice clean grass without over loading my computer. Its still not perfect because you don't get individual blades of grass but it gives the light something to bounce off. I think it does the trick
  3. You Sr. are the Hero I didn't know I needed. Thank you. This is a real game changer.
  4. WOW, this works amazing. One issue I'm experiencing. Ray Tracing this much texture seams to be murder on my computer.
  5. You guys rock, This will do most of what I was asking! I am a learn as I go chief user, and I really appreciate everyone's suggestions. Previous line of work was CAD and Revit only. So I get hung up on trying to make the program do what I want with old info. lol. This will work for all my doors, windows, electrical and so on, if I understand it right!!! Thanks! I can make custom schedules that are per unit and just link the crap out of it. Also, macros are intimidating and I will likely steer clear for a bit. I appreciate everyone's suggestions, Thanks!!
  6. I understand it is a software program. I was looking for a way to trick the program into reading the single building as multiple. Not because I think it is sentient. If your draw two different buildings in one plan file, it will give you two different total "Living Area" tags regardless of the walls inside, however once the two buildings are connected the total Living Areas merge. I was trying to separate the total "Living Area" but with connected party walls. I was looking for a setting or "split" of some kind. So the program would read it as separate buildings, with multiple total "Living Area" tags. I know I can manually find it for each unit. But I was hopping to have the computer just updated the information for me automatically. I do not plan on doing multi family often, This is the first time I have done one using Chief. And was having a hard time achieving the result I was looking for, Hence my question. Thanks I will use this for schedules. I just wish it could read the units as separate buildings, to update automatically as I am still in the engineering design faze. From what I can tell, Multi family is not one of Chiefs strong points. Thank for the replies.
  7. I'm working on a 4 unit and 5 unit condo project. After spending forever and a half adjusting the ceiling heights for the stepped units. I'm now having a hard time getting Chief to understand that they are "separate buildings". I just want the total areas, and the schedules to think of each unit as separate buildings. Right now it groups the entire floor area. Is there anyway to do this? Some way I can get Chief to see the individual units as separate buildings? Or am I whistlin dixie? I'm using Premier x12 Thanks for your help
  8. Steve, Does your experience still hold true? I cant find any info from after 2014!? I have been eyeballing the Surface pro or Surface Studio.
  9. I know this is old. But i have found that Opening the PDF in Adobe I can edit the PDF taking out anything i don't need. Then i just save as a JPG and the image quality is much better than a screenshot of the PDF. When i bring it into Layout it doesn't slow my machine and the print quality is as good as the original PDF.
  10. I was trying to copy a schedule from one project to another, I understand that without placing a tag and giving it the information, the schedule will be blank. However i was trying to forgo having to re type each tag for every plan, like importing in the info, or something similar. Thanks for the tip about saving the Detail in the template, however this does not solve the dilemma of having to re-type the note/schedules in the other 8 projects i have going on. I am a new chief user for a new company and they needed layouts quick. So i made all the projects without having a Template set up. I am building the drawings/construction doc from scratch. I can now make a template with all the info i need but this doesn't help the existing projects. I guess my next question, can i copy and paste a whole house into a new project file that used the template?
  11. Hi, newish chief user here. Premier X12. Is there anyway to copy schedules between different projects. I have my schedules in Details, so I can send it to mutable layout pages per plan. But if I try and copy/paste the schedules from one project to another, it just shows up blank. Is there anyway around having to re-type the schedules between different projects.? Also how can I place a pre-existing numbered note-tag? If the number 4 is already assigned and I want to place another number 4 note tag, is my only option to copy/paste the tag or can you change the number on a fresh note-tag
  12. Hi, newish chief user here. Premier X12. Is there anyway to copy schedules between different projects. I have my schedules in Details, so I can send it to mutable layout pages per plan. But if I try and copy/paste the schedules from one project to another, it just shows up blank. Also how can I place a pre-existing numbered note-tag? If the number 4 is already assigned and I want to place another number 4 note tag, is my only option to copy/paste the tag or can you change the number on a fresh note-tag